College Transition

Course Information and Class Procedures

(Note: This syllabus is subject to change, and the instructor has the right to change any information if necessary.)

Instructor: Ms. Jeana Cleaver Conference Periods: 5th and Advisory

School Phone: 281-577-2890 School email:

(Note: The most efficient way to reach the teacher is by email. However, in the case that email is not possible please feel free to call or schedule a meeting time during conference hours.)

Textbook: TBD

Supplies: You will need to bring the following items:

A.  1 ream of printer paper

B.  Tissues

C.  A charged Chromebook

D.  Pen and/or pencil

E.  Paper and/or notebook

Course Outline (Subject to Change)

Each grading period will have the following major grades: one essay, and at least two vocabulary tests. Some grading periods will also require students to complete a project and/or a reading and writing comprehension test.

First Semester

Vocabulary: Word study

Reading: Non-fiction articles, short stories, poems, and Night by Elie Wiesel;

Writing: Creative writing, persuasive/argumentative essays, revising and editing, literary analysis, and literary response

Mid-term Final: Reading and writing comprehension

Second Semester

Vocabulary: Word study

Reading: Non-fiction articles, poetry, drama, short stories, and To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee;

Writing: Creative writing, expository essay, revising and editing, literary analysis, and literary response

Final Exam: Reading and writing comprehension
Class Procedures

1.  Make-up Assignments: You are responsible for ALL missed assignments. It is your responsibility to pick up any work you missed for the day(s) you were absent. If you have questions about the make-up work, please see me.

2.  Late Work: Full credit for a daily assignment may only be earned if the work is turned in on the due date. A zero or partial credit will be determined by teacher discretion.

3.  Quizzes: Note quizzes, vocabulary quizzes, revising and editing quizzes, reading-check quizzes, and/or journal checks will be assigned at the teacher’s discretion. Thorough note taking and completion of journals is a requirement of this course and will be checked through the use of announced or unannounced quizzes and/or journal checks.

4.  Grading Procedures: Daily grades (daily work, quizzes, annotations, etc.) equal 40% of your final average; test grades (tests, essays, and projects) makeup 60% of the final average.

5.  Major Projects: These will be assigned periodically during the school year. Project due dates will be discussed at the time they are assigned. If you choose to turn in a project after the due date, 10 points will be deducted every day from your project for up to three days. After three days, a zero or partial credit will be determined by teacher discretion

6.  Tutorials: Tutoring is available before school on a daily basis. Tutoring after school will be available Mondays and Thursdays.

7.  Tardies: It is important to be in class on time and prepared to work. Tardies are dealt with according to school policy. See your handbook for tardy information.

8.  Restroom Passes: Restroom visits will only be allowed at the teacher’s discretion. Students with specific medical issues who may need to visit the restroom more often will need to provide that information to the nurse.

9.  Seating: The moment you enter this classroom you need to find your seat. Once you are seated you will begin working immediately on your warm-up. If pencils need to be sharpened it needs to be taken care of before you sit down. Trash must wait to be thrown away at the end of class. You do not have permission to be out of your seat unless you are otherwise instructed.

10.  Inappropriate Language: There will be no foul language or racial remarks used in this class. Racial remarks even used in “friendly” or “playful” ways will not be tolerated. Any use of inappropriate language is subject to school district policy.

11.  Academic Integrity: Every student who chooses to attend Infinity ECHS will be expected to understand the policies concerning academic integrity. Cheating and/or plagiarism will be defined as that which is outlined within the Infinity ECHS Code of Academic Integrity. Violations of the Code of Academic Integrity will be referred to their respective principal for disciplinary action.

Classroom Rules - Important Reminders

1.  Students should be in their assigned seats and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

2.  Students will remain on-task and engaged in classroom activities during the entire class period.

3.  Bring your materials to class everyday. School policy states that students should not be allowed into the halls during classes and they will NOT be allowed to return to their locker for materials.

4.  Stay in your assigned seat during the entire class period unless: you are given permission to move or you are turning in assigned work.

5.  Do not write on books, desks, walls, or chalkboards.

6.  Candy, food, and drinks other than water are NOT to be consumed in the room.

7.  Tests and quizzes are due when the bell rings. You may not stay after class to finish a quiz or test. A teacher may not give you permission to be late to another teacher’s class.

I have read and understand the requirements, procedures, and class rules for Pre-AP English I.


Student’s Name (PRINTED) Parent/Guardian’s Name (PRINTED)


Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature