County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone (01482) 393939

Darren Stevens InterimDirector of Corporate Resources

/ Your Ref:
Our Ref:3d/TT/JS/FOI08509
Enquiries to:Tracey Tomlinson
Tel. Direct:(01482) 393203
Fax. Number:(01482) 393269
Date:28 April 2017

Dear Sir/Madam

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Request for Information

On 21 March 2017 East Riding of Yorkshire Council received your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The information you have requested, along with the Council’s response, is set out below.


Under the FOI act please provide the following information,

Workforce Management

  1. Please provide the organisation’s total expenditure on temporary agency staff for 2015/16
  1. Please state which staffing group has the highest temporary agency spend for 2015/16 (eg. admin & clerical, community services, legal etc).

3. Does the organisation use any 3rd party services/software to manage agency workers? If so, please provide the following information:

a.Provider Name

b.Description of Services

c.Annual Cost to Organisation in 2015/16 (£)

d.Contract End Date

e.Framework used for procurement

4. Please provide the organisation’s total expenditure on internal bank staff for 2015/16 (£)

5.Does the organisation use any 3rd party services/software to manage bank workers?If so, please provide the following information:

a.Provider Name

b.Description of Services

c.Annual Cost to Organisation in 2015/16 (£)

d.Contract End Date


a.How does the organisation manage their payroll? (in-house/outsourced)

b.How frequently does the organisation run its payroll? (monthly/weekly)

c.Which staff types does the payroll cover? (substantive/temporary)

d.How many payslips did the organisation process in 2015/16?

e.What is the annual cost of the payroll services provision in 2015/16?

f.If outsourced, which 3rd party do you use?

g.If outsourced, what is the contract end date?

Thank you for your time spent on this request.


  1. The total expenditure incurred by the Council on agency staff during 2015/16 was £3,510,618.
  1. The area with the highest spend on agency staff is Schools

3. Does the organisation use any 3rd party services/software to manage agency workers? If so, please provide the following information:

a.Provider Name

Matrix SCM

b.Description of Services

Neutral Vendor

c.Annual Cost to Organisation in 2015/16 (£)

Net Spend: £1.2 m (Payments to agencies, workers and provision of service)

d.Contract End Date

30 September 2017

e.Framework used for procurement

  1. The total spend on internal bank staff (termed as casual or supply staff by the Council) in 2015/16 was £14,072,501. These amounts include gross pay, national insurance and superannuation.



5.Does the organisation use any 3rd party services/software to manage bank workers? If so, please provide the following information:

a.Provider Name

b.Description of Services

c.Annual Cost to Organisation in 2015/16 (£)

d.Contract End Date



a.How does the organisation manage their payroll? (in-house/outsourced)


b.How frequently does the organisation run its payroll? (monthly/weekly)


c.Which staff types does the payroll cover? (substantive/temporary)


d.How many payslips did the organisation process in 2015/16?


e.What is the annual cost of the payroll services provision in 2015/16?


f.If outsourced, which 3rd party do you use?


g.If outsourced, what is the contract end date?


If you are dissatisfied with the above response or how your request has been handled you can ask for the Council to review this by contacting the Freedom of Information Coordinator on the above telephone number or by email on within 6 weeks of this letter which is 8 June 2017.

A senior manager will carry out the review within 10 working days of receipt of your request and provide a response within 20 working days. It will provide a fair and thorough review of the decisions taken and where necessary how your request has been handled.

If you are not content with the outcome of the review you can apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Council’s review procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane




Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (national rate number)

Fax: 01625 524 510

Alternatively email: .

Yours faithfully

for the Interim Director of Corporate Resources