Course Evaluation

I.Course name( Development Management under Globalization 2010-2011 )

Ⅱ.Information on evaluator (you)

Circle one from the given answer lists.

1.Why did you select this subject? I selected this subject because it was

1.what I wanted to study 2.interesting by reading syllabus 3.attractive title

4.appreciated by senior students and colleagues 5.others:

2.Overall evaluation of your attitude (effort, motivation and commitment) in the class.

1.Excellent 2.Good 3.Average 4.Relatively poor 5.Poor

Why you were so?



3.How did you read the reading assignment?

1. 0% 2.Less than 30% 3.about a half 4.More than 70% 5.100%

4.On average, how many hours in a week did you spend for the preparation and review of this class? If the two classes were given per week, divide the hours you worked for this course by two.

1.1hour 2.2 hours 3.3 hours 4.4 hours 5.More than 5 hours

Actually, what did you do for the preparation and review?

5.Have you ever taken a course with similar or partly similar course contents? If the answer is "yes," which part of which subject do you mention?

1.No 2.Yes (partly similar) 3.Yes (almost similar)

( )

Ⅲ.Course objectives and contents

Circle one number. Numbers indicates as follows with regard to the question.

1= strongly affirmative, 2=affirmative, 3=neutral, 4=negative, 5=strongly negative

1.Were the course objectives and structure stated clearly? 1 2 3 4 5

2.Did the coverage of topics in the course satisfy the desirable level of a standard graduate school? 1 2 3 4 5

3.Was the course consistent with your motive to enter this school? 1 2 3 4 5

4.Was the course structured logically? 1 2 3 4 5

5.Was the course easy to follow for you? 1 2 3 4 5

6.Was the course level difficult enough for a standard graduate school? 1 2 3 4 5

7.Do you think the course objectives declared in the syllabus achieved?

1 2 3 4 5

Why do you think or don’t you think so? (


Ⅳ.Course presentation

Choose and circle one of the answers or describe the answers.

1.How was the lecture(explanation) by the instructor ?

1.Very easy to follow 2.Easy to follow 3.Neutral

4.Difficult to follow 5.Very difficult to follow

2.Your comments on the usage of whiteboard and audio machines, if any.

( )

( )

3.Were you given opportunities to actively participate in the class?

1.No 2.Yes (more or less) 3.Yes (quite often)

4.Do you want to increase such opportunities(Qs and As, Class discussion, Fieldwork, etc) in this course?

1.Yes 2.the present level is fine 3.No. Instead, spend more time for lecture.

5.Do you think venue is suitable?



V.Teaching materials(Textbook・Handouts・Reading List)

Choose one and circle.

1.Were the teaching materials appropriate in terms of contents?

1.Yes 2.Relatively, yes 3.No

2.Was the volume of teaching materials appropriate?

1.Too much 2.Good enough 3.Not enough

3.When you had TA(Teaching Assistant) in your class, how useful do you think the system was?

VI.Evaluate the level of satisfaction on this subject :

(very high satisfaction) 1 2 3 4 5 (low level of satisfaction)

Ⅶ.Proposals to enrich the class.

1.  What instructors can do?

( )

( )

( )

( )

2.What students including you can do?

( )

( )

( )

( )

VIII. Give your comments and suggestions as to the subjects/topics/issues dealt in this course.

1. List topics/issues/theories that you found relevant and helpful.

2. List topics/issues/theories that you did not find relevant or less helpful.
(Also list items the you found duplicated in other EDP&M courses.)

3. List topics/issues/theories that you think missing in this course.

Thank you for your cooperation. The results will be used solely for the improvement of the lectures in GSID.

Instructor: Prof. Shigeru Otsubo