Council Meeting – December 20, 2012

Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty called the regular council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Alan Matthews, Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton, Shane Suttor, Jon Swindler, and Frank Page.

City Employees Present: Brad Haymond, Brian Raizor, Tom Doyle, Willard Tucker, Jennifer Herrell, Doug Herndon, Joshua Tucker, and Inez Harris.

City Attorney: Steven Gregory

Mayor Hardesty requested a moment of silence for the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT and for 2 police officers in Topeka, Kansas. All were victims of gun violence.

Councilmember Eaton gave the invocation.

All present pledged allegiance to the flag.

Minutes – December 6, 2012

Councilmember Matthews moved to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2012 meeting as read by council members prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Ordinance 2012-12-06 - Amending the Schedule of Charges for the Use of the Consolidated Municipal Waterworks and Sewer System of the Shelbyville Water and Sewer Commission – 2nd Reading – Steven Gregory

Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read the summary of an ordinance increasing the water rate $.68 and sewer rate $.77 for a total of $1.44 per 5,000 gallons an average household uses. The fee for “insufficient funds” will be $10.00. This is the second rate increase in 5 years. It will become effective March 2013.

It was introduced for second reading by Councilmember Matthews. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.

Upon roll call, the following council members voted “aye”: Matthews, Zoeller, Eaton, Suttor, Swindler, and Page.

Ordinance 2012-12-20(A) - Amending and Updating the Position of Police Major – 2nd Reading - Steven Gregory

Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read the summary amending and updating the position of Police Major. This update substitutes experience for education requirements.

It was introduced for second reading by Councilmember Eaton. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

Upon roll call, the following voted “aye”: Page, Swindler, Suttor, Eaton, Zoeller, and Matthews.

Ordinance/Enacting and Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances – 1st Reading – Steven Gregory

Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance of the City of Shelbyville adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Shelbyville which contains all ordinances enacted since the prior supplement.

It was introduced for a first reading by Councilmember Zoeller. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

Agreement/Commonwealth of Kentucky Statewide Emergency Management Mutual Aid and Assistance

Councilmember Suttor moved to approve Mayor Hardesty to enter into a Statewide Emergency Management Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Request to accept Clifton Court into the City Street System – Kerry Magan, Consulting Engineers, PLC, and Robert French, Developer of French Quarters PUD

Kerry Magan, Consulting Engineering, and Robert French, Developer of French Quarters addressed council requesting that Clifton Court and the drainage system be accepted into the city street system.

There were some concerns regarding the present system addressed by Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer. Ms. Herrell addressed the drainage system but not the condition of the road.

Mayor Hardesty referred this request to the Public Works Committee with input from Fire Chief Tucker.

Re-appointment – Mike Harrod to the Joint City-County Recreational Board for a term of 4 years ending December 31, 2016

Mayor Hardesty recommended Mike Harrod be re-appointed to the Joint City-County Recreational Board for a term of 4 years ending December 31, 2016.

Councilmember Matthews moved to approve the recommendation. Seconded by Councilmember Page.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Ambassador – Councilmember Alan Matthews

Mayor Hardesty declared Alan Matthews an Ambassador of the City of Shelbyville for his service of 10 years on the council. He also served the city as a representative on Planning and Zoning for 8 years and the Shelbyville Water and Sewer Commission.

Department Reports

Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/Public Works Director, thanked Councilmember Matthews for his work on the Public Works Committee.

Fire Chief Willard Tucker introduced the new promotions in the department. Brad Haymond is the new Captain, 1st Platoon and Brian Raizor is the new Sergeant of the 2nd Platoon. The arrival date of the new fire truck is mid-March. Once the new truck is delivered, the aerial ladder truck (Quint 11) will undergo refurbishment in Wisconsin which will take 120-150 days to complete.

Chief Tucker stated it was a pleasure to work with Councilmember Matthews.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Hardesty reported a retirement reception will be held on December 28th at City Hall for Police Chief Robert Schutte from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. City Hall will be closed December 24th and 25th. Clay Cottongim, Parks Director, has retired after 38 years. Governor Beshear is asking all Kentuckians to observe a moment of silence tomorrow morning for the victims of Newtown Connecticut. Coming up, the City of Shelbyville will be looking at the donation bins located around the city. We are looking at other communities to see what regulations they have that we can use in our community.

Council Reports

All council members express gratitude to Councilmember Matthews for his years of service on the council.

Councilmember Matthews thanked everyone for their thoughts and thanked the department heads for a great working relationship and wished everyone the best.

Councilmember Page moved to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.


MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty



Inez Harris, City Clerk/Treasurer