2015 It Beats Work Rules
Here are a few notes on the upcoming season. If you have any questions, call me at home – 289-0318.
COST: Price includes Green fees, Handicap Fee, and Tournament Prize money.
($22.00green fees * 18 weeks) + ($20 handicap fee) + ($37.50 prize money) = $454.00 total for league.
Pay before we start. No exceptions (I need to prepay Indian Creek, so have the money sent to me before we start)
- If not payed in full by week 4, there will be a $10 fee per week added to cost.
If a team has multiple players, only the 2 that are playing are allowed on the course during play.
(Exception, if you have brought your little kids out and they are not disrupting play, they are free to tag along.)
CARTS: You may get a cart, this cost is extra and payable to Indian Creek. $11 per person per week.
HANDICAP: I will be figuring handicaps on strokes over par. I will not allow anything over a double-bogey to count towards your handicap. You will give no more than one stroke a hole. If you are below a 5 handicap you will not be able to score over a 6. If you are below a 10 handicap you will not be able to score over a 7.
96% of strokes of your last ten rounds (in last year) dropping your best and worst round.
93% of strokes of your last 7 to 9 rounds (in the last year) dropping your best and worst round.
90% of strokes if more than 3 to 6 rounds (in last year) but less than 10 rounds ((in last year).
80% of strokes if 1 or2 rounds (in last year)
SCORING: 21 points a week. Two 2-man teams play 9 holes in a match play format. 1 pt to win a hole. 1/2 pt for a tie. 0 pts if you lose a hole. No carry over. Match play counts towards 18 pts (2 players 9 points each) of the 21 pts. The final 3 pts are made of low-net (players and team). The low net of each match wins 1 pt (total of 2) and low team net wins 1 pt. Scorecards turned in without points calculated get Zero points for both teams.
Subs pay a one time fee of $20 and that covers them the rest of the year. Regular players it is your responsibility to ensure I get the sub money. If I don’t get sub money, the team doesn’t get points. Anybody playing for a team who isn’t on that team, should have their full name on the score card. I don’t care if you’re a regular on another team or regular sub for that team. Subs need 2 rounds from last year to carry handicap over to this year.
If your partner will not be able to make it you must find a substitute. If no sub is found and only 1 player representing the team is there – that player will play against both of the opponents for their scoring but your team will only score points that you win against your opponents “A” player. For example, if Elroy, my partner, cannot make it this week and I cannot find a substitute I will play both of my opponents, say Stan and Ray. Stan loses to me 4 - 6.5 and Ray beats me 6 - 4.5. Stan and Ray will score 10 points, (4 + 6) that week but Roman and Elroy will only score 6.5 (my score against their “A” player) for the week. In other words, you must be present to win. If the entire team does not show up you will get 11 points and your handicap won't count for that week.
All league players are required to wear spikeless or softspike shoes. We tee off from the BLUE tees.
An 18-week schedule will be played at Indian Creek. The 18 weeks will be made up of playing every team once (15 weeks) and a three-week tournament at the end of the year. The league starts on 5/7. The league will run over if we have any rain-outs. Call the course (289-0900) if you think we might be rained out. WE PLAY IN THE RAIN. I will update the website indicating rainout as soon as I hear from the course (this decision usually isn’t until after 3:00 PM on the day of play)
The starting tee times are 5:00. We go off one nine each week. It is imperative ALL teams are at the course and ready to play by their tee-times (15 minutes before scheduled t-time).
You may bump and fluff your ball. I will give you distance on balls OB - but you must drop along the FLIGHT of your ball NO CLOSER TO THE HOLE. If your ball is lying against an OB fence, it IS a penalty to move it. DO NOT drop the ball in the fairway perpendicular to where you went OB. Otherwise all USGA rules should be followed. If you have any questions or problems with your opponents drop or ruling CALL THEM ON IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Do not come to me after the match and tell me that the team you played cheated.
TOURNAMENT: Money will be awarded as follows: Awards are based on giving money to each man of a 2 man team. If you have more players, you divide it. Team Tournament/each golfer
1st-$1702nd-$1453rd-$1204th-$95Consolation Team/ $70.