Disability Equality Scheme Action Plan 2006 – 2009

Update – 30 May 2007

Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Projected Timescale / Update
1. Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act
Encourage disabled people to apply for jobs at all levels / Advertise in publications relevant to disabled people
State on job advertisements that applications are welcomed from disabled people
Offer applications in a variety of formats to assist disabled people in applying for jobs. / Review current practice and improve where necessary and appropriate
Monitor and track the progress of disabled applicants applying for jobs in the recruitment process.
Percentage of disabled people employed meets best value performance indicator of 5%. / Corporate Manager
(Human Resources) / March 2007 / Update needed from People Operations Manager
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
Literature/facilities for meetings and interviews should automatically be accessible without people having to request ‘reasonable adjustments’ e.g. hearing loops/ large print etc. / Raise awareness regarding disabled people’s needs for attendance at interviews and at meetings
Guidance notes for recruitment and invite to interview letters specifically request applicants to inform us of any special needs.
Ensure regular maintenance and replacement programme for facilities / More accessible meetings will encourage disabled people to engage with NBC
Accessible meetings checklist developed and ready for circulation
Develop facilities available list and raise awareness with employees / Corporate Manager (Human Resources)
Health Wellbeing and Access Team Leader
Facilities & Asset Management / Reasonable adjustments at interview already requested and implemented.
Accessible Meetings document circulated to all employees and published on Intranet by March 2007
Facilities list to be produced by March 2008
Programme of maintenance to be continual and resources identified for replacement / Meetings checklist needs review and circulation.
Need discussion with Facilities Management
Monitor performance of our services and employment processes for discriminatory processes / Monitor our Complaints, Compliments and Comments Procedure with reference to disability.
Monitor Grievance and Disciplinary cases with reference to disability / Complaints monitored to identify and eradicate discriminatory behaviour
Non-discriminatory Employment practices / Corporate Manager (Human Resources) / By December 2008 / Update needed from People Operations Manager
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
Ensure Council employees and Councillors have adequate knowledge of what constitutes unlawful discrimination / Review, strengthen and develop disability equality and awareness training for members and employees.
Evaluate equality-training programme on an annual, and as and when required basis and make necessary changes. / Increased staff and member awareness of the Council’s commitment to eliminate discrimination.
Training takes account of new developments in the field of discrimination. / Corporate Manager
(Human Resources)
All Managers/Team Leaders / By March 2007. / Health Wellbeing & Access Team Leader had discussions with People Development Manager re developing training.
Existing equalities training reviewed to ensure disability element is up to date and appropriate
Elections and budget cuts mean this has not been progressed.
2. Eliminate harassment of disabled people that is related to their disability
Raise awareness of what constitutes harassment of disabled people / Communicate with employees of the Council via the intranet, core brief, workshops, bulletins etc.
Develop and adapt current training programmes for front line officers and managers.
Develop publicity material and make information available in the Customer Service Centre and all Council-owned premises. / Increased awareness and understanding by employees.
Key staff fully trained to recognise harassment.
Increased awareness and understanding by the general public / Corporate Manager
(Human Resources)
Corporate Manager
(Customer Services)
Managers & Team Leaders / By June 2007
By June 2007
By June 2007 / Health Wellbeing & Access Team Leader had discussions with People Development
Manager re developing training.
Existing equalities training reviewed to ensure disability element is up to date and appropriate
Elections and budget cuts mean this has not been progressed.
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
Encourage specific use of facilities for disabled people such as parking spaces/giving up seats etc / NBC to set a good example by raising awareness of the importance and use of such facilities and to work with partners to enforce use of facilities / Increased awareness and use of facilities / All Managers and Team Leaders / January 2007 / This will require partnership work and due to budget cuts has not been progressed.
Review internal harassment
Policies / Carry out equality impact assessment on existing policy / A robust policy supporting disabled people and dealing with harassment on the grounds of disability. / Corporate Manager (Human Resources) / March 2007 / Update needed from People Operations Manager
Develop awards scheme for external service providers to reward good practice / Work with partners to develop and implement a good practice award scheme. / Awards scheme implemented and first awards made / Corporate Manager (Customer Services)
Health Wellbeing and
Access Team Leader / June 2008 / Due to commence planning and development work late 2007.
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
3. Promote equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people
Raise awareness of disability issues and discrimination experienced by disabled people and their families and friends / Publicise scheme etc
Training and education to minimise poor attitudes
In-house disability awareness/equalities training for all employees and Councillors / Raise awareness
Reductions in complaints relating to disability discrimination
Well informed employees able to provide a better service to our customers / Health Wellbeing and
Access Team Leader and Communications Manager
People Development Manager
Corporate Manager (Customer Services) / Ongoing from December 2006
All front line staff trained by December 2007
All staff trained by December 2008 / Health Wellbeing & Access Team Leader had discussions with People Development Manager re developing training.
Existing equalities training reviewed to ensure disability element is up to date and appropriate
Elections and budget costs mean this has not been progressed.
Encourage and promote diversity within our workforce and the democratic process / Councillors can be encouraged to disclose their disability through Political Group Leaders and Councillor training
HR report monthly on Disability statistics: BVPI 16 (a) percentage of disabled employees. / Increased awareness within the political parties of disability issues
An inclusive environmental culture and increase in the number of employees who feel safe and comfortable disclosing that they have a disability. / Leader of the Council
Group Leaders
Councillors with disabilities
Corporate Manager (Human Resources) / Following 2007 Elections
Continuing monthly monitoring of statistics relating to disability / Needs to be discussed with new leader of
Also need update from People Operations Manager
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
Involve disabled people more / Customer Panel
Forum Meetings
Customer Research
Exit Surveys
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Customer Feedback
  • Listening
  • Action
  • Service Improvements
Service Plans / Increase in the number of disabled employees and customers being involved and willing to participate in consultation exercises
Commence monitoring of involvement of disabled employees and customers in consultation/involvement exercises / Corporate Managers (All) / As per Consultation Strategy
From April 2007 / Update needed from Corporate Manager, Customer Services
Objective / Action(s) / Outcome/PI / Action By / Timescale / Update
Ensure we have accessible services and Public buildings. / Continue to comply with all appropriate legislative requirements for building accessibility for all NBC buildings to which the public have access.
Ensure public facing services are aware of disabled peoples needs and can respond accordingly
Re-circulate Accessible Information leaflet to all employees and ensure publication on Intranet by March 2007
Explore purchase and implementation of Textbox and Video Interpreting.
Ensure resources are available to continue access improvements and reviews / A more inclusive environment
BVPI 156 (Disabled Access to Public Buildings)
Ensure employees are aware of the barriers faced by disabled people and can act to remove those barriers e.g. Textbox, Video Interpreting
. / Health Wellbeing and Access Team Leader
Corporate Manager (Customer Services) / December 2007 / BVPI 156 – disabled access to public buildings, is in top quartile. Responsibility will need to be established in absence of Access Specialist, as a suitably qualified person will need to be found to assess 156 criteria. Potentially no further progress will be made in absence of Access Specialist.
Accessible Information leaflet is available but not yet circulated due to budget cuts.
Update re TexBox etc needed from Corporate Manager, Customer Services