Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on

7th January 2016

16/001 Attendance and to receive and approve any apologies for absence

Councillors Present:

Cllr. A. Whittaker – Chairman, Cllr. D. Sidgwick, Cllr. R. Berry, Cllr. M. McHugh,

Cllr. A. Matthews, Cllr. J. Pike and Cllr. Shields.

Mrs J. Sardeson – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Apologies: None

Members of the Public present:

Mrs & Mrs Munro, Mr Shields, Ms Samuel, Mr Davies, Mrs Low, Mrs Sardeson, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Felston, Mr & Mrs Konig, Mr & Mrs Snow.

16/006Affordable Housing

A site visit was attended on 14th November by most Councillors and the Clerk, a number of observations were noted and the Clerk directed these to Aine Cooper and Neil Gulliver.

Aine Cooper ENC and Neil Gulliver from Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association attended the meeting to discuss again the potential plans to have more affordable housing in Dovecote Close, the original plan had been re-designed to remove the pocket park to include more visitor parking, there was discussion that perhaps the public footpath (PG4) should be moved into the playing field in order to give the properties a bigger garden and to ensure that PG4 was not an alleyway between the bottom of the gardens and the hedging of the playing field this was discussed but Council didn’t feel that it would work.

A gap in the hedge to be provided in order that a shortcut from Dovecote Close to the playing field could be accessed. Neil confirmed that no play equipment would have been installed in the park, it would have just been green space to play in, it was felt that it had been a wise decision to have changed it to additional visitor parking. The cost of the 2 bed homes for sale was anticipated at around £190k and the 3 bed property at £210k.

16/007Councillor Vacancy – Two applications were received, one from Mrs N. Munro and the other from Mr G. Shields. A vote was taken and Mr George Shields was duly appointed as a Councillor and signed the declaration of interest form. Mr Shields then joined the meeting. The Chairman thanked Mrs Munro for showing her interest in becoming a Councillor and hope that should another vacancy become available that she put up again.


16/002 Question or Address from Members of the Public

Mrs S. Sardeson said that she had noted that the bus layby sign had finally been painted onto the ground at the bus shelter but did not cover the whole of the layby, the Clerk said that she had already written to her contact at the Highways department to ask why this has happened, although it was registered that the offending car had been parked in the layby at the time. Mrs Sardeson then asked if the same could happen on the other side of the road, the Clerk said that she thought that as there was no bus shelter of any description this had been the reason but would contact the Highways department to confirm this as it was a long time ago since we had first requested this.

Mrs Felston asked if there had been any feedback regarding the speed camera being at the crossroads, unfortunately the Police were due to attend but had been called out on a job and had been unable to attend the meeting, although they had communicated that no crime had taken place in the past month.

16/003To adopt the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th November 2015

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th November 2015 were passed as a true record by the Council. Proposed by Cllr. Sidgwick and 2nd by Cllr. McHugh and signed by the Chairman.

16/004To receive any declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda.


16/005To note any matters arising from the previous meeting

Website – The website went live in December 2015, the Clerk has received initial training in the form of over the phone training and it will continue to be updated by the Clerk.

Playing Field – Cllr. Pike and the Clerk met at the Playing Field to go through what maintenance requires carrying out, this is all now in hand, although it is noted that the equipment is rather out dated and should be replaced as soon as funds became available. The Clerk to look to see if there are currently any grants available for new play equipment.

Mr James Sardeson – A letter thanking James for his 17 years service on Council was sent.


16/008To approve invoices / accounts for payments, to advice of any payments made since the last meeting and any other accounting business

aTo be paid this meeting

100937E-on Street Lighting Repair£28.16

100938Adam CurtisWebsite Design£295.00

100939Mrs J SardesonExpenses£72.55

100940E-on Street Lighting£183.60

Proposed by Cllr. Sidgwick and 2nd by Cllr. Berry

bPaid since last meeting

100931Anglian WaterAllotment Water£48.68

100932Mrs J SardesonExpenses£58.94

100933E-onStreet Lighting£60.12

100934Mrs J SardesonRemuneration£751.20


cIncome since last meeting

Yarwell United Charities donated £760.00 towards the playing field fund.

dPrecept 2016 – 2017 - The Clerk distributed the Precept information and talked through her proposal, she proposed that we raise the current Precept from £9,000 to £10,000, this to take into account an increase in office expenses for the Clerk of £10 per month taking it to £30 and an increase in wages to pay scale SCP25. The Clerk to now be paid monthly.

It was Proposed by Cllr. McHugh and 2nd by Cllr. Berry that the Precept be accepted, unanimously agreed.

16/009To receive and note any Planning Applications

Dirtworld Application – It was noted that Dirtworld Limited are due to submit their planning application in the coming weeks, it was suggested that once Council receive the application we hold a public meeting inviting the developers to attend.

16/010To receive and note any correspondence received

Tesco Grant – An email was sent just before Christmas asking if we would like to put ourselves forward for the possible opportunity to be awarded a grant for playing field equipment – In the absence of a December meeting the Clerk completed the paperwork and is awaiting a reply.


16/011To note any items for the next newsletter

To advertise that the Parish Council now have their own official website and to reiterate that should anyone wish for a copy of the minutes then they are available in line with the

To update Parishioners on the Affordable Housing plans for Dovecote Close.

16/012Future Agenda Items or items to note

Allotments – Currently two people waiting for an allotment, there are two available but were left in a mess by the previous tenant, the Clerk suggested that the Allotment Committee meet at the allotments soon rather than later to re-measure and mark out the allotments so that the new tenants can start working on the land. One has indicated that he would help in the clear up as he is keen to start work, the Clerk suggested that once they were marked out that we offer the allotments free of charge until end of October due to the state of it. Cllr. Berry suggested that we hire a skip as we do not know what is in the pile of rubbish, this was agreed, the Clerk to liaise with the Allotment Committee in order to arrange a date for the skip hire.

Additional storage is required for Council documents - The Clerk has requested that an additional filing cabinet be purchased at the cost of approximately £150.00. This was unanimously agreed.

New Noticeboard – The Clerk to look into the cost of an additional noticeboard, but first to ask the Village Hall Committee if they were happy for it to be erected next to the current one.

Village Sign (Crossroads) – The Chairman explained that the signed had snapped and fallen over and was now stored in his barn. Two quotes had been received, however, due to additional information coming forward as to the original erection of the sign the Clerk to write back to the two contractors with the new information and asking them to re-quote. Cllr. Berry to donated the wooden post.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm


Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of the Yarwell Parish Council to be held in Yarwell Village Hall, Main Street, Yarwell, PE8 6PR on Thursday 4th February 2016 at 7.30pm when the under mentioned business will be transacted.

16/013To receive and approve apologies for absence

16/014Questions or Address from Members of the Public

16/015To adopt the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th January 2016

16/016To receive any declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda.

16/017To note any matters arising from the previous meeting

16/018To approve invoices / accounts for payments, to advice of any payments made since the last meeting and any other accounting business

16/019To receive and note any Planning Applications

EN/15/02014/FUL – Change of use from off road motor activity use to outdoor activity park at Andrews Quarry

16/020To receive and note any correspondence received

16/021To set the date for the Annual Parish Meeting

16/022To note any items for the next newsletter

16/023Future Agenda Items or items to note

Mrs J. Sardeson

Parish Clerk


15 Main Street



01780 784560

07814 468044