5 May,2017

ToalllocalContractorsandPerformersin theNorth & West LancashireLOCarea:

Notification of ExtraordinaryGeneralMeeting

AnExtraordinary General Meeting (EGM) oftheNorth & West LancashireLOC (alongside an EGM of Cumbria LOC) will beheldon Tuesday 13th June 2017 at the Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands, nr Kendal, Cumbria. LA7 7NW (Junction 36 off the M6).

The proposal for the LOC Boundary Changes, committee election nomination forms and the new LOC constitution are enclosed.

We hope that as many local contractors and performers as possible will attend the meeting to support and get involved with the LOC .

If youwish tobenominated for one of the 16positionson theCommittee,you shouldcompletetheenclosed Nomination paper and return it by 12 May. Ifyou areuncertainastowhich categoryyoumaywishtobeconsideredfor,please contact meforfurther advice.

Pleaseconfirm your intention toattend the EGM;details of a nominated proxy (for voting for committee members) ;or request for a postal vote toPaul Hutchenceby 12th May 2017.

Theresultsof the nominationswillbecirculated inadvance of the EGM along with a postal voting or proxypaper for those ofyou unabletoattend themeeting.


Paul Hutchence

LOC Secretary


LOC boundary change proposals

Committee NominationPapers

New LOC Constitution

North & West LancashireLOC


Tuesday 13th June 2017

Crooklands Hotel

19.00 with buffet first from 18.30


  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Minutes from AGM 2017
  3. LOC Constitution
  4. LOC Boundary Change Proposal
  5. LOC Committee Election
  6. AOB

North & West Lancashire LOC and Cumbria LOC: Boundary Changes Proposal

Proposal to contractors and performers in North & West Lancashire(NWL) and Cumbria (CU):

That contractors and performers from optical practices in the Cumbria South area cease being represented by Cumbria LOC, becoming represented by NWL LOC, to be voted on at simultaneous respective Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)s to be held Tuesday 13th June 2017 at the Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands near Milnthorpe.


The NHS has recently reconfigured the local NHS geography with the south Cumbria area of Cumbria CCG merging with North Lancashire CCG to create the new Morecambe Bay CCG. In addition under the new Sustainability and Transformation Footprints created by NHS England, South Cumbria has been added to the Lancashire area – with the development of Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria.

In addition, Primary Eyecare (Lancashire)Ltd. has been successfully awarded the Better Care Together Integrated Eye Service Contract on behalf of the Morecambe Bay CCG area – which includes North Lancashire and South Cumbria.

In order to reflect the geographies, it is therefore deemed necessary for optical practices in South Cumbria area to cease being represented by CU LOC, and become represented by NWL LOC- which may need to be renamed . One suggestion is the “ West Lancashire and Morecambe Bay LOC” – the logic of this is that the “North” out of NWLLOC referred to North Lancashire CCG which now has joined with S.Cumbria as Morecambe Bay CCG.


NWL and CU LOCs have already agreed this boundary change in principle and recommend the proposal to all local contractors and performers. We are now writing to all contractors and performers in NWL and CU areas to invite you to attend an EGM to vote on this proposal to be held Tuesday 13th June 2017 at the Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands near Milnthorpe. Simultaneous EGMs for NWL and CU contractors and performers will be held for respective contractors and performers from each area.

Majority votes will be taken at both EGMs on the proposal (resolution 1 below). If you would like your vote to count at the EGM but are unable to attend in person, please request a proxy voting form from Paul Hutchence (Secretary ofNWL LOC )or Bruce Avery (Secretary of Cumbria) LOC by no later than Friday 12thMay 2017.

At the EGM a new NWL LOC committee will be elected. Both NWL and CU LOCs have adopted the new model constitution.

In addition, it is proposed that if resolution 1 is carried, that NWL LOC become known as West Lancashire and Morecambe Bay LOC (WL&MB LOC) to reflect the boundary changes.

If the resolutions and overall proposal is voted through, the new jurisdictions will become effective as of 1stJuly 2017.

Levy information:

Currently NWL LOChas a statutory levy of 1.1% and CU LOC has a statutory levy of 0.75%.

It is proposed CU LOC will be raising their levy to 1.1% and both levies will be reviewed at the 2018 AGM. NWL LOC will retain its levy at 1.1% as now.

The CU levy will rise to enable it to enable it to meet the needs to support the NHS Success Regime Ophthalmology work stream in North Cumbria and its newly reconstituted LOC.

NWL LOC also has a 2% voluntary levy – which is an Opt-in levy for the Central Optical Fund for any practice in the NWL LOC area.

Committee Elections:

Both NWL and CU LOCS will be holding fresh elections of their respective committees at the EGMs to reflect the new boundary changes and the new constitution adopted by the respective LOCs.

Resolutions to be voted at EGMs:

  1. Both EGMs: That practices from the South Cumbria area cease being represented by CU LOC and become represented by NWL LOC.
  2. NWL EGM: NWL LOC to be renamed West Lancashire and Morecambe Bay LOC.


This is a joint proposal between NWL and CU LOCs.


Vic Cottam,Stephen Bagot,


North & West Lancashire LOC Cumbria LOC

CommitteeNominationPaper forNorth & West LancashireLOC

(Tuesday 13th June 2017)

NameofCandidate: ......


Local ContractorLocal Performer

Addressof Candidate:......



...... Postcode:...... Emailaddress:......

GOCnumber:(ifrelevant) ......

Date:...... Proposedby:......

(Please printfullname)

Please returntoDharmesh Patel, ReturningOfficerc/oNorth & West LancashireLOC at

All nominationsmust bereceivedby theReturningOfficerat least21days priortotheAGMwhich will beheldonTuesday 13th June 2017