Mock Congress

Bill to Law and Electoral College Simulation


a. The class will be divided into two parties, BLUE and RED.

b. Each party will then be broken into THREE equal groups.

c. Once in a party and in a group the party will need to select a presidential candidate. If more than one person in the party wants to run for president the party will have to conduct a PRIMARY ELECTION.


_____a. ASSIGNED BILL NUMBER ONE – Each individual will be assigned one bill. This bill that is assigned is random. You are trying to pass this bill.

_____b. SMALL GROUP (FACTION)BILL – Each small group will support a bill of their choosing in hopes of having their bill passed into law. You are trying to pass this bill.

_____c. OPPOSITE PARTY BILL – Each individual will be assigned one bill. The bill that is assigned will be one from the opposite team’s list. For example, if I am in the BLUE party my assigned bill will come from RED party’s list. You are trying to pass this bill.

_____d. INDIVIDUAL BILL –Individually, select a bill from the list, other than the assigned bill, your small group bill, or your opposite party bill. The bill may be ANY of the other ten listed. You are trying to pass this bill.

3. GRADE – Total points for simulation = 25 Points

  1. 10 points for class participation – must speak in front of class a minimum offour times
  2. You must speak at least two times on behalf of your assigned bill NUMBER ONE
  3. You must speak at least two times on behalf of your other three bills

b. 10 points for completion of both debate sheets (5 points for each sheet)

c. 5 points in-class conduct

d. Bonus points?

4. POSSIBLE BONUS POINTS – Earn bonus points by meeting your objectives and having your bills passed through the law making process. Here’s how:

a. Point Accumulation

-1 point for each bill on your notecard accepted by the committee (3 total available for each person)

-3 points for each bill on your notecard passed by Congress that becomes a law (9 total available for each person)

-1 additional point for having your party’s presidential candidate elected (BLUE vs. RED)

-2 additional points if your party gets the most bills passed into law (BLUE vs. RED)

-3 additional points if your faction (small group) has the most points (no ties) (BLUE vs. RED)

-4 additional points if you, individually, have the most points (no ties) (individual)

20 – 22 = 7 bonus points

17 – 19 = 5 bonus points

13 – 16 = 4 bonus points

9 – 12 = 3 bonus points

6 – 8 = 2 bonus point