Resources, Governance and Organisation
Executive Director: Valerie Andrew
Revenues & Benefits Service
P.O. Box 31, Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 2PL
Tel: 0300 123 0900
Date :
If phoning or calling ask for Council Tax /



Dear Sir/Madam

Council Tax : Single Person Discount

In terms of Section 79 (2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 the amount of Council Tax payable on a property may be discounted to reflect the personal circumstances of the adult residents. A 25% discount may apply where there is only one adult (aged 18 or over) who has his/her sole or main place of residence in that property.

If you want to apply for a discount, please provide the information requested overleaf, sign the declaration and return the form to the above address.

PLEASE NOTE: Discount will only be awarded from 1 April in the financial year in which you apply. If you wish this to be backdated to an earlier date you must provide a statement giving the reasons why you have not made application before.

Yours faithfully

Council Tax

Council Tax

Revenues & Benefits Service

Council Tax Single Occupier Discount Application

Council Tax Reference Number:

Full Name of resident claiming discount

Address of property for which discount is claimed

Daytime Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Date Discount is claimed from (dd/mm/yyyy):

Please provide the names & DOB of any residents of the property who are aged 17

Name: / DOB:
Name: / DOB:

Have you been the only adult resident from the date you moved into the property?

Yes: / No:

Is the property your only home? If you answer No we may require further information before we can process your application. Please provide details of any other property when you return this form.

Yes: / No:

Are you the sole adult resident as the result of a bereavement? (If yes please go straight to the declaration overleaf)

Yes: / No:

If you are now the only adult resident as the result of another adult having left the property please provide details of their move.

Their Full Name

Their relationship to you (e.g. partner, child etc):
Date they left the property (dd/mm/yyyy):

Their new address:


What is their interest in their new address?

Owner: / Tenant:
Lodger: / Other (please state):

Is the change of address permanent?

Yes: / No:

If No please confirm the nature of their absence and when they intend to return?


I declare that I am the only adult aged 18 or over resident at this address and that this address is my main residence. I authorise South Ayrshire Council to verify the details. I understand that data matching may be undertaken with other records. If the discount status no longer applies I undertake to notify South Ayrshire Council within 21 days of this occurring. I understand that failure to provide this information is an offence, which may make me liable for an initial fine of £50 and £200 for each subsequent offence.

Signed: / Date:

Forms can be returned by post to South Ayrshire Council, PO Box 31, Wellington Sq, Ayr, KA7 2PL, or in person to any Customer Service Centres in Ayr, Prestwick, Troon, Maybole & Girvan