Prerequisite: Child Development/Interpersonal Studies / Office Phone: 281-324-1845 ext. 7215
Class Location: D 121 / E-mail:
Endorsement: Public Services-Education and Training / Conference Periods: M,T,F – 9:53 – 10:39
Th –7:20 – 9:00
BinderNotebook PaperDividersBlue or black ink pens
TAFE Membership ($10)CDS Certification Book ($30)
**Other supplies may be needed throughout the year for specific projects.
This technical laboratory course addresses knowledge and skills related to child growth and development from prenatal through school-age children, equipping students with child development skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children and investigate careers related to the care and education of children.
- The student explores the teaching and training profession.
- The student understands the learner and the learning process.
- The student communicates effectively.
- The student plans and develops effective instruction.
- The student creates an effective learning environment.
- The student assesses teaching and learning.
- The student understands the relationship between school and society.
- The student develops technology skills.
- The student understands the ethics and legal responsibilities in teaching and training.
- The student participates in field-based experiences in education and training.
Field Site Attendance = 20% You can be dismissed from the program for excessive absences.
Daily Grades = 30%
Major Grades and Projects = 50%
Attendance is critical. A student who anticipates an absence should notifyme in advance. In case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes and assignments. The State of Texas requires that students attend class 90% of the time to earn credit. Extensive absences will be addressed by the Attendance Committee.
Makeup Work
For anyclass missed, dueto an absence from school,the teachermayassignstudent makeupwork based on the instructionalobjectives forthe subject orcourseand the needsof theindividual student in masteringthe essentialknowledge and skills or in meetingsubject or course requirements.
A student will be responsible for obtaining and completingthe makeupwork in asatisfactorymanner andwithin the time specified bythe teacher.[For furtherinformation,see policyEIAB(LOCAL).]
A student is encouraged to speak with his or herteacher if thestudent knows of anabsenceahead of time, includingabsencesforextracurricularactivities, so that theteacherandstudentmayplan anywork that can be completedbefore or shortlyafter the absence. Pleaseremember the importance of studentattendanceatschool and that,eventhoughabsencesmaybeexcusedorunexcused, allabsencesaccount for the90 percent threshold in regards to thestate laws surrounding“attendance for credit.”[See alsoAttendance for Crediton page15.]
A student involved in anextracurricular activitymust notifyhis or herteachersahead of timeaboutanyabsences.
Oneday will begivenforeach day absent.
Ifa project has beenassignedpriorto an absenceduewhile the studentwas out, the project is dueon the firstday the studentreturns to school. Teachersmayassign alate penaltyto anylong-term project in accordancewithtime lines approvedbythe principaland previouslycommunicated to students.
Late Work Policy:
10 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late up to three days. Assignments more than three days late will be accepted at the teacher’s discretion for a maximum grade of a 50.
The classroom is a place for individuals to come together with the common purpose of improving their intellectual and academic skills. All students deserve a classroom environment that is free of interruptions or distractions that impede learning. Because active participation in class discussions is essential, it is important that all students are fully prepared for class each day. The class will design a Social Contract for acceptable behavior and all students will agree to these norms.
Huffman ISD upholds the core values of learning: honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and accountability. Huffman ISD embraces the belief that all learners – students, faculty, staff and administrators – will act with integrity and honesty and must produce their own work and give appropriate credit to the work of others. Fabrication of sources, cheating, or unauthorized collaboration is not permitted on any work submitted. Any instance of cheating or academic dishonesty will result in a discipline write up and may also result in a zero for the assignment.
Page | 1Revised August 2015
It is the policy of Huffman School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its Career-Technology programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.