Salary Grade 5/6 Scale Points: 22-28
£19,817 - £23,945 pro-rata
Plus £561 Outer Fringe Allowance
32.5 hours per week Monday-Friday
(some evening & weekend work may be required)
This is a key role as a project officer for community initiatives. The jobholder will manage a range of community based projects, progress new schemes, research and apply for funding streams and process applications for Grant Funding. The post will support the Harpenden Youth Town Council and progress their initiatives.
The jobholder will liaise with residents, businesses and organisations. The work will be varied, rewarding and challenging. Ability in time and project management, capable of working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines are required.
Closing date for applications: Thursday 6 November 2014
Interviews will take place on: w/c Monday 17th November 2014
Full details can be found in the application pack from Harpenden Town Council at:, Email: or Tel: 01582 768278
Please note CV’s will not be accepted.


Job Title: Community Services Officer

Reports to: Town Clerk and Business Services Manager

Job Purpose:

a)  To assist the Clerk and Business Services Manager with new initiatives; to research/develop the feasibility and implement.

b)  To act as project/liaison officer for the community.

c)  To act as principal fundraising officer, researching funding streams to provide, realise and support the Town Council and the community.

d)  To provide administrative support, attend and service the Harpenden Youth Town Council.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1.  To assist in the supervision of a range of community based projects which the Town Council wish to pursue.

2.  To actively engage with the community, interest groups, businesses and local residents to further the Town Council’s objectives.

3.  To process applications for Grant Funding, to include reviewing the applications against the agreed criteria, preparing reports for the Committee’s decision, working with larger organisations requiring ‘sponsored’ support and those with Service Levels Agreements i.e. Citizen’s Advice Bureau, History Society etc.

4.  To identify funding streams across the Town Council’s services, applying for and securing funding and supporting the community in funding bids.

5.  To pro-actively publicise the work of the Town Council, ensuring the website is updated.

6.  To support the Harpenden Youth Town Council in its democratic process; attend all meetings, prepare and distribute Agendas, produce Minutes, follow-up action points arising from the Minutes.

7.  To maintain regular contact with the Youth Town Councillors, liaising with other statutory bodies, local schools and other partner organisations on behalf of the Youth Town Council, as required, and ensuring the website is maintained and developed.

8.  To keep records of all transactions on the Youth Town Council’s Bank Account and petty cash float and liaise with and provide details to the Finance Manager. To include organising the annual signatory Bank Mandate forms.

9.  To undertake such other duties and responsibilities, including attending meetings, commensurate with the level of the post and in accordance with the job purpose, as required by the Town Clerk or Business Services Manager from time to time.

October 2014


Job Title: Community Services Officer

1. Qualifications / Educated to GCSE Level or equivalent with preferably English and Maths GCSE (Grade C). / Further Education, preferably to degree level or skills training meeting CPD standards.
2. Related Experience /
Evidence of working with Children and Young People
Evidence of project management.
Evidence of leading community consultations
Knowledge of Health & Safety and Legal obligations.
Evidence of making and managing grant application processes.
Experience of dealing with community groups, contractors, businesses and the public.
Ability to work within a regulatory framework, either private or public sector.
Experience of working on own initiative and as part of a team.
/ Organised community activities.
Experience of preparing and monitoring risk assessment forms.
Evidence of fundraising for the public, charitable or voluntary sector.
Committee working experience.
Understanding Local Government.
3. Skills and Abilities / Good inter-personal skills with an ability to communicate effectively either in writing and orally.
Strong administrative and organisational skills; ability to work in a logical manner, plan and organise own work, meet strict deadlines, attend to detail, maintain accurate records.
Preparing Committee Reports
Computer literate. Knowledge of Microsoft applications and databases.
Ability to motivate and relate to young people. / Experience of producing reports, letters, project proposals and other publications.
Negotiating skills.
Ability to analyse and evaluate data and make sound judgements in relation to service delivery.
IT social networking skills.
4. Personal Qualities / Ability to effectively manage your own workload and work unsupervised.
Able to work effectively under pressure.
Methodical and thorough approach.
Innovative and problem solving abilities.
Enthusiasm and energy.
Ability to build and maintain relationships at all levels using tact and maturity. / Confident and supportive.
5. Other requirements /
Flexible, able to attend evening, weekend and Committee meetings as necessary.
/ Able to multi-task.

October 2014


Please complete this accurately, giving as many details as possible of your skills and experience relating to this job application. Short listing for interview will be based on the information from this form, read in conjunction with the person specification. We are unable to accept applications after the closing date stated in the advertisement.



Title / Surname / First Name/s
Home Address
Telephone Numbers
Daytime / Evening / Mobile
Email (where possible)
Do you hold a current full driving licence? / Yes / No
Are there any restrictions regarding your employment? e.g. do you require a work permit?
Yes / No If yes, please provide details on a separate sheet of paper
Is there anything concerning your medical history or state of health that is relevant to your application?
Yes / No If yes, please provide details on a separate sheet of paper
Are you related, or have a relationship with, a Councillor or Officer of the Town Council? / Yes / No If yes, please advise who and in what capacity
How much notice are you required to give your current employer?
Where did you see this post advertised?
Please start with your most recent employment. Continue on separate sheet as necessary.
Current Employer Name:
Job Title
Dates of Employment
Brief Description of Duties, Responsibilities and Achievements
Current Salary
Reason for leaving
Previous Employment
Employer Name and Address / Job Title and Dates of Employment / Brief Description of Duties, Responsibilities
and Achievements / Salary / Reason For Leaving
Please include education, courses and qualifications relevant to this post.
Name and Address of school/ college/university /training body
- most recent first / Subject / Qualification level / Date gained
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS State whether by election or examination
Qualification/s / Date / Examination
Other Training and Professional Development / Date
Please state any other skills or experience you have gained which are relevant to the Job Description and Person Specification for this post. Your experience does not have to be gained in paid employment and may relate to special interests or volunteering. Continue on separate sheet as necessary.
Please give details of two references. One must be your current or most recent employer. References will only be taken up with permission of the applicant.
Tel No.
Tel No.
I confirm that the details of this application are accurate and to the best of my knowledge.

Thank you for completing this form.

Please return to: Town Clerk, Harpenden Town Council, Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2LX



Harpenden Town Council is commited to equal access and equal opportunities. Each application will be considered on merit against the relevant job description and person specification, irrespective of gender, marital status, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age.

To assist Harpenden Town Council in monitoring the operation of its Equal Opportunities Policy, could you please complete this form which is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. This will be separated from your application form before your application is considered for shortlisting.


Title / Surname / First Name/s
Female / Male
(please delete as appropriate) / Date of Birth:
Which group do you most identify with? Please tick only ONE box.
A. White
English  Scottish  Welsh 
Irish 
Any other White background – please write in
B. Mixed
White and Black Caribbean  White and Black African  White and Asian 
Any other mixed background – please write in
C. Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish, Asian Welsh.
Indian  Pakistani  Bangladeshi 
Any other Asian background – please write in
D. Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish, Black Welsh.
Caribbean  African 
Any other Black background – please write in
E. Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh or other ethnic group.
Chinese 
Any other ethnic group – please write in
Do you have a health problem or disability which may be relevant to your job application?
Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)
If Yes, what is the nature of your health problem or disability?

Thank you for completing this form. Please return it, together with your completed application form.

October 2014