Cycle Centre Registration Forms
Electronic Registers for each Cycle Centre must be sent to the office, and at the end of each month.
Please see samples of both Level One and Level Two Registers.
Level One
Donald Duck
Joined on week 1, Client information passed to the Instructor from the office, Customer Services, the following details are to be put on your Register as soon as you receive them, not when the Client arrives for training :-
Name, telephone number, and most importantly, the project in which they come under (this information will also be shown on your Invoice Report – see section below regarding Project priority), in the case of WPL, the company they work for, must also be shown on the Register, and if WPL is the project on your Invoice Report, also shown there.
Consent Form and Pre course Questionnaire, you will have been informed by the office, Customer Services, that they have already been completed, or not, if not, you will have to fill them out with the Client at the Cycle Centre.
You will also be told how many sessions they are entitledto, Cycle for Health may only be five sessions, whereasUcycle could be unlimited.
Once a Clients information has been given to you, that Client is now ‘Live’ at your Centre, on the days they attend, you enter ‘Yes’, on the days they do not, enter ‘X’, if they become live, but do not turn up for the first session, you still enter a ‘X’ (this allows the office to know if a Client has started or not).
Mickey Mouse
If, as in this case, the Clients information comes to you for a start in the second week of the month, the previous week is shown ‘******’, this will also indicate if they have completed or moved onto Level 2, see weeks 3, 4 & 5 for Donald Duck.
Page Two
Minnie Mouse
Did not start until the second week, missed the fourth week.
Started on the third week, attended the third and fourth, then missed the fifth.
Information came through for a start on the third week, however, no shows for weeks 3, 4, & 5, this information, when it gets back to the office, the Client can then be phoned to see what the problem is.
Level Two
There will be clients sent to you that are rated Level Two, however as Instructors it is your responsibility that they can achieve all the outcomes required for Level One, therefore BC (Basic Control) in the outcomes should be not applicable.
Snow White
Joins Level Two on week 1, assessed that she is capable of Level One, noted on the register. Attends each week for all five sessions, achieves Level Two, noted on the register, therefore you will send her Level Two outcome letter with the register at the end of the month.
Joins the group on week 2, assessed at level one and noted, completes three sessions out of five, therefore at the start of the next month, April, will have two sessions remaining.
Similar to Sneezy, except joins on week 3, does not turn up for that session, but comes the following week, therefor the following month will be able to have three sessions.
Donald Duck
Joins level two session from the level one group, hence the note under BC & L1, has already had two session, with three remaining.
Is scheduled to attend on week 3, does not arrive, he also has not completed the required paperwork, when transferring information to the following month, this must be noted.
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When this Client does arrive, the Instructor must insure that all the paperwork is completed and sent to the office.
Outcome Achieved
This becomes one of the most important piece of information, the first thing we have to remember is that these stats go towards RideWise getting funding for future works, your employment depends on the amount of work RideWise has, therefore it is in your own hands if you wish to have enough work available to you so that you can continue to work on a regular basis.
The first stat that you must ensure is reach, is that all Clients manage to complete three hours of training, regardless of the level achieved. If you have a Client that only completes two session, please ensure that you contact them and encourage them to a least complete the third session.
On the register for Level One, there is three level of Outcome Achieved – BC = Basic Control, L1 = Level One, and L2 = Level Two. Once you have entered yes to BC, we know the progress of the Client, though still getting Level One training. Once they have reached Level One, and they still have lessons available to them, they can move onto Level Two, as per Donald Duck on the sample register, hence ****** for the weeks 3, 4 & 5.
If your Client completes Level One, but does go onto Level Two, or does not completes level Two, please ensure that you complete the Level One Outcome letter for them. These are to be sent to the office with the completed register for that month.
Please ensure that your register is sent to the office as soon as you have finished your last session in the month of the period the register covers.
Group Ride Register
Please ensure that the following items are completed:
- Name - Post code - Date of birth – Ethnicity (compulsory)
- Telephone – email – newsletter request (optional)
Instructors must ensure that the ride length is recorded in “time” not “distance”.