Council Meeting September 12, 2005

Council Chambers:

ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Del Vignery presiding. Councilmembers present: Marion L. Florence, D. Leon Kingan, Craig L. Ledet,Arletta R. Morse,Glenn M. Stegman. Officials present: Clerk Rose M. Gourley, Attorney Daniel D. Metz. Also present: Superintendent Ron Mason.

VISITORS:Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Connie Cyr, Amy Hawkinson.

MINUTES:Minutes of the August 8, 2005, regular meeting were approved as written.

PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 05-08, for August wages and salaries in the amount of $49,542.15 was presented. Included in the total was the reimbursed Library payroll totaling $1,699.73, leaving a net City payroll of $47,842.42. A motion by Stegman, seconded by Kingan, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in August totaled $22,471.73. Unpaid invoices received to date, totaled $277,303.98. (Included in the total was APAC-Kansas, Inc.’s Pay Estimate #7, in the amount of $132,939.19, for the Sheppard Development Project.) Upon motion by Stegman, seconded by Morse, all said invoices in the amount of $299,775.71, were approved for payment.

DELINQ. ACCNTS.:The Governing Body reviewed a list of ninedelinquent utility accounts totaling $1,136.68.

HOUSING REHAB. GRANT:A Public Hearing was held for the purpose of presenting and discussing the preparation and submission of an application to the Kansas Department of Commerce and Housing. The application, for funding the demolition or rehabilitation of residential structures within a specified target area in Lincoln, was explained by Connie Cyr, North Central Regional Planning Commission. She also explained how and why the target area had been expanded from that proposed in last year’s application. Following a pre-application process, thirty-three homes were identified for rehabilitation and one structure was slated for demolition.

Mrs. Cyr presented the following information regarding NCRPC Fee Schedules: for Grant Administration – fee to be set by the State, based on the amount of the award; for Housing Inspection - $800.00/house; for Lead Assessment - $960.00/house; Clearance Testing - $260.00/house; and Asbestos Inspection - $450.00/residential demolition unit when required by KDHE. All fees were included in the Grant Application. Florence made a motion to approve the Grant Application and to hire the North Central Regional Planning Commission to perform the services previously outlined. Motion seconded by Ledet, carried. Stegman moved to adopt Resolution No. 05-03, “A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING LEGAL AUTHORITY TO APPLY FOR THE 2006 KANSAS SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FROM THE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND SUBMIT SUCH AN APPLICATION.” Motion seconded by Morse, carried. Mayor Vignery signed the “Statement of Assurances and Certifications,” “Contract Certification Form,” “Resolution No. 05-03,” “CDBG Disclosure Report,” and “Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan.”

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT/:Mayor Vignery asked the City Council to pay 1/3 of the cost of placing two signs on Interstate 70

MARKETING:advertising Lincoln County Free Land Programs. The City’s share of 2 signs and one year’s rent would be approximately $720.00. Following discussion of the information proposed for the signs, Florence made a motion to approve payment of 1/3 of the cost, as proposed. Motion seconded by Ledet, carried.

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT/The Governing Body discussed the possibility of extending curb and guttering on the East side of N.

CURB & GUTTERING:1st Street from where the present curb and gutter ends north to E. North Street. Preliminary cost estimates had been submitted with a difference of about $8,100.00 if the installation terminated at the

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end of the Sheppard Housing Development. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Florence, seconded by Morse, to pursue the extension of N. 1st Street curb and guttering all the way to North Street. Motion carried, 4-1. Following discussion of funding sources, a motion was made by Morse, seconded by Ledet, that the cost of the project be borne by the City at large. Motion carried.

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT:It was noted that the streets had been completed and grass planted at the Sheppard Subdivision location and the project was nearing completion.

NUISANCES:A communication from several “concerned citizens” had been received alleging a dangerous and unfit structure existed at a location on E. Lincoln Avenue. Attorney Metz advised,in order to enforce the provisions of the code dealing with dangerous and unfit structures,the City needed to designate a “public officer” to inspect and report on the property. Mayor Vignery said he would try to find out if there were qualified inspectors located in the area and, if so, what fees might be charged for their services.

GAAP WAIVER RES. 05-02:There came on for consideration Resolution No. 05-02, entitled “A RESOLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER, KANSAS, CONCERNING THE FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER, WAIVING GAAP.” Said Resolution waives the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a (a) regarding the financial statements and reporting for the year ending 2005. Stegman moved to adopt said Resolution. Motion seconded by Florence, carried.

SIDEWALK/BRIDGE:Councilmember Florence reported on a meeting with Lincoln County Commissioners to discuss the County’s application for a KDOT Grant to replace the LincolnAvenueBridge south of the CityPark and to construct a pedestrian/bicycle path extending through the park to the Lincoln Jr/Sr High School. For the sidewalk part of the project, the City was asked to share with U.S.D. 298 the cost of the 20% matching funds required. LincolnCounty would take care of the matching funds relating to the bridge. The Governing Body felt the project was a good one; however, there was some concern about the cost or need for the sidewalk to be 10’ wide. Further information will be obtained.

SPCC PLANS:Upon motion by Florence, seconded by Stegman, the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans for the Asphalt Storage Facility and the Municipal Power Plant, prepared by Schwab-Eaton, P.A., were approved.

PARK FOOTBRIDGE;The Governing Body discussed options for replacing or improving the footbridge in the middle of the CityPark. It was suggested that ideas be brought to the next meeting.

PERSONNEL/SAP/EAP:Clerk Gourley provided a proposal from The Mental Health Consortium, Topeka, KS, (TMHC) regarding implementation of a Drug & Alcohol Testing/Employee Assistance Program. Based on information provided from the City’s employment roster, TMHC would set up a program, provide for random drug and alcohol testing and testing at other times as determined by the city, and train employees, supervisors, and the Designated Employer Representative (DER.) Support Line access for a variety of personal employee and family issues would also be provided. A schedule of program prices was made available for the City’s inspection. Discussion of the need for this type of program followed. Thereafter, a motion was made by Florence, seconded by Ledet, that the proposal from TMHC be accepted. Motion carried.

FUEL PRICES:Because the City’s monthly fuel costs had doubled and often tripled this year over last year, Clerk Gourley suggested the use of City vehicles be reviewed to ensure fuel savings where possible, and that personal use, if any, be documented for IRS purposes. Councilmember Morse asked about locking fuel caps and was informed that all vehicles were located within secure and locked facilities overnight.

KANSAS POWER POOL:Superintendent Mason said he had contacted Lance Boyd, KMEA, regarding the options available for joining the Kansas Power Pool, and felt comfortable in delaying any action at this time.

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WATER WELL DRILLING:Superintendent Mason reported Peterson Irrigation would be here September 14th to begin test drilling for water wells. The property owner had been contacted and had no objections. Attorney Metz advised the Right of Way Agreement executed in 1971 covered the drilling being proposed, as long as drilling remained within the defined area.

EMPLOYEE DINNER:The annual city employee appreciation dinner was set for December 8, 2005, at 6:30 p.m., to be held at the LincolnCountySafetyCenter, if available. It was suggested that catering bids be taken again, as had been done in the past.

INDY PARK/USDA:Correspondence from USDA/Rural Development Area Specialist Brandon Prough indicated the industrial park building could not be sold unless the grant which funded it was repaid.

PIPE LOCATOR:Upon motion by Florence, seconded by Kingan, Superintendent Mason was authorized to purchase a new pipe locator at a cost of $2800.00 with trade-in of the old one.

ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business, Stegman moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Morse, carried. Council adjourned at 09:08 p.m.

S/ Rose M. Gourley

City Clerk