Council on Research and Evaluation

Agenda for Full Council Meeting

11/10/08, 9am-11am

AUCD Meeting & Conference,

Washington, D.C.

1.  Introduction of Officers and Attendees

2. Minutes from June, 2008 Conference Call (Mary Segal)

2.  Review of Activities Since Last AUCD Meeting

a.  Review of George Jesien’s comments on the Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) on Behalf of AUCD

b.  Review of Institutional Policies and Procedures on Research Misconduct developed for AUCD

c.  Participation in Council Chairs Design of the Training Symposium

3.  Presentation: Stephanie Willson, PhD, CDC/CCHIS/NCHC

“Questionnaire Evaluation: Improving Survey Data Quality Through the Use of Cognitive Interviews and Focus Groups.”

About Stephanie Willson

Dr. Willson received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Delaware. She has been with NCHS since 2001, working on the National Survey of Family Growth before taking a position in the Office and Research and Methodology in 2004. As a member of the Questionnaire Design Research Laboratory staff, she serves as a qualitative methodologist leading projects that evaluate survey questions and conducting research that advances the field of cognitive interviewing, particularly in the Federal Statistical System.

4.  Discussion of How to Create a Research Culture at the UCEDD/LEND programs and how to extend that culture to CORE (Ken Heinlein)