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Counselling Intake Form
Please complete all information relevant to you and bring this form to the first visit. You may need to ask family members about the family history. NB: You do not need to answer any questions you find uncomfortable.
Date of Birth ______Doctor ______
Previous Counsellor ______
What are the main problem(s) for which you are seeking help?
What are your current goals for treatment?
What methods have you tried before?______
Why haven’t they worked for you? ______
What did you not enjoy about the last counsellors methods? ______
Current Symptoms Checklist:
Check once for any symptoms present, twice for major symptoms
( ) Depressed mood ( ) Racing thoughts ( ) Excessive worry/ Ruminating on negative thoughts
( ) Unable to enjoy activities ( ) Impulsivity ( ) Panic attacks
( ) Sleep pattern disturbance ( ) Increase risky behavior ( ) Avoidance of activities
( ) Loss of interest in life or normal activities ( ) Hallucinations
( ) Concentration/forgetfulness ( ) Decrease need for sleep ( ) Suspiciousness/ Paranoia
( ) Change in appetite ( ) Excessive energy ( ) Excessive Exercise
( ) Excessive guilt ( ) Increased irritability ( ) ______
( ) Fatigue ( ) Crying spells ( ) Perfectionism
( ) Decreased libido ( ) Excessive libido ( ) ______
Suicide Risk Assessment
Have you ever had feelings or thoughts that you didn't want to live? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
If YES, please answer the following. If NO, please skip to the next section.
Do you currently feel that you don't want to live? ( ) Yes ( ) No
How often do you have these thoughts?______
Do you feel hopeless and/or worthless? ______
When was the last time you had thoughts of dying? ______
Has anything happened recently to make you feel this way? ______
On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being strongest) how strong is your desire to kill yourself currently? ______
Would anything make it better? ______
Have you ever thought about how you would kill yourself? ______
Is the method you would use readily available? ______
Have you planned a time for this? ______
Is there anything that would stop you from killing yourself? ______
Have you ever tried to kill or harm yourself before? ______
Do you have means to follow through with your plan? If yes, please explain______
Medical History:
Allergies______Current Approx Weight ______Height ______
List ALL current prescription medications and how often you take them: (if none, write none)
Medication Name Daily Dosage Length of use
Current over-the-counter medications, herbal or protein supplements: ______
Current medical problems: ______
Past medical problems, non-psychiatric hospitalisation, or surgeries: ______
Do you have concerns about your health that you would like to discuss with the counsellor? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Approximate date of last physical exam with physician: ______
Personal and Family Medical History:
Is there any personal or family medical history that might be relevant to your counselling? Please explain:
When your mother was pregnant with you, were there any complications during the pregnancy or birth?
Past Psychiatric History or Hospitalisation:
Please describe when, by whom, and nature of treatment.
Reason Dates Treated By Whom
Past Psychiatric Medications: If you have ever taken any of the following medications, please indicate the
dates, dosage, and how helpful they were (if you can't remember all the details, just write in what you do
remember): These include Antidepressants, Mood stabilisers, Anti-psychotics
Dates Dosage Response/ Side-Effects
Your Exercise Level:
Do you exercise regularly? ( ) Yes ( ) No
How many days a week do you get exercise? ______
How much time each day do you exercise? ______
What kind of exercise do you do? ______
Family Psychiatric History:
Has anyone in your family been treated (or should have been treated for) the following:
Bipolar disorder ( ) Yes ( ) No Schizophrenia ( ) Yes ( ) No
Depression ( ) Yes ( ) No Post-traumatic stress ( ) Yes ( ) No
Anxiety ( ) Yes ( ) No Alcohol abuse ( ) Yes ( ) No
Anger ( ) Yes ( ) No Other substance abuse ( ) Yes ( ) No
Suicide ( ) Yes ( ) No Violence ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, who had each problem? ______
Has any family member been treated with a psychiatric medication? Please specify:
Substance Use:
Have you ever been treated for alcohol or drug use or abuse? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, for which substances? ______
How many days per week do you drink any alcohol? ______
In the past 3 months, what is the largest amount of alcohol you have consumed in one day? ______
Have you used any street drugs or abused prescription medicine in the past 3 months? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, which ones? ______
Do you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use? ( ) Yes ( ) No
How many caffeinated beverages do you drink a day? Coffee ______Sodas ______Tea ______
Tobacco History: How you ever smoked cigarettes? ( ) Yes ( ) No Currently? ( ) Yes ( ) No
How many packs per day on average? ______How many years? ______
Family Background and Childhood History:
Were you adopted? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Where did you grow up? ______
List your siblings and their ages: ______
What was your father's occupation? ______
What was your mother's occupation? ______
Did your parents' divorce? ( ) Yes ( ) No If so, how old were you when they divorced? ______
If your parents divorced, who did you live with?______
Describe your father and your relationship with him: ______
Describe your mother and your relationship with her: ______
How old were you when you left home? ______
Has anyone in your immediate family died? Who and when? ______
Trauma History:
Do you have a history of being abused emotionally, sexually, physically or by neglect? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
Please describe when, where and by whom: ______
Occupational History: Are you currently: ( ) Working ( ) Student ( ) Unemployed ( ) Disabled ( ) Retired
How long in present position? ______
What is/was your occupation? ______
Where do you work? ______
Relationship History and Current Family:
Are you currently: ( ) Married ( ) Partnered ( ) Divorced ( ) Single ( ) Widowed How long? ______
If not married, are you currently in a relationship? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, how long? ______
Are you sexually active? ( ) Yes ( ) No
How would you identify your sexual orientation?
( ) straight/ heterosexual ( ) lesbian/ gay/homosexual ( ) bisexual ( ) transsexual ( ) other
What is your spouse or significant other's occupation?
Describe your relationship with your spouse or significant other:
Have you had any prior marriages? ( ) Yes ( ) No. If so, how many? ______
How many years married? ______
Do you have children? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, list ages and gender: ______
Describe your relationship with your children: ______
List everyone who currently lives with you: ______
Legal History: Have you ever been arrested? ______
Do you have any pending legal problems? ______
Do you belong to a particular religion or spiritual group? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
Please read:
Confidentiality is maintained for clients as far as possible, and records are protected under numbers rather than names to avoid admin staff from accidentally reading private material. However, when a person or persons are believed to be at risk of serious harm, confidentiality must be waived under a duty of care (Legal Mandatory Reporting). This means that the appropriate authorities, and/ or family members will be notified by the counsellor, in accordance with Qld law.
A Confidentiality Breach is acceptable under the following circumstances:
- A client is at risk of serious self-harm, or is considering suicide
- The probable or past harming of another person
- A client has divulged details of a recent criminal offence, or planning one
- Abuse of children or elders is a mandatory reporting offence
- Counsellor is subpoenaed to disclose minimal notes to solicitors in relation to a client's court case
- For the psychiatric diagnosis of an illness with client consent, or via involuntary induction into hospital
If confidentiality cannot be maintained, the counsellor will take all possible steps to first ask for client consent for disclosure. Copy of the ACA Code of Ethics:
I have read the confidentiality clause, and have understood client rights as listed on the ACA website:
Signed______Date ______
Mobile ______Home phone #______
Address: ______
Guardian Signature (if under age 18) ______Date ______
Emergency Contact ______Telephone #______