It is our policy to provide equal housing opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, age, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, or handicap.

APPLICANT:1)Single Head of Household ⌂ Yes ⌂No

2)Investor-Owned⌂ Yes⌂ No


TYPE OF PROPERTY:⌂Single Family, Owner Occupied ⌂ Rental Units

TYPE:⌂Duplex ⌂Single-Family⌂Resident-Owner


SIZE OF FAMILY: (Number of persons residing in household)


White  Black/African American  Asian

American Indian or Alaska NativeNative Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

 American Indian or Alaska Native AND White  Asian AND White

Black/African American AND White

American Indian/Alaska Native AND Black/African


Yes, Mexican/Chicano Yes, Cuban Yes, Puerto Rican Yes, Other, Hispanic/Latino:

The information concerning minority group categories, sex, martial status, and age is required for statistical purposes so the department may determine the degree to which its programs are being utilized by minority families and for other evaluation studies.



First Name Middle Last Name


Current Street Address Apt No. Time at Address


City State Zip Code


Former Street Address Apt. No Time at Address


Social Security No. Home Telephone No. Drivers License No.

DEPENDENTS: Number:_____ Ages: ______

EDUCATION: (CIRCLE ONE) Under 12Yrs 12 Yrs 13-15 Yrs 16 Yrs - +

BIRTH DATE: / /  Married  Unmarried (Include single, separated, divorced, widowed)



First Name Middle Last Name


Current Street Address Apt No. Time at Address


City State Zip Code


Former Street Address Apt. No Time at Address


Social Security No. Home Telephone No. Drivers License No.

DEPENDENTS: Number:_____ Ages: ______

EDUCATION: (CIRCLE ONE) Under 12Yrs 12 Yrs 13-15 Yrs 16 Yrs - +

BIRTH DATE: / /  Married  Unmarried (Include single, separated, divorced, widowed)

EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME INFORMATION (Attach a copy of payroll stub). If self-employed or commissions,

attach financial statement and a signed copy of most recent income tax return. *Spousal, child support or maintenance income need not be listed unless it is to be considered for granting credit.


______Current Employer (Include Employee I. D. No. if applicable)


Address CityStateZip

Yrs. Mos. _$______

EmployedTelephone NumberMonthly Income (Gross)

$ ______

Other Income (Earned) Monthly Income (Gross)

______Position/Title/Type of Business

Is any of this income likely to be reduced before the credit requested is paid off? (If yes, explain how long and the amount involved on a separate sheets).


______Current Employer (Include Employee I. D. No. if applicable)

______Address City State Zip

Yrs. Mos. ____$______Employed Telephone Number Monthly Income (Gross)

____$______Other Income (Earned) Monthly Income (Gross)

______Position/Title/Type of Business

Is any of this income likely to be reduced before the credit requested is paid off? ⌂ Yes ⌂ No (If yes, explain how long and the amount involved on a separate sheet).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Please completed the attached Assets and Liabilities Form)

Alimony, Child Support, Separate Maintenance, Payment Obligations to whom paid: ______

______How long paid? Amount Paid? ______

Have you ever applied for credit in another name? ⌂Yes ⌂ No If yes, what name: ______

Are all debts listed? ⌂ Yes⌂ No Is any debt past due? ⌂Yes ⌂ No

Have you ever filed a petition under the bankruptcy act?⌂ Yes ⌂ No

Have you ever had a loan collateral repossessed?⌂ Yes⌂ No


Property to be improved - A.P.: ______PropertyAddress: ______Date Purchased: ______PurchasedPrice: ______Estimated Value: ______1st Mortgage Balance: Monthly Payment:

Name/Address Mortgagee: ______2nd Mortgage Balance: Estimated Value:

Name/Address Mortgagee:

Lot Size: Age of Property: Bedrooms: Baths:


AVERAGE HOUSING EXPENSES:(Property to be improved)

Hazard Insurance: Property Taxes: ______

UTILITIES:Gas/Electric: Water: Sewer: ______

Garbage: Maintenance: ______

FORECLOSURE: Has any obligations for home loan or home improvement loan resulted in foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or judgment  Yes  No


Insurance Company: Address: ______

Policy No.: ______Amount of coverage: $______


CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me, and the information given is complete, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have no objections to inquiries being made for the purpose of verifying the statements made herein.

The rehabilitation assistance program has been explained to me and I understand the following approval of any assistance, I will be required to pay certain fees necessary for the completion of the assistance transaction. I hereby indicate that I am willing to pay all such fees as the lot book report, title report fee, title insurance fee, escrow account fee, credit report fee(s), appraisal fee and recording fees.

In addition, I understand that I will be required to provide proof of adequate fire and personal liability insurance coverage in order to receive any assistance from YubaCounty.

______Date Applicant Signature

______Date Co-Applicant Signature



This statement and any applicable supporting schedules may be completed jointly by both married and unmarried Co-Borrowers if their assets and liabilities are sufficiently joined so that the Statement can be meaningfully and fairly presented on a combined basis; otherwise separate Statements and Schedules are required. If the Co-Borrower section was completed about a spouse, this Statement and supporting schedules completed about that spouse also.___ Completed Jointly _____ Not Completed______

Liabilities and Pledged Assets. List the creditor’s name, address, and acct. no for all debts, including loans, revolving charge, real estate loans

Alimony, child support, stock pledges. Use continuation sheet if necessary. Indicate by (*) those liabilities which will be satisfied upon sale of

Real estate owned or upon refinancing of the subject property.


Description VALUE

Cash deposit toward purchase held by: $

______LIABILITIES MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNPAID BALANCEList checking and savings accounts below

Name & Address of Bank, S & L or Credit Union Name and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

Name & Address of Bank, S & L or Credit UnionName and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

Name & Address of Bank, S & L or Credit UnionName and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

Name & Address of Bank, S & L or Credit UnionName and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

Stocks & Bonds (Company Name/Number & Description)Name and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

Life Insurance Net Cash ValueName and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos. $______

$ ______

Real Estate owned (enter market value from

schedule of real estate owned $ ______

Vested interest in retirement fund $ Name and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos ___ $______Net worth of business(es) owned (attach

financial statement) $______

Automobiles owned (make and year)

______Name and Address of Company $ Payments/Mos______$______

Other Assets (Itemize) $

Name and Address of Company $ Payments./Mos $______


COMMENTS: ______

Alimony/Child Support/Separate $

Maintenance Payments Owed to:

______Job Related Expenses

(child care, union dues, etc.) $





Applicant: ____ Age: ______SSN: ______

Co-Applicant: ____ Age: ______SSN: ______

Household Members Relationship Age SSN School





Indicate sources of and amount of household income. Include copies of payroll stubs for past four months and private signed copies of Federal Tax Returns for the past two years.

Source: $ ______

Source: $______

(Attach a separate sheet if you need to provide additional information)

How long have you lived within the Yuba County Area? ______

I/We understand that by signing this form that the County of Yuba through its representatives, may verify all the information given in this application. I/We understand that any misinterpretation may result in disqualification from the program.

______Date Applicant Signature

______(Printed Applicant Name)


Date Co-Applicant Signature

(Printed Co-Applicant Name)





TO:All applicants for financial assistance for the purchase, construction, rehabilitation, improvement or refinancing of one-to-four family residences.

At is unlawful, under the Housing Financial Discrimination Act of 1977, for a public agency to consider any of the following in determining whether or not, or under what terms and conditions, to provide or arrange for financial assistance:

  1. Neighborhood characteristics (such as the average age of the homes or the income level in the neighborhood), to a limited extent necessary to avoid an unsafe and unsound business practice.
  1. Race, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.

It is also unlawful to consider, in appraising a residence, the racial, ethnic, or religious composition of a particular neighborhood or whether or not such a composition is undergoing change or is expected to undergo change.

If you wish to file a complaint, or if you have questions about your rights, contact:

Comptroller of the Currency

Administrator of National Banks

Fourteenth National Bank Region

Consumer Complaint Department

SteuartStreetTower, Suite 2101

One MarketPlaza

San FranciscoCA94105

I/We have read this notice and understand a copy is available to me/us.


Applicant Signature Date Co-Applicant Signature Date




9158th Street, MarysvilleCA95901

(530) 741-5460 - Fax (530) 749-5464

Applicant Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Co-Applicant Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Social Security Number: ______

Physical Address:

______Address City State Zip Code


Mailing Address: (if different)


P.O. Box CityState Zip Code

By signing below, I/We authorize Yuba County Community Development Department to verify any an all sources of income, assets and expenses as required determining my/our eligibility for the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program. In addition, I/We authorize Yuba County Community Development Department to provide my/our name, address and telephone number to Community Resource Project so they may contact me/us regarding possible rehabilitation grants. I agree photocopies of this authorization may be used for the purposes stated. This authorization shall be effective for six (6) months from the date of signature.

______Date Applicant Signature

______Date Co- Applicant Signature


Authorization for the Release of InformationU. S. Department of Housing

Privacy Act Noticeand Urban Development

to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)Office of Public and Indian Housing

and the Yuba County Community Development Department

PHA requesting release of information: (Cross out space if none)IHA requesting release of information: (Cross out space if none)

(Full address, name of contact person, and date)(Full address, name of contact person, and date)





Authority: Section 904 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988, as amended by Section 903 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and Section 3003 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. This law is found a 42 U.S.C. 3544.

This law requires that you sign a consent form authorizing: (1) HUD and the Housing Agency/Authority (HA) to request verification of salary and wages from current or previous employers: (2) HUD and the HA to request wage and unemployment compensation claim information from the state agency responsible for keeping that information: (3) HUD to request certain tax return information from the U.S. Social Security Administration and the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. The law also requires independent verification of income information. Therefore, HUD or the HA may request information from financial institutions to verify your eligibility and level of benefits.

Uses of Information to be Obtained: HUD is required to protect the income information it obtains in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974.5 U.S.C. 552a. HUD may disclose information (other than tax return information) for certain routine uses, such as to other government agencies for law enforcement purposes, to Federal agencies for employment suitability purposes and to Has for the purpose of determining housing assistance. The HA is also required to protect the income information it obtains in accordance with any applicable State privacy law. HUD and HA employees may be subject to penalties for unauthorized disclosures or improper uses of the income information that is obtained based on the consent form. Private owners may not request or receive information authorized by this form.

Who Must Sign the Consent Form: Each member of your household who is 18 years of age or older must sign the consent form. Additional signatures must be obtained from new adult members joining the household or whenever members of the household become 18 years of age.

Persons who apply for or receive assistance under the following programs are required to sign this consent form:

PHA-owned rental public housing

Turnkey III Homeownership Opportunities

Mutual Help Homeownership Opportunity

Section 23 and 19(c) leased housing

Section 23 Housing Assistance Payments

HA-owned rental Indian Housing

Section 8 Rental Certificate

Section 8 Rental Voucher

Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation

Failure to Sign Consent Form: Your failure to sign the consent form may result in the denial of eligibility or termination of assisted housing benefits, or both. Denial of eligibility or termination of benefits is subject to the HA’s grievance procedures and Section 8 informal hearing procedures.

Sources of Information To Be Obtained: State Wage Information Collection Agencies (This consent is limited to wages and unemployment compensation I have received during period(s) within the last 5 years when I have received assisted housing benefits.)

U. S. Social Security Administration (HUD only) (This consent is limited to the wage and self employment information and payments of retirement income as referenced at Section 6103(1) (7) (A) of the Internal Revenue Code.)

U. S. Internal Revenue Service (HUD only) (This consent is limited to unearned income [i.e.: interest and dividends].)

Information may also be obtained directly from: (a) current and former employers concerning salary and wages and (b) financial institutions concerning unearned income (i.e.: interest and dividends). I understand that income information obtained from these sources will be used to verify information that I provide in determining eligibility for assisted housing programs and the level of benefits. Therefore, this consent form only authorizes release directly from employers and financial institutions of information regarding any period(s) within the last 5 years when I received assisted housing benefits.

Consent: I consent to allow HUD or the HA to request and obtain income information from the sources listed on this form for the purpose of verifying my eligibility and level of benefits under HUD’s assisted housing programs. I understand that Has that receive income information under this consent form cannot use it to deny, reduce or terminate assistance without first independently verifying what the amount was, whether I actually had access to the funds and when the funds were received. In addition, I must be given an opportunity to contest those determinations.

This consent form expires 15 months after signed.



Head of HouseholdDate

Social Security Number

(if any) of Head of Household


Family Member over age 18 Date

Spouse Date Other Family Member over age 18 Date

Other Family Member over age 18Date Other Family Member over age 18 Date

Other Family Member over age 18Date Other Family Member over age 18 Date

Privacy Act Notice. Authority: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is authorized to collect this information by the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437 et.seq.). Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), and by the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-19). The Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (42 U.S.C. 3543) requires applicants and participants to submit the Social Security Number of each household member who is six years old or older. Purpose: Your income and other information are being collected by HUD to determine your eligibility, the appropriate bedroom size, and the amount your family will pay toward rent and utilities. Other Uses: HUD uses your family income and other information to assist in managing and monitoring HUD-assisted housing programs, to protect the Government’s financial interest, and to verify the accuracy of the information you provide. This information;may be released to appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, when relevant, and to civil, criminal, or regulatory investigators and prosecutors. However, the information will not be otherwise disclosed or released outside of HUD, except as permitted or required by law. Penalty: You must provide all of the information requested by the HA, including all Social Security Numbers of all household members six years of age and older is mandatory, and not providing the Social Security Numbers will affect your eligibility. Failure to provide any of the requested information may result in a delay or rejection of your eligibility approval.

Penalties for Misusing this Consent:

HUD, the HA and any owner (or any employee of HUD, the HA or the owner) may be subject to penalties for unauthorized disclosures or improper uses of information collected based on the consent form.

Use of the information collected based on the form HUD 9886 is restricted to the purposes cited on the form HUD 9886. Any person, who knowingly or willfully requests, obtains or discloses any information under false pretenses concerning an applicant or participant may be subject to a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000.

Any applicant or participant affected by negligent disclosure of information may bring civil action for damages, and seek other relief, as may be appropriate, against the officer or employee of HUD, the HA or the owner responsible for the unauthorized disclosure or improper use.

Original is retained by the requesting organizationref. Handbooks 7420.7 7420.8 & 7465.1 form HUD-9886 (7/94)



Section 8 Rental Assistance Programs/CDBG Rehabilitation Programs


If this housing was constructed before 1978, there is a possibility that it may contain lead based paint.