Important Reporting Information – Please Read
Please check your Letter of Agreement for your reporting schedule.
Your Letter of Agreement outlines the results that the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) expects your grant to achieve and contains the approved budget for your grant. Use these Reporting Forms to report on the Expected Results, the Approved Budget and any Grant Conditions that may have been attached to your grant.
Please contact your Program Manager or Grants Associate before you reallocate funds in your approved budget.
Please complete all three sections of these Reporting Forms. Use your computer cursor or the Tab Key to move between boxes. To select a box, click on it with your mouse.
Please print the completed forms and mail three (3) copies of the forms, and two (2) copies of all attachments to:
[Your Program Manager or Grants Associate]
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
800 Bay Street, 5th floor,
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3A9
Unfortunately we cannot accept e-mail copies of your forms at this time.
Save an electronic copy of the Reporting Forms for future reports you prepare for OTF. You can also download these forms from our website,
Important Reporting Information – Please Read
Important Reporting Information – Please Read
Need help preparing your report?
Find help on our website! Go to the ‘Grant Recipients’ and click on ‘Reporting on your Grant’. Scroll to the bottom of the page and refer to the ‘Sample Tables’ or go to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. These contain examples of completed tables and provide answers to questions we are often asked.Give us a call! Our staff will be happy to assist you. If you have questions concerning your grant, please contact your Program Manager. If you have technical questions about preparing your report or completing the forms, call 1.800.263.2887 and ask to speak with a Policy and Research Analyst in the Policy, Research, and Evaluation Department.
Important Reporting Information – Please Read
Attach this completed Cover Sheet to all reports you submit to the Foundation.
Organization name: Albion Hills Community Farm
E-mail address:
Mailing address: 16555 Humber Station Road, Caledon
Phone number: 94167096281
Grant ID #: 108208Grant amount: $300,000
Reporting Period1: 1(mm/yr) 03/2011 to(mm/yr) 02/2012
Report type: Progress Report Final Report
You are required to submit the following items in your Report Package. Please check the items you have included in your package. Send three (3) copies of the Reporting Forms and two (2) copies of attachments.
Reporting Forms
Section A – Summary Form
Section B – Financial Table and Conditions
(Please ensure that you report only on this Reporting Period1)
Section C – Outcomes of Your Grant
Your most recent financial statements
List of your current board of directors
Any completed resources or materials produced through your grant
For renovations grants:
Photographs of renovated areas
Copy of the certificate of completion
Person completing this report
Name:Deanna CoopDate:February 25, 2012
Position: Program ManagerSignature:
Board president / chair
Name: Barbara ImrieDate: February 25, 2012
• Complete all three sections of these Reporting Forms.Use your computer cursor or the Tab Key to move between boxes. To select a box, click on it with your mouse.
• All questions may not be relevant to your work.
Simply indicate N/A (not applicable) for questions that do not apply or are not relevant to your work.
• Report only on activities and results occurring in this Reporting Period:
If this is your first report, include all activities since the beginning of your grant. For your subsequent reports, including your final report, include only those activities that took place since your last report.
People benefiting from your grant
A1. How many people directly benefited from your grant? 4877 People
Include information such as the number of people using your services, participating in your programs, attending an event, etc. Avoid counting people more than once. For example, if you offer a program in which groups of people participate on a regular basis, only count the members of those groups once.
Do not include people who indirectly benefit from your grant. For example, people benefiting from clean air and spaces; number of visitors to your website; people in your community that were contacted through outreach but did not become directly involved in your grant; people living in your area but who did not directly access your facilities, services or programs.
A2. If your initiative involved marketing, promotion, outreach or raising awareness, how many people did you reach/contact (do not include website hits)?
A3. If you held a community or public event as part of your grant, please indicate how many events you held and the total number of people that attended each event.
Type of event /Number of
events held / Total number of people attendingFestival / 1 / 350
Arts production / performance / exhibit
Public education event / 30 / 4410
Sporting event
Conference / workshop / training program / 1 / 76
Other, please specify:Media event / 1 / 41
A4. How many new programs, activities or events New programs
were you able to offer as a result of your grant? 34 activities, events
A5. If your initiative received any media coverage, please indicate the type of coverage received and the number of reports or stories.
8 Newspaper article Radio interview TV
2 videos (online) Other, please specify: 1 magazine article - Food In the Hills
A6. a) In this Reporting Period, did your organization undertake any activities to recognize your Ontario Trillium Foundation grant?
Yes No
b) If yes, please indicate all the recognition activities you undertook.
Check all that apply.
Acknowledged OTF support in publications and promotional materials
Recognized OTF support on website
Provided link to OTF website
Used OTF logo in print and promotional materials/website link
Displayed recognition plaque or other signage in a public location
Gave verbal acknowledgement of OTF funding (e.g. during public presentations)
Other, please specify:
Volunteer contributions
A7. a) How many volunteers directly contributed to the initiative funded by your grant? Please do not give the total number of volunteers in your organization.
54 Volunteers851 Hours contributed
b) Of these volunteers, how many were newly recruited volunteers in this Reporting Period?
54 New volunteers
A8. If you provided any volunteer training, indicate the number of people directly trained in each category:
50 General volunteers4 Board member volunteers
Individual impact
A9. Did your grant result in any observed behaviour change among those individuals that directly benefited from your grant? Please check all that apply.
Stronger cultural awareness
A greater sense of community belonging
Increased awareness of community resources
Enhanced communications skills
Participation in workforce
Development of life skills
Enhanced self-confidence/esteem
Enhanced success for students and learners
Enhanced physical activity
Other, please specify:
Organizational impact
A10. How did your organization benefit from your OTF grant?
Please check all that apply and provide details where required.
Enhanced capacity to deliver services or programs
Increased number of partnerships / networks formed in the community; specify the number of new partnerships:
Increased membership in your organization
More active participation of members in your organization
Improved staff training and development
Enhanced technological capacity
Enhanced organizational and/or strategic planning
Enhanced organizational stability
Raised profile of your organization
Increased funds raised: How much? $ 20,000
Other, please specify:
Community impact
A11. How did your grant benefit your community, clients or participants?
Please check all that apply.
Created economic opportunities in your community
Enhanced services, programs or events
Increased participation in community life by removing barriers to participation
(i.e., financial, social, cultural and linguistic barriers)
Enhanced awareness or profile of issue
Enhanced or strengthened the local environment
(land, water, air, energy conservation, etc.)
Increased physical access to buildings, facilities
Enhanced volunteerism by recruiting, training or diversifying the volunteer base
Enhanced organizational responsiveness to the community
Made better use of community facilities or land by repairing, renovating or making them available to community groups
Other, please specify:
Not-for-profit or voluntary sector impact
A12. Did your grant have any broader impact on the not-for-profit or voluntary sector in your community or in the sector in which you operate? Please check all that apply.
Enhanced effectiveness of the broader not-for-profit or voluntary sector in your community
Advanced the knowledge or resources available to other not-for-profits in your community
Established a model that will be used by other not-for-profit or voluntary organizations
Enhanced the responsiveness, resiliency and relevance of the broader not-for-profit or voluntary sector in your community
Other, please specify:
Economic impact
A13. Number of employment positions (Please report in FTEs, Full-Time Equivalents2) funded in your organization through your OTF grant: 1.75 FTEs
A14. Value of goods/equipment (i.e., office supplies, computers, resources, etc.) purchased with OTF funds: $
A15. Value of services (i.e., consulting, accounting, planning, etc.)
purchased with OTF funds: $
A16. Value of construction / renovation costs paid for with OTF funds: $
Financial and in-kind support leveraged
A17. Please estimate the value of any in-kind or non-financial support your organization may have received as a result of your grant.
Do not include support you had already been receiving or would have received regardless of whether you received a grant from OTF. For instance, if you have always received donated office space, do not include it.
If you did not receive any in-kind support, write N/A (not applicable) next to Total.
Type of support received
/Estimated $ value
Donated space and utilities (i.e., office space, meeting space, recreation, use of phone or fax, etc.) / $ / N/ADonated services (i.e., accounting, transportation,
website design, etc.) / $ / N/A
Donated equipment, materials or supplies (i.e., office furniture or equipment, etc.) / $ / N/A
/ $ / N/AA18. In this Reporting Period, what is the estimated value of any revenue your organization may have received as a direct result of receiving your OTF grant?
Do not include revenue you would have received regardless of whether or not you had a grant from OTF. For instance, if your organization regularly receives an operating grant from the United Way, do not include it. However, if your organization received United Way funding as a result of a grant from OTF that it would not have received otherwise, please include it.
If you did not receive any additional revenue, write N/A (not applicable) next to Total.
Government sources
/Non-government sources
Federal / $ / Business / corporate sector / $Provincial / $ / United Way / $ / 15000
Municipal / $ / 5000 / Other foundations / $
Individuals / $
/ $ / 5000 /Total
B1. Financial Table Instructions
Please complete the Financial Table on page 8.
Refer to Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement.
Report Approved3 and Actual4 Expenses for the line items and budget categories in your Schedule A (and any reallocations5 approved by OTF in writing).
Report for each Reporting Period of your grant.
Please group your expenses under the categories from your Letter of Agreement. These categories are: 1) Salaries and Benefits (e.g. permanent staff, contract staff, benefits, etc.), 2) Program Costs (e.g. program-related expenses such as materials, resources, and transportation; services such as accounting, legal fees, etc.), 3) Administration (e.g. rent, insurance, office supplies, utilities, fax/phone, Internet, etc.), 4) Capital (e.g. computers, office furniture, equipment, renovations, etc.), 5) Evaluation (e.g. costs associated with undertaking an evaluation of your project such as consulting fees or refreshments served at a post-program focus group, etc.) and 6) Miscellaneous.
List all your expenses, as itemized in your Letter of Agreement, in each of these categories on separate lines. If you do not have expenses under a particular category, insert N/A (not applicable).
Report separately on expenses incurred in each Reporting Period of your grant. List expenses from the beginning of your grant and build your financial report as you progress through your grant. For instance, each time you prepare a report for OTF, show the completed columns from previous Reporting Periods so that OTF can see your expenses to date. Your final report should show expenses for your whole grant, listed separately for each Reporting Period. Be sure to provide the total expenses to date in the Total Columns on the right.
Unspent Funds – If you are reporting on less than 12 months of spending, it is likely that you still have unspent OTF funds. You can carry over these funds into the next Reporting Period.
Please remember to clearly indicate the start and end date of your Reporting Period in the Financial Table.
There are Sample Tables available for your reference in the Grantees section of the OTF website – look under Reporting Material and scroll to the bottom of the page.
If you require additional rows, columns or simply need more space than the following table allows, please use the Additional Multi-Year Financial Table available on the Reporting Materials section of the OTF website. Please remember to include any additional tables with your report.
3Approved Expenses: All expenses listed in Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement for this Reporting Period.
4Actual Expenses: All expenses that you have incurred during this Reporting Period.
5Reallocations: Any change to how you are spending your grant money that totals to over $10,000, is in excess of 10% of your budget or is being moved across budget categories must be approved by OTF.
B1. Financial Table
Expense Items
/Reporting Period 1
/Reporting Period 2
/Reporting Period 3
/ Total approved expenses to date / Total actual expenses to dateCopy all items from the Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement under the appropriate categories below. / mm/yr 03/2011 to mm/yr 03/2012 / mm/yr to mm/yr / mm/yr to mm/yr
Approved OTF expenses / Actual OTF Expenses / Approved OTF expenses / Actual OTF Expenses / Approved OTF expenses / Actual OTF Expenses
Salaries & Benefits
/ / / / / / / /Farm Manager
/ / / / / /Program Manager
/ / / / / /Farm & Program Intern
/ / / / / /Program Costs
/ / / / / / / /Mileage
/ / / / / /Education and Training
/ / / / / /Website and Social Media
Miscellaneous & Contingency
/ / / / / /Administration
/ / / / / / / /Phone/Web
/ / / / / /Office Expenses
/ / / / / /Accounting
1000 /1000
/ / / / / /Capital
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Evaluation
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Miscellaneous
(Please specify) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /TOTALS
B2. If there was a difference between your Approved and Actual Expenses of more than $1,000 in this Reporting Period, please explain the reason(s) for the difference.
There is a approximately $1600 from phone/web to carry over to the next report period. This is because our office space this year was in need of renovations and was not suitable for installation of permanent Internet and phone service. Thus, staff were required to use personal home Internet services for the day-to-day computer needs of the organization. We anticipate that our office space will be suitable in the next reporting season for installation of Internet and a permanent office phone line.
There is approximately $10,000 in staff salary to carry forward to the next reporting period for the Farm Manager position. Because of our rural location in the Town of Caledon and the timing of our grant commencing in March, we experienced delays in hiring the farm manager. Most farm managers are hired in the winter (Dec/Jan) for farm manager positions the following season. Therefore, although we posted the job over several months it took until July 2011, 4 months into the grant, to recruit and hire an experienced farm manager.
B3. For Progress Reports only – If you anticipate any changes6 to your approved budget for the next Reporting Period, please explain. Note the expense item, the dollar amount and the reason(s) for the change.
B4. Conditions
a) If you have Conditions on your grant, please list them here (copy them from the Conditions section of Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement) and explain how you met them. Please include two (2) copies of any required attachments related to the conditions.
b) If you have not met any of these conditions, why not and how do you plan to meet these conditions?
C1. Outcomes Table Instructions
Please complete the tables on the following pages. Using point form, clearly explain your use of your grant funds and the progress made toward achieving your grant’s expected results as measured by the performance indicators outlined in Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement. There will be an opportunity to describe your project in more detail in question C2.
In Column 1, copy the Expected Results from Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement. This is what you are hoping to achieve through your grant.
In Column 2, copy the Performance Indicators from Schedule A of your Letter of Agreement. This is what you are measuring or tracking so that you will know that you are achieving your expected results. Note: For grants awarded before 2006, please skip this column.