Course: 9th Grade Advisory Teacher(s): Monger, Shollenberger, Flynn

Quarter 3
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
Overarching EQ / How do we allow prejudice and discrimination to control our lives?
Topics / Intro to -isms / Ableism / Religious Discrimination / Racism / Racism / Heterosexism/Homophobia / Surveys / Action Plans / Presentations
Unit EQs / What is an –ism? / How do ableist attitudes affect people with disabilities? / How does (has) religious discrimination affect(ed) history? / Can we all get along? / How have we made significant strides in the movement toward equal rights? / How can we lessen homophobic bullying in our school? / All previous EQs / All previous EQs / All previous EQs
Performance Assessments / Class notes
Class discussions (small and large groups) / Class discussions
“Ableism” review questions / Journal
Propoganda Handout
Group Work: Timeline / Quote Analysis Review Questions
Quote: Fighting Racism / Questions that follow Obama’s race speech
Share out responses / Poem: discussing the idea of being a “bystander” / Part I Project / Part II Project / Part III Project
Core Discipline Concepts (90% of students will know) / - What you see on the outside is not necessarily what is on the inside (tootsie pop intro lesson)
- Definitions of prejudice, discrimination, stereotype / - What it means to be ableist
How ableism affects/inhibits people with disabilities / - How hate is defined and how we learn hate / - What happened during the LA Riots and how they affected different people of diff. races
- Fighting racism and discrimination in South Africa during apartheid / - Racism can cause people to deny their heritage
- How Hines Ward uses his fame to fight racism and discrimination
- Racism causes us to “undo” everything that was accomplished during the civil rights movement. / - Definitions of homophobia, bullying
- The problems caused by homophobic bullying
- About recent teen suicides based on gay bullying
Core Discipline Practices
(90% of students will be able to do) / -Describing/defining stereotypes in their own words
- Discuss with class what their past experiences are with discrimination, stereotyping / - Discuss what it means to be “ableist” and identify ableism in society / - Identify propaganda in various settings
Construct and discuss a timeline of racist persecution by the Nazis
- Explain the effect of religious discrimination on history and on our future / - Think about future implications of racism in America
- Read / interpret / analyze an article
- Brainstorm and come up with their own quotes to help fight racism / - Come up with “Encouraging Words”
- Read and analyze an excerpt of King’s “I Have a Dream”
- Read and analyze an excerpt of Obama’s speech on race
- Effectively communicate their responses with the class / - Effectively communicate their responses to the class
- Show understanding that homophobia and bullying is not only mean but also dangerous / - Come up with 10 questions to ask about how students and staff members feel and have dealt with prejudice and discrimination
- Survey students and teachers
- Summarize findings (paragraph or bullet format) / - Come up with a plan of action with ways to help address and correct the form of discrimination your group is dealing with / - Advisory will present its findings and action plan to another advisory
Low-stakes Writing / Short writing prompts / “Ableism” review questions / Journal: What is hate? / Analyzing photos from LA Riots
Write a quote to fight racism / Answer questions related to articles
“Encouraging Words” handout / Responses to discussion questions / Summarize findings based on survey results / Writing Plan of Action Draft, Final