Counseling Program

2008 Annual Report

Demographics and Characteristics of the 2008 Graduation Cohort

  • Student Graduation Count: 17 students
  • Gender Representation of Graduating Cohort: 12 Females & 5 Males
  • Race/Ethnicity Representation of Graduating Cohort:

12 White/Caucasian

3 Black/African American

2 International

  • Teacher Certification Representation of Graduating Cohort:

4 Teacher Certified graduating students

9 graduating students passed the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC)

  • Counseling Track (School/Community) Representation of Graduating Students:

10 School track students

4 Community/Agency track students

3 School & Community/Agency track students

Practicum & Internship Sites for 2008:

Internship 2008Practicum 2007

Bonnie Wheeler, MA, LPC, LMSW / CapitalAreaAcademy - Lansing
CapitalAreaAcademy - Lansing / CEI - Community Mental Health
CEI - Community Mental Health / ClintonCountyCMH - St. Johns
CoolidgeIntermediateSchool / CoolidgeIntermediateSchool
DwightRichMiddle School / DwightRichMiddle School
Eaton Rapids GIS / Florence Crittenton Services
Hill Vocational Center / HaslettMiddle School
HoltHigh School / Hill Vocational Center
Holt Jr. High School / Holly Youth Assistance
LansingCommunity College -Counseling Center / HoltHigh School
LeslieHigh School / Holt Jr. High School
LowellHigh School / LeslieHigh School
MSUCounselingCenter / LowellHigh School
OttoMiddle School / Ovid-ElsieHigh School
Ovid-ElsieHigh School / PAR Rehab
ParnallElementary School / RaylaElementary School
RaylaElementary School / St. Vincent Home
Vista Maria / Women's Center of Grief - Lansing
Women's Center of Lansing

Certifying Examination Honors Awarded:

The following students earned honors of distinction and certificates for their performance on the required Certifying Examination, a comprehensive assessment of general knowledge acquired in all required core coursework:

  • RJ Boudro
  • Brett Cain
  • Amy DeWyre
  • Molly Heyn (Western Michigan University Counseling Psychology doctoral program)
  • Ashley James
  • Chris Ray (University of Wisconsin—Madison Counseling Psychology doctoral program)
  • Adam Voight (Vanderbilt University Community Psychology doctoral program)
  • Liz Wagner

2008 Counseling Program Award Recipients

The following students earned program awards for the 2007-2008 academic year:

MSU Masters in Counseling Community Citizenship Award: Awardgiven annually to students who demonstrated a continuous effort to better themselves and others through their integration into the program.

2nd Year Students

  • Keisha Hatcher
  • Elizabeth Wagner
  • Angela Anderson
  • Chris Ray
  • Amy DeWyre
  • Kate Mackie
  • Brett Cain

1st Year Students

  • Aaron Smith
  • Courtney Kedzior
  • Casey Meltzer
  • Brian Stevens
  • Debra Papuga
  • Kristen Zupek
  • Lisa Pohl

MSU Masters in Counseling Excellence in Diversity Award: Award given annual to students who demonstrated a sustained attention to and appreciation of ethnic and cultural issues within their practice as well as their time as a cohort member/student within the program.

2nd Year Students

  • Shannon Gregory
  • Angela Anderson
  • Chris Ray

1st Year Students

  • Saliha Kozan
  • Sharea Ayers
  • Gitima Sharma
  • Aaron Smith
  • Jessica Rapes

MSU Masters in Counseling Distinguished Professionalism Award: Award given annually to students who have demonstrated an understanding and application of the scientist-practitioner model within the academic year.

2nd Year Students

  • Amy DeWyre
  • Shannon Gregory
  • Adam Voight
  • Chris Ray

1st Year Students

  • Gitima Sharma
  • Saliha Kozan
  • Shavonne Moore
  • Sharea Ayers
  • Aaron Smith
  • Jessica Rapes

MSU Masters in Counseling Scholastic Achievement, Educational Excellence Award: Award given annually to students that have demonstrated a commitment to scholarly distinction throughout the academic year.

2nd Year Students

  • Adam Voight
  • Amy DeWyre
  • Keisha Hatcher
  • Brett Cain

1st Year Students

  • Gitima Sharma
  • Shavonne Moore
  • Molly Heyn

MSU Masters in Counseling Exceptional Practitioner Award: Award given annually to students who demonstrated excellence during their practicum and internship experience, and/or shown excellence in development within the profession of counseling.

2nd Year Students

  • Shannon Gregory
  • Shanita Wade
  • Chris Ray
  • Kate Mackie
  • Elizabeth Wagner
  • Amy DeWyre
  • Adam Voight

1st Year Students

  • Molly Teel
  • Chelsea Greer

2008 Cohort Post-Graduation Placement (i.e. doctoral programs and employment sites)

  • 3 Students applied for and were admitted to doctoral programs

(VanderbiltUniv., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, and Western Michigan Univ.)

  • Schools: St. JohnsPublic Schools, LowellPublic Schools, Denver Public Schools, Kansas CityAfrikan-Centered Educ. Collegiums Campus,
  • Community/Agencies: National Council on Alcoholism, MSU-Communication Arts & Science, Lutheran Social Services, Turning Point Youth Center

Number of Students Admitted for FS08:

20 Admitted/2 international unable to attend/ 1 international transfer to HALE doctoral program

17 Students represented in the FS08 Cohort

Gender Representation of Incoming Cohort:

15 Females

2 Males

Race/Ethnicity Representation of Incoming Cohort:

11 White/Caucasian

3 Black/African American

1 Chicano/Mexican American

1 Spanish American/Hispanic

1 Asian/International

Counseling Track (School/Community) Representation of Incoming Students:

7 School track students

6 Community/Agency students

4 School & Community/Agency students

Mean GPA & GRE Scores of Students Admitted FS08:

Mean GPA: 3.51

Mean GREV: 471

Mean GREQ: 552

Mean GREW: 4.54

Brown Bag Programs: A long-standing tradition within the program was implemented to facilitate advisement and students’ professional development. Brown bag meetings are opportunities for program faculty, staff, and students to interact informally at least three times each semester. At these times, professional development issues are discussed, external speakers present (i.e., counseling supervision, the business of private practice, multicultural counseling in action, writing your resume, preparing for practicum and internship, licensure and certification), and students’ questions are addressed. This is a great time to get to know the faculty, peers, and professionals within the surrounding community, in a setting away beyond the formal classroom. The following lists the topics addressed in the Brown Bag meetings during this academic year:

  • Introduction to Research Team: This program gives an overview of what is involved when you join a research team, discuss areas of research interest, and publication of research. Faculty present and discuss their individual areas of scholarship and interests and collective research projects currently in process. Facilitated by Drs. Robbie Steward, Douglas Neil, and Matthew Diemer.
  • Private Practice & Community Mental Health Counseling: This program is presented in a private practice setting and gives students details on what it is like working at a private practice and also the dynamics of working for the Community Mental Health Agency. Facilitated by Advisory Board members Dr. Michael Rogell & Nancy James, CSW, LPC
  • Practicum & Internship, Conferences & Workshops: This is a very important experience that is required for the student’s professional development: 2ndyear students describe the process of applying and interviewing prospective practicum/internship sites and their experience of practicum and internship; faculty review their expectations; and, 1st year students’ present to the collective body their expert knowledge acquired through workshop and/or conference attendance. Facilitated by Drs. Robbie Steward, Douglas Neil, and Matthew Diemer
  • School Counseling: This program gives students details on what it is like being a counselor in a school setting. Students’ receive a description of the day-to-day experiences in a middle school and high school. Presentation by Advisory Board member Jerry Schreiner, Counselor, LesliePublic Schools.
  • Counselor Licensure - State of Michigan: This is a very important program for students to attend as they learn the details involved in obtaining their LLPC (limited license professional counselor) and then their LPC (licensed professional counselor). Facilitated by representative from Michigan Board of Counseling, Lucinda Clark, Manager of Licensing Division
  • Applying for a Doctoral Program and/or Counseling Position: This program helps students that are considering doctoral training; details on how to go about applying, getting letters of recommendation and determining which university best matches their interest. Facilitated by Drs. Robbie Steward, Douglas Neil, Matthew Diemer, and current 2nd year students who were recently accepted into a doctoral program.

Program Director Hosted the MichiganSchool Counselor Association (MSCA) Nuts & Bolt Conference (June 6, 2008). The following provides an overview of the conference.

Presentation Response to Intervention Training

Presenters: Chris Reid—Special Education

Supervisor, JacksonCountyISD

High School Reform/Academic Success Strategies

Kevin Oxley—Director CTE/General Ed,

Gloria Smith—Curriculum, Data, Assessment Consultant,

Tovah Sheldon—Curriculum, Data, Assessment Consultant, JacksonCountyISD.

Child Protective Services

Kyron Harvell—Hill Vocational Center

Special Education Laws

Richard Geisel—GrandValleyStateUniversity

Asberger’s Syndrome/Autism

Bill Hofer & Andy Kalahar- Consultants for Students with

Autism Disorders, JacksonCountyISD

Bipolar Disorder/Anxiety/Childhood Depression

Tia Konzer, D.O.—Child Psychiatry, MichiganState


Danial J. Zak, D.O.—Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,


Alyse Folino D.O.—Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, MichiganStateUniversity

Poster Presentations

Kedzior, C. (2008) (1st year MA Counseling program student). The Effects of Divorce, Separation and Marital Conflict Elementary and Middle School Students from a School Counselor’s Perspective: a Qualitative Study. Undergraduate Honors Thesis Proposal. Research paper that addresses the results of empirical data collection and analyses—quantitative or qualitative, including case studies—addressing current issues in school counseling, student populations, and training programs i.e., K-12; graduate education.

Moore, S. (2008) (1st year MA Counseling program student). The Interpersonal Impacts of Sexual Assault on Adolescents. Conceptual paper that addresses a literature review of current issues school counseling, student populations, and training programs (i.e., K-12; graduate education).

Ray, G. C.(2nd year MA Counseling program student), & Diemer, M. (2008). College Insider: An Online Resource for Students, Parents and School Counselors. Conceptual paper that addresses a literature review of current issues school counseling, student populations, and training programs (i.e., K-12; graduate education).

Thomas, D. K.(WayneStateUniversity doctoral student) (2008). Racial Identity Development and Academic Achievement in African American Girl’s: Implications for School Counselors. Conceptual paper that addresses a literature review of current issues school counseling, student populations, and training programs (i.e., K-12; graduate education).

CACREP Accreditation Site Visit and Subsequent Accreditation:

Effective for students graduating 2008-2010. Numerous commendations on training were received in the site-visitors’ written evaluations. In response to the site visitors’ recommendations for compliance: program activities are now compiled in an annual report and posted on the new website; telephone interviews are used to assess applicants’ interpersonal style during admissions decision-making process; students who choose both school and community tracks are required to enroll in two semesters of full-time internship that equal a total of 600 hours in a K-12 school setting and 600 hours in a community setting; and a group participation experience is required and provided for all trainees by an external small group facilitator. The site reviewers cautioned us to more carefully monitor compliance with the 10:1 faculty/student ratio in terms of student enrollment. At the time of the site visit the ratio was 15:1.

Annual Advisory Board Meeting & Orientation for Practicum/Internship Training Site Supervisors: Thursday, November 6, 2008 (24 attendees)

This is an annual meeting/reception held for site supervisors and the Counseling Program Advisory Board members wherein the following are discussed: students’ requirements and expectations associated with practicum and internship; supervisors’ expectations and evaluations; and, new program activities, policies, and practices. Time was allowed for questions and answers.Facilitated by Dr. Robbie Steward and Dr. Matthew Diemer.

Faculty/Students’ Professional Presentations:

Diemer, M.A. (2008, March). Societal constraints & individual resources in the career development of Youth of Color in Poverty. In N. Fouad (Chair), Contextual influences in Vocational Psychology: A 3-D Model. Symposium held at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Diemer, M.A. (2008, March). Sociopolitical development and occupational attainment among Poor Youth of Color. Poster presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.

Diemer, M.A., Wang, Q. & Smith, A.V. (2008, August). Vocational interests and college major selection among Youth of Color in Poverty. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Kedzior, C. (2008). The effects of divorce, separation and marital conflict elementary and middle school students from a school counselor’s perspective: A qualitative study. Poster presentation at the Michigan School Counselor Association (MSCA) Nuts and Bolts Conference.MichiganStateUniversity; East Lansing, MI, June 6.

Moore, S. (2008). The interpersonal impacts of sexual assault on adolescents. Poster presentation at the Michigan School Counselor Association (MSCA) Nuts and Bolts Conference.MichiganStateUniversity; East Lansing, MI, June 6.

Steward, R.J. (invited Chair) (2008). Religious and indigenous practices in Counseling. Symposium presentation at the 2008 International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL (March 6-8).

Steward, R.J. (2008). Facilitating Wellness in Counselor Training Environments. 2008 Michigan Counseling Association. Dearborn, MI. October 12-14.

Steward, R.J. et al (2008). Counselor educator Roundtable Discussion. 2008 MichiganSchool Counselor Association Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. (December 7-8)

Professional Publications: (* indicates student co-author)

Diemer, M.A. & *Voight, A.M. (2008). White racial identity development. In F.T.L. Leong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 1380-1383). Invited contribution.

Diemer, M.A. (2008). Large scale survey data in career development research. Journal of Career Development, (Special issue: Innovative methodological advances in career development research and practice), 35(1), 42-59.

Diemer, M.A. & *Hsieh, C. (2008). Sociopolitical development and vocational expectations among lower-SES adolescents of color. Career Development Quarterly, 56(3), 257-267.

Steward, R.J., Steward, A.D., Blair, J., Jo, H., & Hill, M. (2008). School attendance revisited: A study of urban African American students’ GPA and coping strategies, Urban Education, 43, 5, 519-536.

Steward, R.J., Hill, M. F., Neil, D.M., Pritchett, T*., & Wabaunsee, A.* (2008). What does GPA in an urban high school actually mean? Educational Considerations, 36, 1, 11-16.

Steward, R.J., Diemer, M., & Neil, D.M. (2008). A concept of best practices in training school counselors. In H.L.K. Coleman & C. Yeh’s (Eds.) Handbook of School Counseling (15-36). Routledge: New York, NY.

Steward, R.J., & Donnell, C. (2008). Community interventions with diverse student populations. Encyclopedia of Cross-cultural School Psychology. Springer Publications.

Steward, R.J. & Ni, Kaiyo* (2008) reviewed the following textbook for Education Review:

Holcomb-McCoy, Cheryl (2007). School Counseling to Close the Achievement Gap: A social justice framework for success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Steward, R.J. (April, 2008) reviewed the following textbook for Education Review:

Sampson, William Alfred (2007). Race, Class, and Family Intervention: Engaging Parents and Families for Academic Success. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Steward, R.J. & Steward, A.D. (2008) reviewed following textbook for Education Review:

Snyder, Kurt; Gur, Raquel E.; & Andrews, Linda (2007). Me, Myself, and Them: A Firsthand Account of One young Person’s Experience with Schizophrenia. New York, NY: OxfordUniversity Press.

Steward, R.J. & Lewis, R.* (2008) reviewed the following textbook for Education Review:Ford, Emily; Liebowitz, Michael R.; & Andrews, Linda Wasmer (2007). What you Must Think of Me: A Firsthand Account of the One Teenager’s Experience with Social Anxiety Disorder.

Voight, A.M.* & Diemer, M.A. (2008). Black racial identity development. In F.T.L. Leong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 1036-1038).

Research Team activities:

Dr. Robbie Steward – University-approved Research Projects in Progress

Developing the first national ranking system for Master’s level Counseling programs that are accredited by the Council of Accredited Counseling and related Educational Programs (CACREP) (data collection in process) (Keisha

Hatcher and Aaron Smith)

A Study of the psychological-emotional status of university intercollegiate athletes. (data analysis in process) (Brian Stevens)

A Study of School Counselors’ and School Counseling Educators’ Perceptions of Attention to Religion as a point of diversity within the school setting. 12/03/2008 (data

collection in process) (Molly Heyn, Aaron Smith, Chelsea Greer)

Identifying variables associated with effective Michigan high school counseling programs: A study of the relationship between counseling models, counseling staff licensure/certification student population, and academic outcomes. (data collection in process)

Mental Health practitioners’ perception of the influence of adult-child sexual assault on women’s psychological-emotional status during early adulthood (data analysis in

process). (Shavonne Moore, Lisa Pohl, Kristen Zupek, Sharea Ayres)

Dr. Douglas Neil - Research

Acculturation Experiences of University International Students: A Study of Inter-group Comparisons. (data analysis in progress). (Saliha Kozan, Gitima Sharma, Kaiyao Ni)

Faculty Service at University, State, and National Levels:

Dr. Robbie Steward

  • Invited Manuscript Reviewer for the Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education
  • Editorial Board Journal of Counseling and Values
  • Adhoc Reviewer for The Counseling Psychologist
  • Member COE Promotion Tenure & Reappointment Committee
  • Established program collaboration with African and African American Studies doctoral program (Dr. John McClindon)
  • Appointed by President Lou Anna Simon to serve on the University Dismissal for Cause Review officer Panel
  • Campus-wide Program student recruitment activities
  • Established program collaboration with the CareerCounselingCenter (Dr. Gross and Tammison Smith) as a practicum/internship site (Fall 2009).
  • Elected Vice President of Counselor Educator/Counselor Supervision on the MichiganSchool Counselor Association Executive Board.
  • Nominated to continue service on the Administrative Rules Sub-Committee of the Michigan Board of Counseling, a Governor-appointed honor.
  • Selected by the Vice President of the Capital Regional Community Foundation, Julia Oliver, and Pauline Pasch, Program officer/Youth action Committee Advisor, to work with the local grant agency to review applications for the 2008 Otto Scholarship Award for deserving high school students’ pursuit of a college education.
  • Served as doctoral dissertation committee member for students in HALE, Kinesiology, and Psychology.

Dr. Matthew Diemer

  • Served on Editorial Boards for the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Counseling & Development, Journal of College Counseling, and Journal of Career Development.
  • Began 3-year term on the Committee on Socioeconomic Status of the American Psychological
  • Served as a reviewer of conference proposals for the American Psychological Association’s Annual Meeting, for the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17).
  • Completedthe College Insider, an on-line resource to facilitate college attendance and retention among underrepresented youth (
  • Served on the faculty search committee in Kinesiology, based on my interests and professional networks in culture/youth development.
  • Conducted a service learning project that targets community and our students’ professional development needs, detailed in Teaching above.
  • Member of CEPSE Faculty Advisory Committee.
  • Program Representative on the Michigan Department of Education School Counselor Educators’ group, which allows me to affect school counselor training and licensure in the state.
  • Developed a new training site for our practicum/internship students. OkemosHigh School had been uninterested in trainees.

Dr. Douglas Neil