Group Member(s): ______

Content Topic / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
History (x2) / The history section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information, events, and people. / The history section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The History section is missing a lot or is too detailed – not summarized / The History section is missing a few key events or is too vague. / The History of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Geographic Location / The location section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / The location section is missing information and is not presented accurately / The location section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The location section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The location of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Government / The government section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information, events, and people. / The government section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The government section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The government section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The government of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Religion / The religion section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / The religion section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The religion section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The religion section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The religion of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Economy / The economy section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / The economy section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The economy section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The economy section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The Economy of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Climate / The climate section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / The climate section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The climate section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The climate section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The Climate of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Culture / The culture section is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / The culture section is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / The culture section is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / The culture section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The Culture of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Human Geography / Human geography is not accurate and is missing a lot of information. / Human Geography is missing a ton of information and is not presented accurately / Human Geography is mediocre, but missing 2 things. / Human Geography is missing one thing or has writing errors. / The geography of the country is explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Interesting Facts / The facts section is not accurate and only has 1 interesting fact. / The facts section is not presented accurately and only has 2 interesting facts / The facts section is mediocre, and has only three facts. / The facts section is missing one thing or has writing errors. / 4 – 5 Interesting Facts of the country are explained in accurate detail with no mistakes.
Pictures / There is one picture on your poster. / There are 2 pictures on your poster / There are 3-4 pictures on your poster, but they are unorganized and sloppy / There are 4- 5 pictures, but do not fit the content. / There are a total of 5 neat and organized pictures.
Works Cited / You did not correctly cite your work and there are instances of plagiarism. / There are 3 writing errors in your works cited. / There are 2 errors in your works cited section. / There is only 1 mistake in your work cited section and no plagiarism. / There are no mistakes or plagiarism in the poster.

Extra Credit Possibility (Food dish, current event)

Poster Total: ______/60

Additional Comments:


Name: ______

Criteria / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Nonverbal Skills
Eye Contact & Body Language / Does not attempt to look at audience at all, reads notes the entire time / Only focuses attention to one particular part of the class, does not scan audience / Occasionally looks at someone or some groups during presentation / Constantly maintains eye contact and has positive body language.
Vocal Skills
Voice / Shows no interest in topic presented; rushes through the content, mumbles or is unclear / Seems to rush through certain parts, may mumble or lack clarity. / Sustains a clear voice, but may have issues with pacing or loudness. / Speaks loudly, clearly and annunciates all words. Does not mumble or rush.
Professionalism of Presentation / Confusing explanations, is distracting, or unorganized. / Thoughts don't flow, not clear, does not engage audience; may lack organization / Thoughts articulated clearly, though does not engage audience / Presentation is organized and the interest level of the audience is maintained
Understanding and completeness of Content / Cleary does not understand content, explanations are unclear and confusing / Does not show understanding of content, some difficulty with explanations / Covers topic but some explanations are unclear or confusing / Demonstrates clear understanding of content and is able to explain and clarify all points
(Points allocated up to Ms. Bruggeman’s jurisdiction) / Presentation is clearly unequal; off-task behavior in lab / Presentation seems unequal from group members / Presentation has a few inequalities between group members / Presentation is equal amongst group members and everyone worked well as a team

Presentation Total: ____/20