Steuben County

Enhanced 9-1-1 Department

David F. Hopkins Tina M. Goodwin

Director Deputy Director

January 25, 2013

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary

Federal Communications Commission

Office of the Secretary

c/o Natek, Inc.

236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110

Washington, DC 20002

RE: Congressional 9-1-1 Report on State Collection & Distribution of 911 and

Enhanced 911 Fees and Charges dated December 21, 2012

Dear Ms. Dortch:

We are writing to officially place on file a dispute regarding the 911 fee information

provided by NYS. In the full report on Page #22 it is noted that NYS is collecting

$194,787,113 annually on wireless surcharge fees. In a publication Titled 2011-2012

New York State Tax Collections Statistical Summaries and Historical Tables, the NYS

Dept. of Taxation and Finance reports the figure to be $194,615,796 annually. It is

critical to note that on the same page, in the Congressional Report, NYS indicates it

diverted $22.8 million into the NYS general fund. We dispute the format as it implies

that $171,987,113.00 was expended on 911 services in New York. I have attached a

chart based on information provided to us by the NYS Department of Taxation and

Finance as to where the money is actually going. It is a very telling and visual chart.

NYS continues to provide skewed information and makes every attempt to block us from

getting information on the true revenue it is collecting and distribution from the 911

surcharge fees. Each time we receive information it has a different “spin” on it with

different figures. The only reliable source of information we have received has been the

reports from the Department of Taxation and Finance.

There are an estimated 16 million cellular telephone subscribers in NYS, most believing

that this surcharge is being used to support 911 services.

Since 2002 NYS has collected over $1 Billion. The state shares annually with the local

911 Centers, only $10 million which they raided and reduced to $9.3 million dollars since

2009, this amount is made available to the 911 Centers via reimbursement of a small

number of eligible expenditures. An additional $45 million was made available in 2011-

12 through competitive Grants that as of this writing have not been awarded or

distributed. The remainder of the collection goes to various funds within NYS such as the

General Fund, the New York State Police, a Revolving Loan Fund and more.

The Members of the NYS 9-1-1 Coordinators Association and New York State Chapter

of NENA feel obligated to continue to work on correcting what we see as fund raiding

and deception by NYS in the collection and distribution of 9-1-1 surcharge fees.

If we can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you!


Mr. David F. HopkinsTina M. Goodwin CCM

Director, Steuben CountyDeputy Director, Steuben County

Enhanced 911 DepartmentEnhanced 911 Department

3 E Pulteney SQ3 E Pulteney SQ

Bath, NY 14810Bath, NY 14810

Vice President, New York State Chapter

National Emergency NumberAssociation

Cc: Julius Genachowski, Chairman

Mailing Address: 3 East Pulteney Sq, Bath NY 14810-1557

Physical Location: 6979 Rumsey Street EXT, Bath NY

Telephone: (607) 664-2991 Fax: (607) 776-2106
