Cranbourne Daycare and Kindergarten Centres Pty Ltd.
Welcome to Senior Kindergarten for 2015.
We hope your child’s year with us is as enjoyable and rewarding as it will be for us.
In recent years we have welcomed the introduction of the new national curriculum – The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Fundamental to the Framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming.
Is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they need to belong because of the relationship they have with their family, community, culture and place.
Is about living in here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’ – time to play, try new things and have fun
Is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adults they will become.
We look forward to working together with you and have included some helpful information about our kindergarten program.
We will commence our kinder year on Thursday 29th January 2015.
Term 1: 29th January to 27 MarchTerm 2: 13 April to 26 June
Term 3: 13 July to 18 September
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December
In 2015 we are introducing two different kinder groups. Each group will be implemented by different educators.
Red Kinder is 18hour of funded kinder over 3 days.Purple kinder is 15hours of funded kinder over 2 days.
This will allow for greater flexibility for our families. Particularly for our families that receive 24hours CCB they will still get the required amount of funded kinder but over the two days they are eligible for CCB.
Sessions times are as follows:
Thursday 29th January 2015 onwards (Term Time)
Red Kinder: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-3pm
Our Educators are Denise Renouf (Mrs Renouf) & Rebecca Jennings (Mrs Bec)
Purple Kinder: Wednesday & Friday 8.30am-4pm
Our Educators are Chris McGuiness (Mrs Mac) & Sue Gales (Sue)
For our program to run smoothly it is important that you adhere to these times as closely as possible. The time prior to the commencement of the session is teacher preparation and set-up.This enables staff to have had sufficient time to prepare the room and then be able to greet each child/parent as they arrive.
We also ask that you be punctual when picking up your child as some children may become upset if they are the last to leave. We appreciate a phone call when you have been unavoidably delayed.
We offer before and after Kindergarten care. This will be done in a family grouping situation where the children will group together with the Junior kinder children and with familiar staff from the centre. Please advice coordinator if this care is needed.
Please provide your child with a special kinder bag that they can bring to each kinder session and make sure it is clearly named as we often see two or three of the most popular ones. Snacks and Lunch are required for each kinder day. It is often helpful for the children to have two separate containers (esky / insulated style) for their snack and lunch so they can easily distinguish between the two. We also ask that your child has a change of clothes (just in case), broad brimmed hats are required for outside play, and coats for the cooler months
Our preschool program is based on the new Victorian Early Years Development Framework. This Framework is a Department of Education and Early Childhood Development initiative which uses five outcomes to describe the key elements of children’s learning and development. These are:
- Children have a strong sense if Identity(Identity)
- Children are connected with and contribute to their world (Community)
- Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (Wellbeing)
- Children are confident and involved learners (Learning)
- Children are effective communicators (Communication)
The Framework uses these outcomes to provide a coherent description of children’s development from birth – eight years. Early Childhood teachers already document children’s learning in many ways – the Framework will mean that this learning will be shared more formally and consistently with families and educators across the state, irrespective of where a child has come from or which school they are going to.
Should educators have any concerns regarding a child’s development, parents will be approached in order for discussions to take place. We are able to refer children onto specialist agencies with parent’s approval. If parents have any questions regarding their child or how they are progressing, staff are always available for informal chats, or interviews can be scheduled if more convenient or appropriate.Formal mid year interviews and school transition meetings will be scheduled throughout the year.
Our programs are inspected regularly by our national governing body Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). Founded at the start of 2012 ACECQA replaced our previous state governing body. An Authorised Officer from ACEQCA conducted a National Quality Assurance rating process at Duff Street in 2014, we were assessed as MEETING NQS.
In 2014 we embarked on a Bush Kinder concept at the Cranbourne Botanic Gardens under the guidance and direction of education officer Mick Robertson. The program was highly successful and will continue in 2015.
This Bush Kinder initiative is based on Australian & International research that shows children today spend too much time indoors (in front of screens and participating in structured activities) rather than being active learners in natural environments. There is documented evidence to support children’s ‘engagement with nature’, with positive effects being reported on physical and emotional health as well as the development of a greater appreciation of the natural environment. The Bush Kinder program will not commence till late term 1 and extensive information will be provided on a range of subjects such as policies, risk assessment, protective clothing, identification and visibility, play benefits etc. Every precaution will be taken to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of children while participating in this program. It is anticipated that children will visit the gardens one morning a week (or a fortnightly basis), on a rotational day basis to ensure maximum participation for all.
Family involvement is an integral part of our program, and the early part of our kindergarten year is often marked with a special “family night”. This gives all members of each family the opportunity to become familiar with the kindergarten environment, meet others, share in a meal and be entertained by a special performer who is hired for the evening.
Adult involvement is most welcome during kindergarten sessions. The children love the participation of Mum, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa, and this involvement helps to uphold the value of pre-school education. Should you wish to share any special talents with us please do so: music, drama, art and cooking are always fascinating for this age group. We wish to reflect the diversity of people and families in our community so please inform us of any special culture or tradition that we can incorporate: dress, music, food, celebrations etc. Are you a community helper, dentist, nurse, police officer etc??
Other opportunities for family participation arise throughout the year including special person’s / grandparent night, excursions and Christmas concert and party.
A number of excursions and special visitors are organised throughout the year. The children love these excursions which have a dual purpose of broadening the children’s experiences and enriching the kindergarten program. We welcome parent participation in these events also.
We are fortunate to be within close proximity of a number of the town’s services (post office, library, bakeries, etc) which are convenient yet important places of interest. Our excursion days will also take us further afield to e.g. a farm, traffic school, fauna reserve, and the Melbourne Zoo. The use of the centre’s mini-buses helps to keep the cost to a minimum.
Visitors to our program can add a new and exciting dimension to our curriculum and may include a reptile show, aboriginal educator, dance and drama show or a nurse from the hospital in schools education program.
Details of each excursion or special visitor will be provided in advance, to allow for the prompt return of permission forms and monies. All excursion costs are on top of your regular fees but are kept to a minimum price as the centre’s mini-buses dispel transport costs.
Children’s progress is closely monitored throughout the year and comprehensive records are kept on each one’s development in the key learning areas outlined in the Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
An opportunity to formally discuss your own child’s progress will be offered mid-year during parent-teacher interviews. It is beneficial to identify children’s strengths as well as their areas of need so that specific goals can be targeted by both the teacher and parent for the remainder of the year. These goals may vary from using an appropriate pencil grip to developing healthy assertiveness or maybe improving balance and co-ordination. Goals are more achievable when there is a ‘partnership’ involved.
Your child’s school readiness will also be discussed at this time and consideration given to the school of your choice. Schools in the Cranbourne district liaise closely with our kindergarten and provide comprehensive details on information evenings, school tours, enrolment procedures, etc. Much of this information will be on display on our kinder notice board between June and August. We suggest you make direct contact with the school late in Term 2 or early Term 3. Enrolments (which include current immunisation status) must be finalised by end of term 3 at the latest.
We have a wide variety of literature on the subject “Ready for School, or Not” and will make this material available for your reading throughout the year, so that after discussion with the kindergarten teacher, your decision can be ‘well informed’.
Our local schools offer excellent transition programs late in the year where the children have several arranged visits to familiarise them with the school setting. These visits can be invaluable in helping to make a smooth transition from kinder to school and are highly recommended. Each school nominates their own chosen dates and these will be confirmed with you upon enrolment.
Our sunsmart policy requires all children and staff to wear broad brimmed hats and 30+ sunscreen whilst outside between 1st September and 30th April each year, as even on overcast and cool days skin damage can occur due to the U.V rays.
Please provide a clearly named hat for your child each day, hats are stored in their bags while not in use.Caps and visors are not appropriate as they do not protect the neck and ears, whereas broad brimmed hats provide all over protection. We would also appreciate sunscreen being applied to your child before the session commences, sunscreen is available for your use upon arrival. Staff will always ensure that the children’s skin is properly protected.
Please dress your child in clothing that reflects our sunsmart policy – singlets and halter tops give little protection against the sun and are therefore best avoided.
As a registered sunsmart centre we would appreciate your support in our endeavour to encourage and educate children on the need to be sunsmart.This policy does not apply between May – August.
Please dress your child in clothing that is suitable for the weather and that allows safe and unrestricted movement for running, climbing etc. Appropriate footwear is also important, soft soled shoes that protect the feet and do not slip off easily, thongs are not advised. Whilst smocks are provided for “messy” play they do not always protect the clothes, therefore it is advised that your child is not dressed in their best clothing.
Every family that attend our centres need to have the previous weeks care paid for by Monday lunchtime or you will receive a phone call to come and collect your child. Once the previous weeks care is paid you can resume care.
Please choose one of the following options –
Option .1. Direct Debit system (preferred) – to be done on a weekly basis on each Monday for the previous weeks care.
Option .2. Credit card – to be processed by Cranbourne Daycare and Kindergarten on each Monday for the previous weeks care.
Option .3. You can pay at your centre using cash, eftpos / credit cards. You can pay for the current week and in advance.
When choosing this option please note that the payment is expected by Friday 6.30pm of each week. If the previous week remains unpaid by Monday lunchtime, you will be contacted to come and collect your child immediately until it has been paid.
Please choose one of these three options and let your coordinator know the way you will be paying your account and return any forms upon commencing care.
In the case of a child being injured at the centre, a qualified first aider will administer appropriate first aid. An accident report will be filled in detailing what occurred and what treatment was provided, this form will be signed by the first aider, and the name and time the parent / guardian is informed on collecting the child. If it is deemed that the child needs further medical attention, then the parents or emergency contact will be notified to arrange this.If no one can be reached the child will be transported in a minibus or company car to the Casey Medical Centre. Should the incident be more serious an ambulance will be summoned. Please refer to the centre policy booklet for more details.
In accordance with child protection regulations stipulated by our governing body, if an injury is sustained away from our centre (at home, park etc.) you will be required to fill in an ‘injury on intake’ form which is kept by the centre. Forms will be available at all times on the sign in desk in the office or by asking educators.
Upon enrolling your child, a yellow and blue enrolment card must be completed as well as a green child information form. It is vitally important that up to date daytime contact details are maintained for parents, guardians and those people nominated as emergency contacts. Please ensure that information regarding court orders relating to custody, allergies, sensitivities, health concerns and immunisation status are provided. The permission or agreement forms with the centre policy booklet are also required. Please see office staff for any assistance with the enrolment process.
It is extremely important that all children be signed in and out of the attendance book stating their full name, correct time of arrival/departure and parent signature. It is a requirement that you let us know if someone else is collecting your child (this person must be nominated on the yellow enrolment form and carry photo id). Staff will be able to help you with this so you become familiar with the format. No child will be released into the care of an unauthorised person.
A copy of any court orders must be provided.
To promote healthy eating children are required to bring nutritious foodeg cheese, sultanas, fruitsandwiches etc for each session in a clearly named snack / lunch box. Lollies, chocolate or chips etc are not appropriate. We are able to cut fruit up during snack time. Please refer to the centre policy book and parent handbook for foods which are not permitted. It is imperative that children have an insulated bag and ice-brick to keep food fresh throughout the day.
We love celebrating birthdays and special occasions so you are welcome to bring in a cake or special treat that we can share. Please ensure that any bought cakes have their use by date, and ingredients listed and that they are handed to staff to be stored in the fridge. Our nutrition policy contains a list of foods that we are not permitted to serve, as well as our food safety program.
We recognise that some children need to bring in security items to aid them in settling in, staff will do their best to ensure that they are kept safe and sound. Please let the teachers know if they do have anything in their bag that they can use as a comfort from time to time. We encourage peaceful and cooperative play, and as such requires that items that are brought from home reflect this i.e. no war toys, guns or items that could give offence. A book to share at mat time is most welcome and more appropriate than toys.