Online & Blended
Instructor: / Date:
Course Name: / Course ID:
This Course Design Checklist has been adapted from the Quality Matters Rubric and reflects requirements from the JSU Certified Online Instructor Course. Please use this checklist to help identify those standards that have been addressed in your course(s) as well as to identify any deficiencies that might decrease course quality.
Course Build and Navigation
Course Overview/Introduction
Yes / No / Standard1.Instructions show students how to get started in the course and where to find course components
2.Course Syllabus is prominent and includes all University required elements
3.Students are welcomed and introduced to the purpose of the course
4.Prerequisite skills, knowledge, and technical skills are clearly stated
5.Self-introduction by the instructor is present
6.Students are asked to introduce themselves to the class
7.Course Overview/Introduction information is contained in an appropriately named module or folder
(See Start Here Review)
Yes / No / Standard1.Tools used in the course support the learning objectives
2.Course tools promote learner engagement and active learning
3.Technologies required in the course are current and readily obtainable
4.Requirements for learner interaction are clearly stated
Accessibility and Copyright
Yes / No / Standard1.Course navigation is easy to use
2.Information is provided about the accessibility of all technologies required in the course
3.Course provides alternative means of access to course materials in formats that meet the needs of diverse learners
4.Course design facilitates readability
5.Course multimedia facilitate ease of use
6.Course is ADA compliant (See Accessibility Review)
7.Copyrighted material is used with permission or is allowed under Fair Use and/or the TEACH Act
8.Instructional materials used in the course are appropriately cited (where necessary)
Course Alignment and Design
Learning Objectives
Yes / No / Standard1.Course learning objectives are connected to measurable outcomes
2.Learning module objectives are connected to measurable outcomes and course-level objectives
3.All objectives are clearly stated and written from the student’s perspective
4.Relationship between objectives and activities/assignments is clearly stated
5.Learning objectives are suited to the level of the course
Assessment & Measurement
Yes / No / Standard1.Assessments measure the stated learning objectives
2.Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of learners’ work and are tied to the course grading policy
3.Assessment instruments selected are suited to the student work being assessed
4.Course provides learners with opportunities to track their learning progress
Instructional Materials
Yes / No / Standard1.Instructional materials support the stated course and module/unit learning objectives
2.The purpose of instructional materials and how the materials are to be used for learning activities are clearly explained
3.Instructional materials are current (up-to-date)
4.A variety of instructional materials is used in the course
5.Distinction between required and optional materials is clearly explained
6.Instructions and navigation provide clear and consistent pathways through content and requirements.
7.Unused tools, folders, and items are hidden from student view
Course Interaction
Course Activities and Learner Interaction
Yes / No / Standard1.Learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives
2.Learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning
3.Instructor’s plan for classroom response time and feedback on assignments is clearly stated
4.Requirements for learner interaction are clearly stated
5.Course learning activities are connected to assessments
6.Course includes a variety of course interactions types including student-content, student-instructor, and student-student