Course Expectations2014-2015
Advanced AutomotiveTechnology
Instructor: Aaron Stivers
LHS Room 608
Phone: (702) 799-1777 Voice Mail: ext. 4042
Course Scope:
This one-year course is designed for students who have successfully completed Automotive Technology III. This course provides students with skill development in automotive drive train, heating and air conditioning services, and engine performance. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills one elective credit required for high school graduation.
Course Goals:
- To demonstrate the proper operation of automotive tools and equipment.
[NS: AUT 1.0-12.0]
- To model safe practices while working within the automotive laboratory. [NS: AUT 1.0-12.0]
- To analyze technical data in automotive repair manuals, specification tables, shop references, and computer technician data systems.
[NS: AUT 1.0-12.0 MAT D; SCI N.12.A.1]
- To apply General Service Technician© level skills during the service, maintenance, and diagnostics of engine, automatic transmissions/transaxles, manual transmissions, drive trains, heating ventilating, and air conditioning automotive systems.
[NS: AUT 1.0-12.0; MAT A-D; SCI N12.A.1, P.12.B.1-P.12.B.3, P.12.C.2]
- To utilize vocabulary relative to automotive technology. [NS: AUT 1.0-12.0]
- To apply the proper use of technical data including automotive repair manuals, specification tables, shop references, and computer technician data systems.
[NS: AUT 1.0-12.0 MAT D; SCI N.12.A.1]
- To identify the systems and components of alternative vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles.
[NS: AUT 11.0]
- To demonstrate the academic skills required for positions in the automotive industry with an emphasis on communication and mathematics. [NS: AUT 12.0]
- To research careers and educational opportunities related to the automotive industry.
[NS: AUT 12.0]
No textbooks will be issued for this class.
This class does have a lab fee requirement of $40.00. This fee is due by September 30, 2014. Students cannot participate in class lab work until the fee is paid in full. Payment can be made to the school bank in the form of cash or money order. Checks will not be accepted.
Student Supplies
Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:
- Notes taken from power points will be turned in daily so a pen and paper will be needed.
- Students will be in lab almost every day. Because of this students are REQUIRED to wear closed-toe shoes (no sandals). Clothing that can get dirty is also recommended.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first tardy, the student will be warned; on the second tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the third and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference. In addition to the Legacy Tardy Policy, Legacy will utilize a Tardy Lockout System. Students 30 minutes (or more) late will be counted as absent.
Grading Policy
- Grading Scale: 90% - 100%A
80% - 89%B
70% - 79%C
60% - 69%D
Below 60%F
- Grading Method
The final course grade will be calculated as follows:
Projects – 60%
1. All Shop Related Assignments
2. Efficient Use of Lab Time
3. All Technology Based Assignments
Participation – 30%
1. Written Homework Assignments
2. Daily Class Work
3. Bell Ringers
4. Quizzes
Tests – 10%
1. Midterm and final exam
- Semester Grades: 45%Quarter 1/3 Grade
45%Quarter 2/4 Grade
10%Semester Examination
- Although most paperwork will consist of notes taken during PowerPoint presentations, standards of grammar will be graded. Spelling, neatness and sentence structure will impact grading of students notes.
Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance
- Make-up procedures- Students must contact the teacher for classwork assigned during an absence. This can be done before or after class. Students are responsible for acquiring make-up work within three school days following the absence. Students may contact the teacher from 6:45-7:00am or 1:25-2:00pm.
- After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course. Attendance is the students’ responsibility.
Classroom Behavior Expectations
- Be on time and remain in your seat during class time unless you have permission to do otherwise.
- Keep cell phones and electronic devices OFF and OUT OF SIGHT.
- No talking during power points and lectures. There will be time for group discussions after.
- The lab can be dangerous so horse play will not be tolerated.
Disruptive Behavior Consequences
Disruptive behavior will be handled in the following manner:
- 1st occurrence:warning
- 2nd occurrence:teacher assigned detention
- 3rd occurrence:parent involvement
- 4th occurrence:Dean referral
If a student’s actions are considered severely disruptive they will be immediately sent to the Dean’s office. This is at the teacher’s discretion.
This class includes lab work that involves use of machines and power tools. Students will be working with full size vehicles and vehicle lift machines. With this in mind safety will be an integral part of classroom procedures. Students are expected to practice safety guidelines during all classroom activities. Specific requirements will be discussed at the beginning of the course. Failure to follow safety procedures will result in immediate removal of student from the activity based on the teacher’s discretion.
Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 3, 2014.
Acknowledgement of Course Expectations
Advanced Automotive Technology
We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.
Student’s name [last, first]Student’s Signature
Parent NameParent Signature
Home phoneWork/Cell phone
Email Address: ______
Electronic Textbook
If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.
Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook will be checked out to the student.
Parent Signature: ______
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