Council of Catholic Women ~ Church of St. Henry

Tuesday Sept 13, 2016 10:30 am Fireside Room

Members Present: Louise N, Dorothy F, Alice H, Karan W, Janet K, Ev S, Theresa R, Char T, Bonnie S, Janelle H, Lois P, Margaret C, Char D, Dawn K,Karen L

Janelle opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. As Out-going President, Janelle will be handing over the meeting and office of President to Bonnie Sobiech during this meeting. We are very pleased that Janelle will continue to hold the position of Funeral Luncheon Coordinator, and will be assisting with special receptions/CCW events held at our parish. We are all very thankful for the hard work Janelle has done for our CCW group in the past and are truly appreciative that she will continue to help and guide us in the years to come. Thank you Janelle!!!

Welcome and The Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel - Read by all at meeting

Mission Statement: To work closely with our parish in meeting spiritual and human needs by creating a spirit of unity through prayers, enrichment, and service in fulfilling the mission of Christ. To promote the spiritual life of our members. To aid and maintain projects of benefit for the church and the parish (and our community).

Installation of officers: Janelle said prayers and commitment statements for the CCW officers. The ladies in attendance thanked Janelle for her leadership and commitment to our CCW group. Bonnie S assumed the role of CCW President at this point.

Secretary’s Report: Correction to June's minutes – Change Alice H’s phone #. Janelle made motion to accept the Secretary's Report, Char T seconded. All accepted. Will submit to Parish office for the website.

Treasurer’s Report: Ending balance as of Sept 13, 2016 is $9320.09. KC and CCW contributed to purchase of 5 new (matching)vestment for Fr Tony and Deacon. Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented. Kathy reviewed the budget for 2016-2017 – fiscal year is from June to June same as with church’s books. CCW has made donations to BirthRight (Monticello)in the past. The local donation center has closed and funds were forwardedto the International Group. CCW wishes to continue donations to an organization support the Pro-Life movement, and will check into other options available for donations. Also the Great River Family Promise has discontinued their ministry - line item will remain in CCW's budget for now. A copy of the 2016-2017 CCW Budget is attached to these minutes for everyone’s review. The Treasurer's Report and Budget were accepted by all present.

OLD BUSINESS/Follow-up Items:

Parish Festival Recap: Final proceeds/numbers are not available/published at this time. The new events and updated activity schedule for the Festival were well attended and well liked – everything went really well. The pie social was very successful - will continue in the future. Per Janelle – the Mexican meal and waffle breakfast were very successful - ran out of food. We believe the Festival was very successful from the very early/preliminary numbers and feedback. Wonderful surprise - the Bishop notice the tents and activity as he was driving on 94 on Saturday, and make a surprise stop to see what was happening, and purchased a pie - this was very exciting for those on the grounds that day. Bonnie thanked everyone who volunteered and worked the Country Store and Sweet Shoppe.

Suggestions: As always, there is feedback for consideration, and the Chairs welcome input/feedback as they continue to make adjustments for the betterment of the Parish Festival. Suggestion that the tents be moved over to provide more parking on the grounds – need to watch where power supplies are. Also if the open area is too small, people may feel too crowded. Dancing on parking lot can be difficult.

ACCW Province Convention: Hosted in June – Bonnie thanked all volunteers for this event. Overall the guests were very happy/loved our facility. Feedback: Restroom locations need to be posted – Dan D is working on this item.

Fall Retreat (Sharon and Kathy): This item is tabled for now. Will consider a spring retreat with possible focus on Angels.

Ministry Sunday – CCW- September 10-11: CCW had a table promoting our group last Sunday. Different ministries within our faith community will be spotlighted over the upcoming weeks.

Other items: At this time, CCW does not have a Parish Council Liaison - we will keep the parish informed of our activities via the publishing of minutes on the parish website. Congratulations to Dorothy F who won blue ribbon for her cookies at the MN State Fair.


  • Calendar of Meetings/Events - Review: Meetings to be held on 2nd Tuesday of each month, except for November. Bonnie is looking at Ladies Evening out and may invite spouses to attend if they'd like – possibly a play at the Plymouth playhouse. May’s CCW meeting in evening. With the closing of Monticello's BirthRight Monticello, Janet K offered to research other local centers for donations. Correction to Janelle's e-mail address:
  • Cancelled Stamp Project: Bonnie took interest in this idea while attending the NW Deanery event in Coon Rapids last spring. We can save the postage stamps from our mail (especially any international stamps), bring to meetings, and we will forward to Sister M. Jane Chantal when we have a good quantity saved. Please ask your friends and family members to collect their postage stamps for this project. Flyer about this project is attached to these minutes.
  • Fundraisers - Carlson Pies, RADA, Butterbraids: We will not be offering the Carlson Pies fundraiser this fall. May try butter-braids in the Spring. Janelle will place a RADA knife order by 9/30 – call Janelle if you are interested in ordering. Anyone interested in ordering can go on-line to and see the products offered. Feedback: The silver finish can be rough on hands. Do not put your Rada items in the dishwasher.
  • St Henry's CCW Cookbook: Jan Aurentz offered to chair a Cookbook Fundraiser - collecting recipes over winter and publish next year. At this meeting we discussed the current trend and availability of on-line recipes vs using a printed cookbook, and the fact that many people can’t give cookbooks away due to the change in usage of on-line recipes vs hardcopy books. Concern that we just don’t see the next generation using printed cookbooks. It was suggested that CCW asks for donation of old cookbooks to be sold at the Holiday Boutique with the baked goods or we could sell them in Gramma’s Christmas Attic at the Boutique. If the sale of the donated cookbooks is successful, we may revisit doing a parish cookbook in the future. Char D suggested an announcement or flyer in the parish bulletin re: donation of cookbooks for sale at the Boutique.
  • Appalachia Christmas Gift Collection - Month of October: Bonnie will submit a flyer for the parish bulletin the last weekend of Sept. Alice H is collecting boxes for the shipment. Packing will take place on Wed 10/26 in the Social Hall. Janelle, Alice, Char T, Dawn K, Bill & Kathy Kelly and Lois P will help. Drop-off on 10/27 in Albertville – Janelle and Rick Hazuka offered to take our donations to the drop site. Donations of new sweatshirts, coats and blankets have been requested.
  • Holiday Boutique and Bake Sale - Nov 12 & 13, 2016: Mark your calendar – need all hands on deck! Bonnie will bring a sign-up sheet to our next CCW meeting. Will hand out baked goods donation reminder slips to be handed out the Sunday prior to the Boutique. Bonnie asked for a publicity committee for advertising of Boutique. Janelle will coordinate the Vendor Contact/Assignments for the Boutique. Alice H made a motion to charge $35 for vendors, Dawn seconded, and accepted by all. Lois will review past advertising with Bonnie and will adjust accordingly. We will offer the same menu as last year. Bonnie will contact Julie Spiers to see if she is willing to bake cookies for the Boutique. Bonnie will contact Santa.Kathy Kelly has offered to chair Gramma’s Christmas Attic. Bonnie S suggested gift card raffle (purchased from Script); however in checking with Dan/Office Administrator, CCW would be required to have a ($100) license to do the raffle. Bonnie will check with Dan to see if St Henry's has a parish umbrella license that we could be covered under. Will also ask if the license covers the full year or lifetime. Will ask the KC if they would cover CCW under their license. Bonnie will do some further checking. CCW was also approached to sponsor a vendor fair in parking lot this fall. At this time, we were not able to support that request.
  • Fall Gathering Deanery Meeting - Monday, Oct 17th at St Michael: Guest speaker is Angela Erickson – see attached NW Deanery Fall Gathering flyer for event details.
  • Looking for CCW Secretary: Contact Bonnie if interested in the CCW Secretary position. Main tasks include attending the CCW meetings and taking minutes.
  • Other Items: CCW member, Karan W and her husband assist with cleaning and maintaining the holy water vesselsused for funerals and during the Easterseason. The vessel's condition and appearance are to the point where they should be replaced. Janelle offered to attend the Liturgy Committee meeting scheduled for this evening to offer CCW's willingness to fund replacement vessels as a gift to our Church from CCW. Karen W made the motion for this action, Margaret seconded, and all approved.
  • Bonnie noted that half of the former Nursery is now utilized by CCW for crafting and mission sewing. In future, CCW may hold their monthly meetings in that room also. Mission Sewing is held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 9:30-noon, please join this group if you can.

Meeting closed with all reciting CCW closing prayer.

Boutique Craft Gatherings: Tuesdays: Oct4 & Oct 18 - All sessions will start around9:00and finish bynoonif not before. Location: CCW Room (former Nursery)

CCW Meeting: Next CCW meetingwill be held on Tuesday, October 11th 10:30 am in FiresideRoom