JULY 17, 2007 AT 6:30 P.M.


COUNCIL MEMBERS:Mitchell Proctor, President

Darrel Thomas, Vice President

Larry Parker

Roger L. Deck

Keith Berry

Joseph Fogle

Donald Walton

ATTORNEY:Elizabeth South


AUDIENCE:16 Individuals

The County Council met in regular session on July 17, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the courthouse annex. The pledge to the flag was given.


Budget hearing dates were set for Tuesday, August 21st and Wednesday, August 22nd starting at 8:30 a.m.


Byron Gough gave an update about the 2007 Agriculture Economic Development Initiatives. One major issue is that their rent has increased by $5,525.


672-10169-201Pauper Counsel$5,000.00

Reason: To pay depositions for the rest of the year.

Darrel Thomas made the motion to approve. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.


Coroner Thomas Miller gave an update of new law changes effective July 1st. They now have to identify the deceased by one of four means: family, DNA, dental, or fingerprints. Mr. Miller would like to be able to purchase four digital cameras to help in the identifying process. He saidhe may be back before the Council to ask for funding to purchase these cameras which will average $800 a piece. Mitch Proctor asked if he had spoke with the Prosecutor to see if they could pay for these out of Pre-Trial Diversion money. Mr. Miller said he had not thought of it, but he would certainly ask.


Skipped since there was no one present.


004-50589-790Bridge 114$120,000

Reason: Emergency replacement of Bridge 114.

Larry Parker made a motion to give tentative approval pending advertisement. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.


Bill Dory explained how abatement works in Indiana for some concerned taxpayers in the audience. He presented the following resolutions to the Council:

RESOLUTION 2007-07-17-1

The Council reviewed the CF-1 forms for Buzzi Unicem, USA.

Keith Berry made the motion to approve. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2007-07-17-2

The Council reviewed the CF-1 forms for C.C. Cook & Son Lumber Company, Inc. Keith Berry made the motion to approve. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2007-07-17-3

The Council reviewed the CF-1 forms for Dixie Properties, LLC.

Keith Berry made the motion to approve. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2007-07-17-4

The Council reviewed the CF-1 forms for Magic Circle Corporation.

Keith Berry made the motion to approve. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.



Reason: To get the EOC project funded for the next few months until financing can be determined. The financing will reimburse the fund.

Darrel Thomas made the motion to approve. Roger Deck seconded. The motion carried.


Chris Mann from Putnam County Farm Bureau explained that they represent interest in agriculture. He believes the method of taxation to fund schools is over burdensome and their main concern is to see reform. The Local Option Income Tax is an option to reduce dependence on property taxes.

Katrina Hawk a tax specialist from Indiana Farm Bureau explained the new Local Option Income Taxes County Board of Tax Review.

Option A is a levy growth replacement. It will freeze the usual property tax levy increases, but will set a local income tax of around .3% to make up the difference of any new tax levy increase. As the tax base expands, property taxes will go down. Schools and transportation are out.

Option B is a dollar for dollar replacement by adding a .05% to 1% income tax that could raise up to $5.4 million for the county. This option can offset uniform property tax replacement credit, homestead credit or credit on all residential property.
Option C requires that both the first and second options be adopted, and allows up to a .25% income tax that can be used for almost anything “public safety”. It may be rescinded, increased or decreased.

Ms. Hawk also explained about a new CountyBoard of Tax and Capital Project Review that would replace the Tax Adjustment Board. It would include nine members including the CountyAuditor who would only vote in case of a tie. They would need two newly elected citizens to the board. The Board would review budgets, rates and levies of all units unless the County Council opts out. They would also review all Capital Project plans and approve or disapprove any plans over $7 million.

The Council thanked Mr. Mann and Ms. Hawk for their presentation. They agreed to discuss this further during their budget hearings in order to make a decision before October 1st.


Dr. Heavin & Beth Glaze explained the switch in positions that recently took place in their office. Holly Wood is going from full time to part time. They hired Darrel Brackney to take her place and he will be starting at a lesser salary. Darrel Thomas made a motion to give tentative approval pending submission of paperwork. Jay Fogle seconded. The motion carried.


Darrel Thomas made the motion to approve May 10th & 15th, 2007 minutes. Jay Fogle seconded. The motion carried.


Darrel Thomas made the motion to adjourn. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.


Mitchell Proctor, PresidentDarrel Thomas, Vice President


Larry ParkerRoger L. Deck


Keith BerryJoseph Fogle


Donald WaltonAttest: Carrie Boling

Deputy Auditor