Ford Employee Volleyball Association Wait List Procedure

The following is a procedure on how to join the FEVA volleyball league. It will first be noted that membership is not based on a wait list or first come first serve basis. Rather, membership is decided solely on a team's individual need for player personnel. In simpler terms, each team has the sole discretion of who is and who is not a member of their team. Membership of an individual cannot be directed or forced on a league team. Each team is given full discretion to formulate their team on the selective players they want or require so long that each team member satisfy the FERA rules complying with the status of an employee.

Membership on a team can occur in two ways:

First, if an individual is in contact by a team in need of full-time players or substitute players, then an individual may join that team at the request of that team. No communication with the Volleyball Board will be needed if this option is used.

Second, if an individual has no communications with any team and would desire to join a team, then the individual should submit the necessary information as described herein so that the information can be made available for the captains of the teams at all levels, A, B & C. The criterion for league play is "A" league being the highest competitive level, "B" league is a mix of competitive and intermediate, and "C" is intermediate.

As stated above, entry to a team is not by waitlist but rather by the team's need and desire to choose an individual based on particular qualifications that an individual may have to offer the team. If a team is in need of players, the captain of the team will contact you. Various qualifications that a team may require are bumping skills, hitting skills, blocking skills, setting skills, or availability. This is why it is necessary to fill in as much information as possible on the questionnaire form herein so that a team captain can match his requirements with what an individual has to offer. Also, new players desiring to join a team are encouraged to attend the first Wednesday match, which is basically a scrimmage night, whether you have been contacted or not. Check the website for game schedules.

Please fill out the following form and submit to Angela Reed, as soon as possible.


Ford Employee Volleyball Association Wait List FORM


Name: Email:


Ford Employee: Y / N; If No, Spouse, family member, or Visteon employee,

Grandfather clause (Former Ford employee)?

Home address:

Phone: (with area code) Home: Work:

Age: (optional)

(circle one)

Experience: High School | College | Organized Rec. League | Other

If Organized Rec. or Other, please indicate level or explanation:

(Circle one)

Level you think you would like to play at: | Intermediate | Adv. Intermediate |

| Competitive |

Intermediate: Knowledge of organized play and USAVB rules

Adv. Int.: Experience on Organized leagues, knowledge of organized play and USAVB rules and guidelines.

Comp.: Typically A or Open level rating, college experience preferred.

Knowledge or USAVB rules and guidelines a must.

Any particular position you would like to play?

Setter | Back row | Outside Hitter | Middle Hitter | Any |

Please email this form back to Angela Reed,

Thank you,

FEVA Executive Board.