UAMS Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
The Academic Standards Committee (ASC) monitors all curricula offered by the COPH. Among its responsibilities, the ASC reviews and approves proposals for adding new courses and substantive modifications to existing courses. ASC review is not required for routine changes, e.g., stylistic or editorial corrections to the title, but notification of the ASC via this form is required.
For all modifications/changes, please complete this form (Parts A or B or both) and route to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at least two months prior to the semester in which the modification is to become effective.
1. Requesting Faculty: ______Department: ______
2. Course Number: ______
3. Title (current): ______
4. Update Track Planner: □ Yes □ No Core / Specialty Required / Selective: ______
Part A: For Routine Actions (Requires ASC notification, may require further action)
5. Action proposed (indicate one or more items):
_____ Change title to: ______
_____ Change catalog description (attach old description with required changed indicated; Track Changes recommended)
Part B: For Substantive Changes
6. Action proposed (indicate one or more items):
_____ Eliminate course because*: ______
_____ Change course prerequisites (attach old description with required changes indicated; Track Changes recommended)
_____ Add course (attach proposed syllabus)
_____ Change credit hours from: _____ to _____ (attach current and proposed syllabi; may use Track Changes)
_____ Change learning objectives for course (attach current and proposed syllabi; may use Track Changes)
_____ Other (specify): ______
7. Justification for modification (brief statement; may be an attached document as needed):
a.) Why is this proposed change needed? Justify in terms of program need or curriculum improvement.
b.) What is the expected effect on degree program? Identify all programs within which the course is or will be required or offered as a selective? (MUST provide signature of directors of affected programs on signature page.)
c.) Are there courses that would be eliminated if this course is approved? (Note: Forms must also be submitted for these courses.)
d.) Are there any existing course(s) that would be extensively overlapped or duplicated if the proposed curricular change occurs?
Approvals (NOTE: Approvals should be obtained in the following order.)
Faculty requesting change: ______
Department Chair: ______
ASC Department Representative: ______
Approvals by affected programs:
Program Chair (if needed): ______
Program Chair (if needed): ______
Program Chair (if needed): ______
Program Chair (if needed): ______
Program Chair (if needed): ______
Final Approval
Chair, Academic Standards Committee: ______
After approval, copies to be submitted to:
______Registrar, COPH
______Office of Public Health Informatics (Nikiya Simpson or Martha Phillips)