German I

Ms. Prescott – Room 108 –

Course Description/Student Learning Targets

In German I, course 1665, the primary objective is real language production that allows students to communicate about themselves and their immediate surroundings. Through writing and speaking, students should be able to satisfy their immediate needs in situations relating to topics such as school, family, home, time, activities, descriptions, shopping, food, health, location, and weather. Integrated into the study of these topics are culture, connections, community, and comparison. Our textbooks for the course is Deutsch Aktuell 1. Textbooks will not be issued, but will be used in class. All homework and study can be done with a well organized notebook. A variety of methodologies and materials will be utilized to support acquisition of German, including story-telling, which provides a context for practicing grammatical correctness and demonstrating fluency.

OUR GOAL:communicating fluently in german! Always speak & respond in german whenever possible!

What you will need:

  • 3-ring binder (1.5 inch or more with 5 dividers)
  • lined paper
  • pencil/pen (Pen ink should be blue/black for doing work and red or other color for making corrections.)
  • Pencil/Supply pouches (recommended)
  • one dry erase marker
  • highlighter (recommended)
  • Respect for others
  • Positive Attitude and Desire to Learn

Attendance and Punctuality

Classroom Rules
Respect: Value yourself, your peers, your teachers, your school & your world.
Understand: Be teachable, actively listen, participate & inquire.
Learn: Be present, be focused, & be prepared with required materials.
Engage: Be undistracted, free of cell phones, electronics, make-up, etc.
Soar: Do your best, take risks, show initiative & enjoy yourself!
Discipline Procedures

In order to maintain a positive learning environment, you should:

  1. Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings, with your notebook and materials out and open.
  2. Focus on your own work without distracting others. Ask & respond to questions appropriately without disrupting class. Participate in activities in meaningful & productive ways. Distraction, disruption non-participation will result in a 4-step.
  3. Use the restroom & locker before or after class. Restroom passes should only be requested in an emergency.
  4. Follow instructions the first time. Repeated failure to do so will result in a 4-step.
  5. Keep all cell phones and other electronic devices turned off and stored in your bookbag or purse. If I see it out, I will take it and turn it into the front office. Only your parent or guardian will be able to retrieve it from the office. The only exception to this is when the teacher authorizes use of BYOT for curriculum-focused objectives.
  6. Follow all handbook rules and procedures. Consequences apply as listed there.
Unit Repair

In an effort to aid in student mastery, UGHS students will have the opportunity to participate in Unit Repair if he/she makes a 73 or lower on a unit assessment (as defined by the teacher). In order to receive this opportunity, the student must communicate with the teacher to receive instructions. Students will be required to complete coursework as defined by the teacher to show a greater understanding of the material to reassess. The student has 2 weeks from the date the graded test is returned to complete the practice work and take the reassessment. Students will receive an average score of the first and second assessment for their final assessment grade.

Grading System – year-long grading

50% - Major Assessments (Tests, Projects, etc.)

80% 40% - Minor Assessments (Quizzes*, Classwork/Homework)

10% - Midterm Exam (December)

*Quizzes will weigh more than CW/HW

20% Final Exam (May)


A personal email address and regular home internet access is necessary for success in this class. Students should have an individual email address by the second week of school, and must check it at regularly throughout the year. School computers are available in the Media Center before and after school as well as during Instructional Focus. Students may also use home computers or other internet-enabled devices to access and complete online assignments. Students who have limited access to a computer outside of school should inform the teacher immediately so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

Translators & Plagiarism

The use of any electronic or internet translator is considered cheating. Students choosing to use translators for any assignment will receive a grade of ZERO. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s words and claiming them as your own. This is considered cheating and will receive a grade of ZERO.

Translators & Plagiarism

Tutoring is available before/after school and during IF blocks 1 and 3 by appointment.


Email is the best way to conact me. I can access email much more frequently than voicemail. .