Magic Chinese

學習目標Learning Objectives

Lesson 1.1一二三四五六七y9 8r s1n s= w& li* q9

Count numbers from 1-100

Lesson 1.2上午十點sh4ngw& sh0 di3n

State date and time

Lesson 1.3 你的電話號碼是多少?

N-de di4nhu4h4om3 sh= du!sh3o?

State telephone numbers.

/ The “Magic Chinese” journey starts when Lisa and her family go into a flea market and buy what they think is a compass.It is old and rusty, with many dials and buttons that seem more like decorations than anything functional.Beautiful designs are carved onto the lid. Even though the compass doesn’t seem to work very well, Lisa Melissa still loves it. What she doesn’t realize is that the compass is going to change her life and that of her friends forever.
The day after she buys the compass, Lisa, as always, gets together with her four good friends in Peter’s garage.Excitedly, Lisa shows everyone the compass. Peter declares that he knows how to make it work,but Tom barges his way in, snatches the compass;and begins wildly pressing all of the buttons and turning all of the dials.Suddenly, strange, glowing words appear, as if by magic, in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.
They ask Peter at once what these words mean. Peter explains that they are times and dates in Chinese, but he doesn’t know why they are there or how they have appeared. Lisa exclaims that it doesn’t matter. She thinks that everything that has occurred so far is extremely exciting and reminds her of fantasy stories she’s read. Maybe the compass will take them to a magical world! However, something strange happened when Reggie pushed the upper left key.The compass screen promptly displays English on, what looks like, a computer screen. It seems to have turned into a translator.



(Lisa is showing her curious-looking compass to her friends. While everyone is watching intently, Peter declares that he knows how to use it.But Tom barges in and begins to press all of the buttons and dials. Suddenly, strange glowing words appear, as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.)
Tom: / Look! What’s this? Hey, these are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is.
Peter: / I know! I know! That’s Chinese. They are thenumbers 1-10. 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十。
Linda: / What? (mimicking) … yi, er, san, si, wu, ……
Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it.


一 / 二 / 三 / 四 / 五 / 六
七 / 八 / 九 / 十
Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
一 / 一 / y9 / num. / one
二 / 二 / 8r / num. / two
三 / 三 / s1n / num. / three
四 / 四 / s= / num. / four
五 / 五 / wǔ / num. / five
六 / 六 / li* / num. / six
七 / 七 / q9 / num. / seven
八 / 八 / b1 / num. / eight
九 / 九 / ji& / num. / nine
十 / 十 / sh0 / num. / ten
a.1 Counting from 1-10 in Chinese
Read aloud and repeat.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
一 / 二 / 三 / 四 / 五 / 六 / 七 / 八 / 九 / 十
y9 / 8r / s1n / s= / w& / li* / q9 / b1 / ji& / sh0
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
十 / 九 / 八 / 七 / 六 / 五 / 四 / 三 / 二 / 一
sh0 / ji& / b1 / q9 / li* / w& / s= / s1n / 8r / y9
Number Song: Read the number song below and clap your hands at the same time.
一二三,三二一, / y9 8r s1n, s1n 8r y9, / 1 2 3, 3 2 1,
一二三四五六七。 / y9 8r s1n s= w& li* q9. / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
八九十,十九八, / b1 ji& sh0, sh0 ji& b1, / 8 9 10, 10 9 8,
七六五四三二一。 / q9 li* w& s= s1n 8r y9. / 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
a.2 Counting from 10-100 in Chinese
10-19 / 十, / 十一, / 十二, / ……
sh0 / sh0y9 / sh08r
20-29 / 二十, / 二十一, / 二十二, / ……
8rsh0 / 8rsh0y9 / 8rsh08r
30-39 / 三十, / 三十一, / 三十二, / ……
. / s1nsh0 / s1nsh0y9 / s1nsh08r
. / 四十,
s= sh0
. / 五十,
. / 六十,
. / 七十,
q9= sh0
. / 八十,
. / 九十,
100 / 一百
y= b3i
Tongue Twister (繞口令)
Challenge yourself: Read aloud as fast as you can.
四是四, / S= sh= s=,
十是十, / Sh0 sh= sh0,
十四是十四, / Sh0 s= sh= sh0 s=,
四十是四十。 / S= sh0 sh= s= sh0,
十四不是四十, / Sh0 s= b^ sh= s= sh0,
四十不是十四。 / S= sh0 b^ sh= sh0 s=.
朗讀練習Speaking Exercise
Read aloud and observe the rhythm first. Repeat three times with proper tone inflections.
小皮球Little Rubber Ball
Xi3o p0qi/,xi1ngji1o l0, m3n d= k1i hu1 8r sh0 y9.
Little rubber ball, bananas and pears,
the whole ground is covered with flowers: twenty-one!
]r w& li*, 8r w& q9, 8r b1, 8r ji&, s1n sh0 y9.
Twenty-five and -six, twenty-five and -seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirtyone!
** Note: Some people use香蕉油 in place of香蕉梨.

1. Use the rhythm. Clap your hands and cross touch your partner’s hand (your right hand touches your partner’s right hand, vise versa.)
2. Separate into groups of 4. Then separate into 2 teams. “Team A “performs this sing along while “team B” performs the clapping interactive with a partner.



Lisa: / Great!What is today’s date?
Peter: / Look! 今天是二OO九年十月二十六日星期一。
Lisa: / (Looking at the time machine) What about this?
Peter: / That’s the time. 下午三點二十六分。
Tom: / Look at this! I think this button says the time. I’ll press buttons randomly. Listen!
Time Machine (pronouncing): / 一、三、五、七、九。


今 / 天 / 年 / 月 / 日 / 下
午 / 上
Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
今天 / 今天 / j9nti1n / n. / today
天 / 天 / ti1n / n. / day; sky
是 / 是 / sh= / v. / to be (am, is, are)
零/O / 零/ O / l0ng / num. / zero
年 / 年 / ni2n / n. / year
月 / 月 / yu8 / n. / month; moon
日 / 日 / r= / n. / day of the month; sun
星期 / 星期 / x9ngq9 / x9nq0 / n. / week
下 / 下 / xi4 / n.; adj. / second (of two parts); next (week, etc.)
午 / 午 / w& / n. / noon
下午 / 下午 / xi4w& / n. / afternoon
點 / 点 / di3n / n. / o’clock; dot
分 / 分 / f5n / n. / minute
號 / 号 / h4o / n. / number; colloquial form of 日
上 / 上 / sh4ng / n.; adj. / first (of two parts); last (week, etc.)
a.1 How to say “year” in Chinese?
To say“year”, say the four digit numbers just like you would say a telephone number, and end the phrase with 年(ni2n, the word for “year”).
EFor examples;:
year 1990, 一九九O年y9 ji& ji& l0ng ni2n
year 1865, 一八六五年y9 b1 li* w& ni2n
year 2002, 二OO二年8r l0ng l0ng 8r ni2n
year 2008, 二OO八年8r l0ng l0ng b1 ni2n
year 2012, 二O一二年8r l0ng y9 8r ni2n
a.2 How to say “month” and “date” in Chinese?
The character 月(yu8, “The moon” ) stands for month; while 日(r=, “The sun”) stands for the day or the date. For example, the eighteenth day of September is writtenas九月十八日. Speaking, however, the word “號” (h4o, number) sometimes replaces “日”. Thus, 九月十八號is also frequently used to say September 18th.
For January to December, you just go by the order of the numbersone through twelve.
January / February / March / April
一月 / 二月 / 三月 / 四月
y9 yu8 / 8r yu8 / s1n yu8 / s= yu8
May / June / July / August
五月 / 六月 / 七月 / 八月
w& yu8 / li* yu8 / q9 yu8 / b1 yu8
September / October / November / December
九月 / 十月 / 十一月 / 十二月
ji& yu8 / sh0 yu8 / sh0 y9 yu8 / sh0 8r yu8
a.3 Give information on year, month and date
Simply followthis order:
Year + month + date (日/號)
2008 9 30
EFor example:, September 30th, 2008 is二OO八年九月三十日/號
Please provide the English translation for each of the following dates:
一七八五年四月六日/號 ______
一八九三年十月十五日/號 ______
一九九六年八月二十九日/號 ______
二OO九年三月十六日/號 ______
a.4 State the time of the day
Simply follow this order: from large to small.
AM/PM + hour + minute
sh4ngw&/xi4w& 9 10
上午 / 下午 點 分
For eExamples:
9:10 AM上午 九點 十分
3:20 PM下午 三點 二十分
b.1 Difference between一月and 一個月
The word個(ge) is a generic measure word. So while 一個月(y0 ge yu8) means one month, 一月means January.
For eExample:
一個月有三十天。 Y0 ge yu8 y#u s1n sh0 ti1n.
There are thirty days in a month.
as opposed to
Y9 yu8 y#u s1n sh0 y9 ti1n.
There are thirty-one days in January.
b.2 Special rules of counting “年(ni2n)” and “星期(x9ngq9)”
When counting the number of years “年(ni2n)”, never use a measure word. Thus, “a year” is “一年(y= ni2n)”rather than “一個年(y0 ge ni2n)”.
For eExample:
一年有三百六十五天。Y= ni2n y#u s1n b3i li* sh0 w& ti1n.
There are 365 days in a year.
The word for week“星期(x9ngq9)”on the other hand, takes the measure word “個(ge)” as a counter sometimes.
For eExample:
三個星期有二十一天。S1n ge x9ngq9 y#u 8r sh0 y9 ti1n.
There are 21 days in three weeks.
Now, can you translate the following into Chinese Pinyin?
There are 366 days in the year 2012.
There are 28 (or 29) days in February this year.
There are four weeks in a month.
There are 52 weeks in a year.
Have clock worksheets and randomly select students to read and report the time displayed on the clock.
Presentational Performance:
D4 hu9 l2ng, d4 hu9 l2ng, j- di3n le?
大灰狼,大灰狼,幾點了? / D4 hu9 l2ng, d4 hu9 l2ng, j- di3n le?
Big grey wolf, big grey wolf, what’s the time?
三點了。 / S1n di3n le.
Three o’clock.
大灰狼,大灰狼,幾點了? / D4 hu9 l2ng, d4 hu9 l2ng, j- di3n le?
Big grey wolf, big grey wolf, what’s the time?
十二點了。 / Sh0 8r di3n le.
Twelve o’clock.
Interpretive Performance:
Let’s play a game – attwelve o’clock the big grey wolf gets really hungry… run!
Select one student to be the “Big grey wolf”. Everyone else will circle around the big grey wolf and tease him/her by saying: “大灰狼(d4 hu9 l2ng), 大灰狼, what time is it?” The big grey wolf says “It’s xxx o’clock!” It’s up to the big grey wolf to decide when to call out 12 o’clock, which is the time he gets to chase and capture one of the boys or girls who does not run away from him/her quickly enough.
The person who plays the role of “大灰狼” (the big grey wolf) can call out a random hour, such as 一點, 三點. It’s only when s/he says “十二點了(It’s twelve o’clock now)”, others need to runas fast as they can to avoid being caught. The one who is caught by “大灰狼” is now “大灰狼” for the next round.

Interpersonal Communication:
Now interview your classmates, ask for their dates of birth, and complete the chart below.
Presentational Communication:
After your interview, randomly pick three from the answers you gathered and report the information to your class in Chinese.
Name (姓名) / Date of Birth (生日)
In Month/Day/Year / In Chinese characters
Presentational Communication:
After your interview, randomly pick three from the answers you gathered and report the information to your class in Chinese.



Reggie: / Wait! Can you type in my phone number? Let me hear how it sounds.
Peter: / Ok,你的電話號碼是多少?
(Peter presses the button as Reggie is saying his phone number.)
Time Machine (pronouncing): / (六二五)六七八一二五O。
Tom: / Here we go!


多 / 少
Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
你 / 你 / n- / pron. / you (singular)
的 / 的 / de / part. / possessive or ending marker
電 / 电 / di4n / n. / electricity; electric
話 / 话 / hu4 / n. / language; words; talk
電話* / 电话 / di4nhu4 / n. / telephone
號碼 / 号码 / h4om3 / n. / number; series of number
多 / 多 / du! / duó / adj. / more; many
少 / 少 / sh3o / adj. / less; few
多少** / 多少 / du!sh3o/duósh3o / q.w. / how many; how much
* Note: Some Chinese use 多少/du!sh3o/, some ask幾號/j-h4o/ to inquire a telephone number.
* *Note: In northern China, the tone of 多/du!/ changesto /duó/ when used as a question word to mean “how” as in “how many or how much”–多少/duósh3o/.A. 擴展練習MAGIC EXPANSION
a.1 Respectfully “You” 您 n0n
Manner and courtesy are very important to the Chinese people. In order to show respect using its language, Chinese people use a special word: “您(n0n)”, which means “you-respectfully”. “您” should be used when addressing your elders, someone with higher positions, officials, and professionals (lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.)
a.2 ReportpPhone nNumbers
電話is sometimes used as short form of電話號碼. To state a telephone number in Chinese just say each digit in order. Remember numbers are keywords in a sentence; you need to pronounce each number clearly and correctly. 681-833-9706
六八一, 八三三, 九七O六
li*b1 y9 , b1 s1n s1n, ji& q9 l0ng li*
Interpretive Communication:
International phone numbers include a country code and city code in addition to the local number.Practice saying the phone numbers given in the examples below.
Assume a classmate lives in San Francisco, Boston, or Taipei. Ask him/ her “what is your phone number?” They should respond by reading out loud one of the numbers listed below one by one. You can switch the roles too.
Q:你的電話號碼是多少? N- de di4nhu4 h4oma sh= du!sh3o?
What’s your telephone number?
A:我的電話號碼是……W# de di4nhu4 h4oma sh=…
My telephone number is…

b.1 Possessive “的” ( Noun + 的+ Noun )
“的”(de) indicates that the previous noun has possession of the next one. It functions likethe “‘s” in “boy’s” or like the word of in English.
For eExamples:你,我,他/t1/ (he)
你的電話 / n-dedi4nhu4 / your telephone
*我的生日 / w#desh5ngr= / my birthday
我的皮球 / w#dep0qi^ / my rubber ball
**他的香蕉 / t1 dexi1ngji1o / his bananas
他的梨 / t1 del0 / his pears
我的花 / w#de hu1 / my flowers
*我的(w# de) my; mine
**他的(t1 de) his
b.2多少(how many?, or how much?)
多means more; 少means less. When多少is used as a word, it means “how many/ how much.” (see explanation of /du@sh3o/ under Word Bank in this lesson.)
For instance,Example:
How much is this? Zh8 ge du!sh3o(du@sh3o)?
How many months in one year? Y= yi2n, du!sh3o(du@sh3o)geyu8?
What is your telephone number? ______
What is his telephone number? ______
b.2 Verb 是sh= (to be: am, is, are)
Unlike western languages, verbs in Chinese remain the same whether the subject is singular or plural. For example, both “I” and “We” would use the same verb (“I am a student” or “We are students.” The verbs here in English are different). In Chinese, we use“是” the same verb. See more on this in Unit 2.
For instance:
你的電話是多少? N- de di4nhu4sh=j du!sh3o(du@sh3o)?
今天是…? J9nti1n sh=…?
Interpersonal Communication:
Interviewfour of your classmatesfor their phone numbers in Chinese by using the sentence pattern below. Then,complete a telephone directory in the chart.
Q:你的電話是多少? N- de di4nhu4 sh= du!sh3o?
What’s your telephone number?
A: 我的電話是… W# de di4nhu4 (h4om3) sh=…
My telephone number is______
Name (姓名) / Telephone Number (電話號碼di4nhu4 h4om3)
In Numbers / In Chinese characters
Follow-up Activity (if time permits): Pick three numbers in the second column, read these numbers one by one in Chinese. If your number is being read, you should raise your hand andrespond with“我的。” (W# de means “That’s mine!”)
Presentational Performance:
Rhyme: Little Monkey’s Weekly Activities
Listen to your teacher, and learn to read this rhyme: Little Monkey’s Weekly Activities.
H@uzi de y= x9ngq9
J9nti1n x9ngq9 y9, h@uzi chu1n x9ny9.
今天 星期 一,猴子 穿 新衣。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 8r, h@uzi d*zi 8.
今天 星期 二,猴子 肚子餓。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 s1n, h@uzi y4o p2sh1n.
今天 星期 三, 猴子 要 爬山。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 s=, h@uzi q* ch1osh=.
今天 星期 四,猴子 去 超市。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 w&, h@uzi y4o ti4ow&.
今天 星期 五,猴子 要 跳舞。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 li*, h@uzi q* li* li*.
今天 星期 六,猴子 去 遛遛。
J9nti1n x9ngq9 ti1n, h@uzi l8 f1n ti1n.
今天 星期 天,猴子 樂 翻天。 / Today is Monday, Monkey wears its new clothes.
Today is Tuesday, Monkey is hungry.
Today is Wednesday, Monkey will climb the hill.
Today is Thursday, Monkey will go to the supermarket.
Today is Friday, Monkey wants to dance.
Today is Saturday, Monkey has gonewill go for stroll.
Today is Sunday, Monkey is extremely happy.
** Note: 星期/x9ngq9/is pronounced in mainland China, and x9ngq0/ in Taiwan.
Interpretational and Presentational Performance:
Rhyme: Little Monkey’s Weekly Activities
Activity: Create body movements for each of the activities. Practice your body movements while reading the rhyme until you can act out the appropriate movement when hearing the day of the week. You can:
  1. Perform your body movements to the class while the class chants the rhyme.
  2. Teach the class your body movements. You will call out the day of the week while the classmates act out the movement.

Cultural Product, Perspective and Practice:
A.Chinese believe that some numbers are more auspicious than others. Six and Eight represent good fortune for Chinese, much as the number seven is considered a lucky number for Westerners. 6 represents順(sh*n, smooth), 8 represents發(f1, bringing good fortune).On the other hand, westerners consider thirteen to be an unlucky number while for Chinese the number 4 is considered unlucky. The pronunciation of number 4 is a homophone (that is it sounds the same) with the word “death” (s-), and is therefore often avoided.
B. Chinese Number Gestures
(Note: This set of hand signs is one of many types.)
1 一y9 / 2二8r / 3三s1n
4四s= / 5五w& / 6六li*
7七q9 / 8八b1 / 9九ji&

Cultural Practice:

Game 1: Students should pair up, assign Roles A and B. Student A will call out a numberbetween 1-10, and Student B should follow the command and make the hand sign accordingly. Reverse roles. Increase the speed for each round for additional challenge.

Game 2: Students should pair up, assign Roles A and B. Student A will make a hand sign for a number between 1-10. Student B must respond by saying aloud the correct number.Reverse roles. Increase the speed for each round for additional challenge.

Cultural Comparison:

Hand Signs around the World


  1. Select a culture that you are interested in and research its cultural hand signs and its meanings. You can ask your family and friends, use books in the library, and research on the Internet for information. Remember that some hand signs can have multiple meanings and vice versa. For example, Chinese has more than one way to gesture numbers.
  2. Create a mini brochure to share the information with your classmates in one of your next classes.
  3. Practice those hand signs until you are familiar enough to demonstrate to your classmates.

認識部首Radical Writing
/ 人 / (r6n) human being; person; people; mankind
“人”,as a radical, is normally written on the left side of a character (e.g.,你, 他)
/ 口 / (k#u) mouth; entrance; gate
“口” ,as a radical,is usually written on the left side of a character.(e.g.,叫)
Interpretion &Comparison:
Some of the following characters belong to radical “人”;some belong to “口”.Make a circle (O) for any character with a radical of “人”; make a check mark () for any character with a radical of “口”.
吹to blow / 眼eye / 他he
你you / 伯uncle / 吠to bark
伴companion / 吃to eat / 味taste
唱to sing / 上above / 吵noisy
(LisaMelissa is showing her curious-looking compass to her friends. While everyone is watching intently, Peter declares that he knows how to use it,but Tom barges in and begins to press all the buttons and dials. Suddenly, strange, glowing words appear as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.)
Tom: / Look! What’s this? Hey, these are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is. /
Peter: / I know! I know! That’s Chinese. They are thenumbers 1-10. 一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十。
Linda: / What? (mimicking) … yi, er, san, si, wu, ……
Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it.
Lisa: / Great! What is today’s date?
Peter: / Look! 今天是二OO九年十月二十六日星期一。
Lisa: / (Looking at the time machine) What about this?
Peter: / That’s the time. 下午三點二十六分。
Tom: / Look at this! I think this button sounds it out. I’ll press them randomly. Listen!
Time Machine (pronouncing): / 一、三、五、七、九。
Reggie: / Wait! Can you type in my phone number? Let me hear how it sounds.
Peter: / Ok,你的電話號碼是多少?
(Peter presses the button as Reggie is saying his phone number.)
Time Machine (pronouncing): / (六二五)六七八一二五O。
Tom: / Here we go!


T1ngm&: / Look! What’s this? Hey, these are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is. /
B-d6: / I know! I know! That’s Chinese. They are thenumbers 1-10.Y9 8r s1n s= w& li* q9 b1 ji& sh0.
L0nd2: / What? (mimicking) … yi, er, san, si, wu, ……
Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it.
L=sh1: / Great!What is today’s date?
B-d6: / Look! J9nti1n sh= 8r l0ng l0ng ji& ni2n sh0 yu8 8r sh0 li* r=x9nq0 y9.
L=sh1: / (Looking at the time machine) What about this?
B-d6: / That’s the time. Xi4w& s1n di3n 8r sh0 li* f5n.
T1ngm&: / Look at this! I think this button sounds it out. I’ll press them randomly. Listen!
Time Machine: / Y9 s1n w& q9 ji&. ]r s= li* b1sh0. ]r l0ng l0ng q9 ni2n s= yu8 sh0 b1 h4o. Sh4ngw& sh0 di3n.
Ru=q0: / Wait! Can you type in my phone number? Let me hear how it sounds.
B-d6: / Ok,N-de di4nhu4 h4om3 sh= du!sh3o?
(Peter presses the button as Reggie is saying his phone number.)
Time Machine: / (Li* 8rw&) li* q9 b1 y9 8r w& l0ng.
T1ngm&: / Here we go!


Tom: / Look! What’s this? Hey, these are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is. /
Peter: / I know! I know! That’s Chinese. They are the numbers 1-10. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten.
Linda: / What? (mimicking) … yi, er, san, si, wu, ……
Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it.
Lisa: / Great!What is today’s date?
Peter: / Look! Today’s date is Monday, October 26th, 2009.
Lisa: / (Looking at the time machine) What about this?
Peter: / That’s the time. Three twenty-six in the afternoon.
Tom: / Look at this! I think this button sounds it out. I’ll press them randomly. Listen!
Time Machine: / One three five seven nine.Two four six eight ten. April18th, 2007, ten o’clock in the morning.
Reggie: / Wait! Can you type in my phone number? Let me hear how it sounds.
Peter: / Ok, what is your telephone number?
Time Machine: / (Six two five) six seven eight one two five zero.
Tom: / Here we go!