Series: Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles Pt5

Title: Daring To Plant In Faith! [Small Group Discussion Questions]

Date: 2/7/2016

Text: Galatians 6:7-10; selected

1.  Read aloud Galatians 6:7-10. These verses draw a distinct line between two opposing ways to live or two opposing types of “seed” we can plant with our lives—what are the two opposing ways?

2.  If a “seed” is anything of value that makes Jesus or His Word known, what are some “seeds” that desperately need to be planted in our community today? Why is there such a need?

3.  Read aloud Galatians 6:10. This verse wraps up the Apostle Paul’s thought on planting & harvesting. He stress two big ideas; do good to EVERYONE whenever you have opportunity, and, especially DO GOOD those who are part of God’s family of faith. What are some ways to obey this command? To whom can you “do good” this week?

4.  Nothing happens until we plant a seed (John 12:24). It sounds so simple! Why then do so many look for God’s help where they’ve never planted a seed? Share a time when you were asking God for His help but had not taken a step of faith & trusting Him with that area!

5.  Read aloud 2 Corinthians 9:7. The third reality in God’s law of planting and harvesting is “when in need, plant a seed.” Why is that true based on 2 Corinthians 9:7? Is there an area in your life that is lacking? How might you plant a seed there?

6.  Read aloud Galatians 6:9 & Mark 4:8-9. Sometimes we plant good seed but the soil isn’t ready. This is why we must develop patience and KEEP PLANTING. Patience is the confidence that “God’s got this!” And, God will multiply what we plant which Jesus’ parable shows. So why do we expect a seed in our garden to produce way more crop than a single tomato or ear of corn, but we struggle to believe God’s law of planting & harvesting for our lives? Share a time when you struggled to believe.

*DON’T MISS, SUNDAY, February 14 as Pastor Frank will share the Hope Initiative and the 3 big, hairy, audacious, goals the Lord’s impressed on him. These are important “NEXT STEPS” for our church family! PLEASE…

*Spend time fasting and praying this week!

*Pray: “God what are the next steps You have for me in this Hope Initiative?”