Integrating strategies to address gender-based violence and engage men and boys to advance gender equality through national HIV strategies and plans
Country Action Plan – Template
Country: Tanzania
Green-Light Thinking:Gaps in national policy and plans
Access to SRHR to marginalized communities, women and girls
Strengthening care and support for women and girls and reducing their burden of care
GBV is not adequately integrated in MDAs, LGAs, and NSAs HIV plans and budgets
Policies and plans are not incorporating Men and boys engagement in transforming gender norms
Involvement of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in decision making structures and fora at all levels. / Priority areas for advocacy
Strengthen coordination of existing WLHIV networks and groups
Integration of GBV in National Multisectoral Strategic Framework (111) and other National Policies and Plans and ensure engage ment of men and boys
Increased budget allocation for addressing GBV and advancement of gender equality at national and LGA levels.
Entry Points
· Review National Gender Operational Plan for HIV and AIDS (2010 – 2012) to integrate Men Engage
· Draft National Multisectoral Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS (III) process
· New HIV and AIDS Policy 2011
· Tanzania Parliamentarian Standing Committee on HIV and AIDS meetings
· GBV committees at the Ministry of Community Development Gender and Children and Men Engage network
· NMSF Technical Working Committees
· Draft National Gender Policy
· Tanzania Commission for AIDS and National Council of People living with HIV
Timeframe / Key action / strategy 1: MIWA
Strengthen coordination of WLHIV through capacity building for WLHIV networks and groups.
- TACAIDS, NACOPHA and WLHIV networks meetings ($5000)
- Trainings for WLHIV networks and groups on GBV and advancement of gender equality ($100,000)
Review the Draft NMSF (III) to ensure incorporation of meaningful involvement of and leadership by women living with and affected by HIV, Eliminating GBV and discrimination and protection of human rights including SRHR ($30,000).
De-briefing to the GBV National Technical Working Group and presentation of the Country plan to TACAIDS and the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children. ($15,000) / Partnerships
Timeframe / Key action / strategy 2: engaging men and boys for gender equality
Strengthen collaboration with Men Engage network ($5,000)
Increase awareness among community on HIV, GBV and Men Engagement by using SASA tools (to be implemented in lake zone) ($100,000)
- Study tour to Raising Voices in Uganda
To strengthen a focus on engaging men within National policies and plans using SONKE analysis on NMSF III and National Gender Operational Plan for HIV and AIDS
($ 45,000) / Partnerships
TACAIDS, CSOs, Engender Health, Raising Voice
Key action / strategy 3: SRHR-HIV linkages
To support the development of IEC materials on SRHR for Women and Adolescent living with HIV ($45,000) / TACAIDS, MoH RCH, CSOs
Key action / strategy 4: Key populations
To integrate key population needs in the national policies and plans ($20,000)
Study visit to Malawi for Key Population interventions (MSM, Sex Workers, and IDU ($25,000) / TACAIDS, CSOs,