Kentucky School for the Blind

SYLLABUS 2013-14

COURSE: High School Health and Physical Education

Teacher:Mr. Kyle Sochia

Phone:502-897-1583, (Ext 5102)



Time: 4th Period (10:25-11:15)


This course is actually two courses in one. During the first semester of classes, students will be participating in Physical Education in which they will learn how to become physically fit for life. The second semester of classes, students will take Health Education in which they will learn how to lead healthy lives.


Students will be able to take the knowledge gained from this class and apply it to their own lives to become physically fit for life.

Students will also be able to take the knowledge gained from this class and apply it to their own lives in order to make healthy choices in regards to their own personal lives.


Text- Glencoe Health


Throughout the course a number of learning activities will be used including, but not limited to, teacher/pupil activities, group and individual work, physical activities, and reading of health and physical education articles. Students may be expected to take notes during class it is also very important that they pay attention and contribute to daily class discussions.


Students should be familiar with KSB policies including completion of homework, behavior, and time management.All Middle and High Schools students are expected to dress for Physical Education. All students are expected to participate in all activities to the best of their abilities. All students are expected to follow directions, and keep hands and feet to themselves as they would in other classes. If a student sits-out a lesson, they must have a note either from the health center or from a parent/legal guardian. Students who sit-out a lesson are still responsible for the information discussed in class.


Students will receive 2 grades in this course, a content grade and a Student Effort/Work Skills rating. 100% of the content grade is based on the student’s performance on summative assessments. Examples of summative assessments include but are not limited to: tests, quizzes, projects, performances, products, experiments, essays, papers. Assignment ofthe semester content grade includes a minimum of 9 summative assessments. Assignment of thequarter content grade includes a minimum of 4 summative assessments. Course Finals, including state-mandated End of Course Exams (Biology, Algebra 2, US History, English 10), count at least 20% of the final grade. Course Mid-terms count at least 20% of the mid-term grade.

Grades are not reflective of student behavior and effort, homework, zeroes or reduced marks for late work, extra credit or bonus points, attendance*, academic dishonesty, or group work. The only exception may be for students participating in the regular or CBI work programs may have their grades impacted by attendance due to the performance-based nature of these work programs.

Students will also receive a Student Effort/Work Skills (SEWS) rating . This rating demonstrates how the student performs in the following five areas:

  • Self-Advocacy – uses assistive technology and/or other devices, establishes and monitors own goals, communicates wants and needs
  • Initiative & Problem Solving – solves problems independently, addresses challenges, initiates own learning
  • Interpersonal – adapts and transitions between tasks, demonstrates appropriate boundaries with others, displays age appropriate
  • Work Habits – follows directions independently, utilizes an organization system, contributes to group work, uses time wisely
  • Quality of Work/Homework – completes quality in-class work, completes quality homework

Each of the above areas will be assigned a rating according to the following scale:

  • 4 – Excellent
  • 3 – Good
  • 2 – Needs Improvement
  • 1 – Unacceptable

A Rubric for the SEWS grade will accompany the quarterly report card. If a student is struggling with grades, informal interventions will be developed with the classroom teacher. Students will receive an “Incomplete” before ever receiving an “F.” If a student receives an Incomplete, a Contract for an Incomplete Gradewill be developed.

Grades will be posted after students have been graded on a summative assessment. Summative assessments in World History generally consist of quizzes (multiple choice/essay/short answer), tests, projects, and papers. On average students can expect a summative assessment weekly.


A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

I = Incomplete

F = <60


Students will be assessed using a variety of measures including

  • Formative- classroom assignments (worksheets, exit slips, etc.), discussions, observation, etc.
  • Summative- Unit Projects, tests/quizzes (multiple choice, short answer, open response, etc.), papers


Midterms and finals will consist of multiple choice questions, and short answer questions. Midterms will cover the information that has been covered to that point in that semester. Finals will cover all the information that was discussed over the course of the semester.


Use of technology is an integral part of success in the classroom. Technology use will vary based on the need of the student. The classroom has access to computers, CCTVs, computer speech access, screen enlargement, etc. Students are encouraged to explore the use of other technology that exists in the school such as portable Braille devices or bring their own technology such as laptop computers. Any use of technology must follow the KSB Acceptable Use Policy.


If students need additional assistance, they are encouraged to self-advocate for assistance from the teacher. Students can stay after school or email teacher with any problems or questions they may have with the lesson(s).


  • Flash drive
  • Paper
  • Change of clothes during PE


Personal Care and Body Systems

Mental and Emotional Health

Diseases and Disorders

Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs

Injury Prevention and Environmental Health

Track and Field


Beep Baseball


Weight and Cardio Training

Roller Skating


To get to my webpage go to the KSB main webpage and choose the teacher webpage link. My webpage will be found under “Sochia, Kyle.”