Vinh Tran

International Business

June 05, 2010

Action Assignment #4

Integrative Case 3.3 - OceanPark Confronts Hong Kong Disneyland

1) Even though multinationals such Disney have a larger investments and have more global experience, local companies are not always doom to them. Local companies are better at understanding the local market's needs compare to larger companies. Newer technologies can also help the local from keep operating costs low and the ability to deliver higher quality products and services.

2) Ocean Park fit perfectly in cell 3 as a defender strategy because the firm is simply trying to defend their turf. They have no pressure to expand globally but just to hold their current market share.

3) The influx of mainland Chinese tourism resulting from Disneyland will significantly help the tourism industry in Hong Kong. Tourism that can lead to entertainment and shopping opportunities that plays a vital function in the Hong Kong's economy. The flood of more customers can also lead to higher end retail shops, hotels, and restaurants. Ocean Park can certainly capitalize on this new phenomenon by increasing the awareness of their attractions. If OceanPark can get the funding for the eye-catching and affordable routes, they can definitely provide a completely new and cheaper experience for the travelers. Having the finance to compete with their rival such as building new rides or attractions is the key to surviving in this industry. Recognize what seems to be a problem is really an opportunity. Consider Ocean Park’s identity with sea life – something that is not the major focus of Disney. In addition, Ocean Park has more of a Chinese identity and Disney is more U.S.n

4) OceanParkshould not intensify or reduce-on competition but instead learn from the Disneyland. They do need to update their facility to attract more tourism and instead of doing word of mouth, do some advertising. Being able to provide cheap transportation to the attraction and new rides will significantly help the company. With this influx of tourism from mainland China, people will want a cheaper alternative to Disneylandwith a better service and quality experience. They also need to focus on their strength to attract their niche in the market, which had become a fixture of Hong Kong's culture heritage. You have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they will want to see it again. Competition will create better products, alliances, and maybe a better company.In addition, working with your competition by providing a completely new experience might help each other out.

5) Hong Kong Disneyland should just keep an eye on OceanPark or maybe work together to provide a richer experience for the huge inflow of tourism. They have a wealth of knowledge and extremely deep pocket to weather out anything. Having competition between the two will give them incentive to progress and provide a better vacation for everyone else. They can develop internally by improving the park's operational efficiency.