College of the Sequoias student research projects.

Fall 2013 thru Fall 2016

SURGE Research Projects are to increase the exposure of community college Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors to laboratory research equipment, research methodologies, and current research. Student projects are advised by COS faculty and partnering STEM community leaders. In conclusion to their research/projects, students develop a STEM poster and present at the annual COS STEM Symposium. SURGE would like to thank all the advisors for their mentoring, guidance, and personal interest in providing experiential learning opportunities for COS students.

Fall 2016 STEM SymposiumVideo


1. -Association between Mastitis Clinical and Bacteriological Cure – Alfonso Lago, Larry Owens, Jessica Pantoja, Cinthya Tovar, Ana Rodrigues

2. - Association between Clinical Mastitis Etiology with Milk Appearance and Udder Swelling – Alfonso Lago, Dieddra Atondo, Erin Helpio, Edra Lona, Ana Rodrigues

3. - Close-up Diet DCAD and Urine pH on a Commercial Jersey Herd – Juanita Zaragoza, AinhoaValldecabres, Noelia Silva-del-Río

4. – Detection of Sepsis Causing Organisms – Serena Corrales and Cynthia Sanchez

5. - Evaluation of an Automated Instrumentation for Microorganism Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing– Nina Cano, Bill Flemming, Jasleen Kaur, Cinthya Tovar

6. – Evaluation of Pain in Cows with Clinical Mastitis– Alfonso Lago, Matthew Figueroa, Ana Rodrigues, Natalee Ruiz

7. – Laboratory Diagnosis of a Urinary Tract Infection – Nina Cano, Bill Flemming, Mollie Ortiz, David Safrazian

8. – Optimization of RAPDStrain Typing Methods for Mastitis Causing Bacteria in Dairy Cows – Alfonso Lago, Darcy Pearce, Jackie Garcia, Lauren (Hyo Jin) Kim, Yelena Martinez

9. – The Chemistry Behind UTI Testing – Tuscany Auerbach, Lauren Kim, Yelena Martinez


1. – In Situ Production of Methyl Chloride in Siple Dome and WAIS Divide Ice Core from Antarctica–Murat Aydin, Eric S. Saltzman, Kristal Verhust, Isis Frausto-Vicencio

2. - Oxidation of Allyic Alcoholsand Allyic Alcohols in Conjugated Carbon Systems - Lawrence Callan, Alejandra Gamon, Stephane Doria

3. – Oxidative Stability of Edible Oils – Lawrence Callan, Matthew Glick, Zachary Van Scyoc, Derek Morrelli

Computer Science:

1. – Development of a Mathematical Application – John Redden, Jason Pieros, Randell Pimentel, Elvin Rivers, Vylen Jake Valdez

2. – – John Redden, Paul Gonzalez-Becerra, Cory Lewis, Isabel Lambert, Dhruv Patel

3. – – John Redden and Paul Gonzalez-Becerra

4. – Newton’sMethod Calculator – Cory Lewis and Rachel Owens


1.- Abiotic Factors Affect Invertebrates in Vernal Pools– Randi Pechacek, Tess Hernandez, Mauricio Moreno

2. - A Comparison of N‐S Flowing and E‐W Flowing Streams in the Sierra Nevada Foothills – Eric Hetherington, Jeff Medlin, Sal Hernandez

3. – A Comparison of N-S and E-S Flowing Rivers in the Sierra Nevada Foothills – Eric Hetherington, Salvador R. Hernandez, Jeff Medalin

4. - Analysis of the Dispersion of Nitrates in the Soil of Almond Trees– Eric Hetherington, David Berlin, Yelena Martinez, Jessica Pantoja

5. - Desiccation Crack Formation in Sediments– Eric Hetherington, Mauricio Gomez, Jasmin Ramos, Adam White

6. - Designing an Irrigation System for Water Conservation–Bradley Pannett, Luz Cheng, Xavier Castaneda, Kelli Woods

7. - Erosion Control through the Application of Gypsum – Kelly Woods, Bradley Pannett, Larry Owens, Andrew Bardone, Erick Osorno

8. - Irrigation Flow Correlation to Oak Mortality in the Kaweah Delta – Rob Hansen, Bobby Kamansky, Tyler Stuhaan, Maribel Angel, Sean McFarlan

9. - Irrigation System Evaluations and Rangeland Surveying – Bradley Pannett, Anthony Guzman, Robb Hipp, Kelli Cruff, Joe Williams

10. - Is Tree Mortality Related to Proximity to the Stream, Tree Size, or Soil Type?– Bobby Kamansky, Daniel Villafana, Krystal Flowers, Steven Standlee, Ayana Liles

11. - Managing Invasive Plants in Floodplain Alkali Meadows – Robert Urtecho, Edgar Munoz, Edgar Gutierrez

12. - Quantitative Analysis of Tree Species by Point-Centered Quarter Method– Robert Urtecho, Darnisha Wiley, Skylr Lopez, Ceasar Monarrez, Kathryn Torres

13. - Restoring Tulare County Oak Forests and Grasslands on School Campuses – Bobby Kamansky, Ayana Liles, Steven Standlee, Krystal Flowers, Daniel Villafana

14. - Short-Term Changes in Soil Nitrate Levels after Fertigation– Eric Hetherington, Lawrence Callan, Bob Doyle, Ed Kuykendall, Jessica R. Pantoja-Alvarado, David Berlin, Yelena Martinez

15. - Statistical analyses to investigate the influence of biological and abioticproducts applied to walnut rootstocks at planting – Elizabeth Fichtner and Hector Facundo

16. -Synthesis of Organic Semi-Conducting Molecules – Michael Springer, Dhruv Patel, Caleb Rodriguez, Winnie Yan

17. - The Floral Biology and Potential Breeding Systems of Croton Setiger (Euphorbiaceae) – Robert Urtecho, Brandon Lenz, Ashley Salgado, Matthew Figueroa, Neil Barba

18. -The Floristic Composition of a Sierra Nevada Foothill Plant Community –Robert Urtecho, Matthew Deuser, Darnisha Wiley, Skylr Lopez, Andres Pacheco

19. - Use of Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) to increase vegetative growth on ONCROP Trees for Bud Production – Elizabeth Fichtner, Carol Lovatt, Yelena Martinez

20. - Variation of Abiotic Factors at the Woodville Conservation Area – Bobby Kamansky, Steven Standlee

21. - Vegetation Profiles of a Sierra Nevada Foothill Plant Community – Robert Urtecho, Matthew Deuser, Cinthya Tovar, Jessica Pantoja, Caleb Rodriguez, Cristina Azuara, Perla Plascencia, Abigail Servin

22. - Water Consumption in Southern California – Kyle Sweeney and Karina Alvarez-Liston

23. - Weeds as Source of Inoculum for Rhodococcus – Elizabeth Fichtner and Stephanie Doria


1. -Arduino-Controlled Valve System – Larry Owens and Nick Morley

2. - Arduino Controlled Robotic Arm – Larry Owens and Vylen Jake Valdez

3. - BayesWave: An Entry in the Event Trigger Generator Performance Study – Joey Shapiro Key and Dieddra Atondo

4. - Effect of Current on the Surface Temperature of a Thermoelectric Generator – Larry Owens and Alfredo Flores Jr.

5. - Game Table & Air Hockey Game – Cory Lewis, Paul Gonzalez-Becerra, Gerald Jumper, Martin Garcia, Matthew Machado, Frazier Graham

6. - Ground Water Flow to A Well Modeling with Theis Equation – Larry Owens, Ross Ruegar, Ying Liu

7. - Parabolic Solar Cooker the Mathematical Approach to Everyday Clean Energy – Tracy Redden and Darwyn Ward

8. - Static and Dynamic Magnetization Measurements of Synthetic Antiferromagnets – Cristina Azuara, Daniel Adams, Pratik Poudyai, Leonard Spinu


1. - Applications of Linear Algebra: Fractals–Ross Ruegar and John Jiminez

2. - CONCEPTS OF GAME THEORY – Ross Ruegar and Mauricio Rosales

3. - Explorations in Mathematica – Chris Keen, Abigayle Dirdak, Emiliano Rodriguez, Jared Joaquin, Paul Gonzalez-Becerra

4. - Methods for Finding the Circumference of an Ellipse – Samuel Cardenas

5. - Open Solve Mathematical Application–John Redden and Paul Gonzalez-Becerra

6. - Physical Activity, BMI, and Nutrition of College Mothers Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health of COS Students: Pilot Study – Shannamar Dewey, Adriana Sanchez, Jasleen Kaur, Margarita Martinez

7. - Pilot Study: Physical Activity, Health, and Nutrition Among COS Students- no relationship between income, ethnicity and collegiate sports participation and nutrition scores – Shannamar Dewey, Margarita Martinez, Jasleen Kaur, Adrianna Sanchez

8. - Population Modeling –Tulare County Are We Healthy? – Ross Ruegar and Tuscany Auerbach

9. - Population Modeling –Tulare County A Study of Commuting Trends in Tulare County – Ross Ruegar and Darwyn Ward

10. - Population Modeling – Tulare County A County-to-State Comparison of Urban and Rural Trends – Ross Ruegar and Eric Wright

11. - Population Modeling –Tulare County Ethnic Trends and Representation – Ross Ruegar and Louie Campos

12. - Real life Applications of Hyperbolic Trig Regarding Flow – Mauricio Moreno

13. - The Algebra of Physics – Ross Ruegar and Dillon Allen

14. - The Relationship between Physical Activity Levels and Health Related Wellness of College of the Sequoias Students: Pilot Study – Shannamar Dewey, Jasleen Kaur, Margarita Martinez, Adrianna Sanchez