Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council
Note of the meeting held on Monday 14 March 2016 at 7pm in the Town Hall Chambers.
Present: Wendy McCombes, Keith Langelaan, John Easson, John Palfreyman, Saranne Davies, Councillor Melloy part (left 19.48), Michelle Peet – note taker, Clare Damadoran – reporter part (arrived 7.06pm).
Action1 / Welcome: Wendy welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 / Adoption of previous notes.
Proposed by John E seconded by John P.
5 / Arising and ongoing issues
1. Item 4, 1st point - Saranne now has access to the website via Weblee. Domain name now registered to John E. Saranne will now populated the website with previous minutes.
2. Item 4, 2nd point – Wendy had contacted Brian Hoy who was to get back to her with proposed dates.
3. Item 4, 3rd point – Signatories now complete.
4. Item 4, 6th point – Town Hall would come up in meeting.
5. Item 4, 7th point – Participatory Budget – Aberfeldy Community Council were not involved at least not through PKC. Wendy was to speak with Wendy Cox.
6. Item 4, 9th point – Retiral of Road Sweeper, party had been successful, Community Council had received a letter of thanks.
7. Item ,5 2nd point – Dog Fouling – Wendy was to meet with the Dog Control lady and her boss in Perth, date still to be arranged.
8. Item 8 Coupar Angus and Bendochy Charrette – Clare was to be put something into the Blairgowrie Advertiser. Clare arrived at 7.06pm and confirmed that she had put an article in the Blairgowrie Advertiser but had received no response. John P was still to put something into the CANdo magazine. Keith was still to make a suggestion box.
9. Item 4, 8th point – Mrs Rooney’s letter regarding footway - letter received from the Roads Department at PKC that the path was to be repaired.
10. Response from Roads Department of PKC regarding flood signage stating PKC could erect signs similar to the ones on the B954, the signs would be changeable, the police and PKC would have the keys for the signs. The signs could be erected in the new financial year, a map showing the locations of the signs was enclosed with the letter. Signs to be located at Rosemount, Bendochy and Butterbank. There was some discussion regarding the suitability of the locations, and whether a local, authorised person could be a key holder – in line with a local resilience scheme. It was agreed that what PKC was offering did not fit the expectations of the community. Additional signs were needed at the Red House and at Bendochy crossroads. There was also some discussion regarding the signs being opened and closed timeously.
11. Item 11 1st point – John P had not yet written to David Littlejohn.
12. AOCB – Defibrillators – Michelle had sent extracts of previous minutes to Keith regarding defibrillators, the present Community Council had not appreciated the financial implications were quite considerable. There was a discussion regarding the worth of defibrillators, no statistics appeared to be available regarding the number of lives saved by defibrillators. Councillor Melloy agreed to send the Community Council contact details for John Gilrouth who was a housing and health officer with PKC. John E had a contact number for the defibrillator nurse for Tayside Region. Saranne pointed out there was a first responders scheme (people who are on call to respond before the ambulance arrives). There was also free training to recognise strokes, heart attacks etc which might be of more benefit and much less expensive than providing a defibrillator. / SD
Cllr M
3 / Subjects raised by members of public. There were no members of public present.
4 / Police and Fire Reports. The commanders bulletin is distributed to Community Council members by Keith, just one item for Coupar Angus; sometime between 4 Mar and 7 Mar diesel was stolen from a vehicle in Victoria Street. The Community Council agreed to raise the issue of only one foot patrol person in Blairgowrie and ask if they also covered Coupar Angus. / WMcC
6 / Councillors Report. Councillor Melloy asked if there were any questions.
1. PKC at Townhead.? asked if Cllr Melloy knew what PKC were doing measuring at Townhead; he would try to find out.
2. Uncollected Rubbish. The POP group had been in contact with the Community Council regarding rubbish beside the Lamb and Gardiner sign which had not been collected; it was also mentioned that there was rubbish near EOSF depot.
3. Abandoned signs and sandbags. There were also signs and sandbags at Butterbank that needed uplifting.
4. Turned road sign. The sign to the Medical Centre at the mini roundabout had been turned and was now pointing the wrong way.
5. Dog Fouling bins. Cllr Melloy read out a list of where the dog fouling bins were in the town; 4 in Largan Park, Townhead, Camphall Lane, Trades Lane, Dundee Road, Bankhill and 1 more. Some litter bins also have a sign on that shows they are suitable for dog fouling rubbish. It was pointed out that the bin at Causewayend is not maintained. It was mentioned that a litter bin in Murray’s Court was required. It was agreed that Wendy would ask Paul Dale where bins were needed.
6. Burns Group. Cllr Melloy had spoken with a flood officer regarding removal of sediment under two bridges in Coupar Angus and the delay in giving permission. The flooding officer apologised for the delay and the last bit of sediment clearing should now be able to go ahead. There was some discussion regarding the two pipes which cross the burn by the bridge at the chicken factory. Cllr Melloy was to ask if they belonged to the electricity board. There was discussion whether planning permission for the upgrade to the sub-station had gone through and if it would be possible to ask for community gain on the approve. It was also believed that the cable was going under the Burn; John E pointed out that the bed of the Burn was medieval.
7. Roundabout at Red House. Cllr Melloy was still trying to get the roundabout repainted and also trying to make the junction safer.
8. Traffic Calming Queen Street. Daryl McKeown had not got back to Councillor Melloy as yet with a plan for traffic calming in Queen Street.
9. A94 around School. John P had spoken with Brian Cargill regarding a 20mph speed limit on the A94 around the school area.
Point 8 in the Councillor report led to a discussion regarding the fact that there was a link from the Community Council’s website to the Queen Street local group. John E was to speak to Jo Kettles to see if the group was still active if so then the link was to stay. This also lead to the observation that a policy on what links were to be allowed on the website needed drawing up.
Councillor Melloy left at 19.48. / Cllr M
Cllr M
Cllr M
Cllr M
Cllr M
5 cont. / Arising and ongoing issues.
13. PKC Local Development Plan. Paper was modified in light of training session John P, Saranne and Wendy had attended.
14. Local Resilience Plan. Wendy and Keith had meet with John Handling, it was a useful meeting. It won’t be the Community Council who will make up the group but they will be instrumental in setting the group up; it was to be made up of different people with certain skills, Town Hall is the designated area, SSE was to be part of set up. Local Resilience Plan to go onto next agenda.
15. Town Hall. The Snowdrop Festival had said the kitchen was not good; it was not possible to meet basic food hygiene standards as there was no hot water in the kitchen. Wendy had spoken to the Live Active man who seemed unaware of the problems.
16. Flood debrief. No date set yet for a flood debrief. Action?
17. Community Council Training. John E and Keith had gone to Blairgowrie for mainly financial community councillor training which they had found appropriate and informative. If the Community Council arrange any meeting other than a Community Council monthly meeting, then need to inform PKC for insurance purposes. There was a discussion regarding insurance and implications of adding groups to the insurance. Saranne, Wendy and John P had attending training that mainly focused on planning matters. Again informative and appropriate. / KL
7 / Pending Planning Applications.
1. Should be receiving planning applications every week, Saranne is now named contact; she will contact the planning department and inform them that nothing is being received. / SD
8 / Secretary’s Report.
1. Nothing. A lot of emails received are just information which are passed on to the other Community Councillors.
2. Texting Service. Saranne to find out more about a texting service that PKC runs to publicise events. / SD
9 / Chair’s Report.
1. Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council. Wendy attending a recent Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council meeting. It is a much larger group than Coupar Angus’s 17/18 people. They have a community warden scheme and found that the youth crime decreases when the wardens are around. There are also junior wardens. John P to get in touch with the Safer Communities Team for more information.
2. Brian Hoy Bonfire/fireworks. Emails are still being exchanged between Brian and Wendy regarding the siting of the bonfire/fireworks next November.
3. Strathmore Advisory Group. NHS and local communities in to health services. Wendy had received an email which she had forwarded to the rest of the Community Council. Saranne agreed to be part of the group. Wendy to forward contact details to Saranne.
4. Community Woodland. Wendy had been contacted by Rhona McKinnon regarding ongoing issues in the Community Woodland. / JP
Treasurer’s Report
1. Signatories now sorted, cheque for insurance written, cheque for note taker written, cheque for hire of Trades Hall written, balance approximately £150.
10 / AOCB
1. Citizen of the Year. There was some discussion regarding the citizen of the year; Blairgowrie have the whole community to vote and the winner was to attend a Garden Party at Holyrood. Due to lack of time this item was to go on the agenda for the next meeting.
2. Garden’s Competition. The Garden’s Competition needs to be advertised in April. There was some discussion as to who to ask to judge the competition.
3. Notes. Notes of the meeting were to be published when corrected. Summary of notes to be done by Saranne for CANdo.
4. Response to Local Issues to go on website. / KL
Date of next meeting Monday 11 April 2016 in Town Hall at 7pm. / All
Meeting closed at 8.47pm