Course: Humanities 11 Individualized

What do you want your child to accomplish or understand? (related to learning outcomes) / The primary Social Studies goals of the Humanities 11 program are to:
demonstrate understanding of the political spectrum
explain how Canadians can effect change at the federal and provincial levels
explain how federal and provincial governments are formed in Canada
describe major provisions of the Canadian constitution, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and assess its impact on Canadian society
describe Canada’s history in the twentieth century as a politically autonomous nation
assess Canada’s role in World War I & II and the war’s impact on Canada
assess Canada’s participation in world affairs with reference to human rights, United Nations, Cold War, modern conflicts during the 20th century.
The primary English goals of the Humanities 11 program concern:
Oral Language: Enhancement of Speaking and Listening Skills
Reading and Viewing: Bolster Reading Comprehension Skills
Writing and Representing: Increase variety and complexity of Written Communications
The primary Christian Studies goals of the Humanities 11 program are to acquire knowledge and understanding in the following four domains of learning:
1. Bible Doctrine
2. Christian Worldview
3. Service
4. Personal Devotions and Discipleship
What activities are you planning to do to accomplish your goals? / Monthly Lectures based on the following integrated themes:
MODULE A: The Legacy of the Modern World
Episode One: Failure of Modernism/ Loss of Meaning (Pre-WWI / Titanic and WWI)
Episode Two: From Euphoria to Eulogy (Roaring 20s / Great Depression)
MODULE B: Modernist Malaise to Disenchantment
Episode Three: Holocaust, Consumer Hope, and Cold War (WWII and the 1950s)
Episode Four: Rock the Establishment (The 1960s)
MODULE C: The Evolution of Postmodern Canada
Episode Five: Isms, Isms, Isms (The 1970s, Govt Structure, Electoral System)
Episode Six: Canadian Identity (The 1980s, Legal Rights, Human Rights)
MODULE D: The New World Order
Episode Seven: Be Fruitful + Multiply (1990s, Population)
Episode Eight: A Theology of Poverty (2000, Living Standards, Urbanization)
MODULE E: The New Heaven and the New Earth
Episode Nine: Eco-Morality (Patterns in Eco. Development, Environment)
Epsode Ten: Our Future Hope (Looking Forward)
Multi-genre Writing Assignments
Elluminate Oral and Text Interactions
How will we check to see if your student has accomplished the goals? / Possible Grading Rubric (To be negotiated with Humanities Teaching Team)
90% Major Portfolio Evidence (You will need to hand in 10 major assignment sets during the course of the year. A major assignment would be something like a research essay (1000 to 1500 words with at least 10 sources including internet sites and conventional hardcover books), a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation, an elaborate interview project etc. etc.). Please note that grade 10 level portfolio evidence should demonstrate considerable critical thinking, creativity, research, and craft.
10% Self-Evaluation (This is the portion of the grade you or your parent/guardian will assign for your faithfulness in completing everyday work… it will also include small assignments that you may be working through in preparation for your major portfolio evidence… I will collect this grade from you at the end of the course)
What materials/resources are you going to use to accomplish your goals? / ELLUMINATE LECTURES (see learning strategies section)
DL Curricula/ Support Teacher Materials T.B.A.
Home Educator Selections and / or Support Teacher Selections will depend on course option selected.
Option #1 100% Support Teacher Resources
Option #2 Mixture of Home Educator and Support Teacher Selections
Option #3 Predominantly Home Educator Selections
How are you going to divide up your plans over the year so that they will get accomplished? / Linear – September to June.