Cory’s Bingo Extravaganza

Since my birth I’ve wanted an opportunity to host a bingo night in a room full of beautiful “young” ladies. This evening, I was granted my dream and was able to finally host my own Bingo night at the N-Street Luther Hostel on the 4th floor. Let’s just say I was a mix of Bob Barker and Justin Bieber!!  (Bob Barker in the aspect of my amusing game-hosting ability and Justin Bieber in the aspect of all the ladies loved me.) Before bingo night, I was honestly a tad nervous that I wouldn’t be able to control my crowd and make them laugh, but after my charming side came out, the whole room loosened up and Bingo was able to get underway. The games went very smoothly, filled with tons of laughter and competiveness from all the ladies. The funniest part of the night was when I drew a “0 69” ball. I then said, “0 69, O for Ocean 69, GREAT MOVIE!” Following my comment some lady to my right states, “I thought it the movie was called Oceans 11?” Then the best line of the entire night came from the same lady seconds later: She says jokingly, “Well you must have had a great time watching that movie!!!” All the ladies, as well as us, burst out laughing for a very long time! After that comment, the bingo games moved very efficiently until we ran out of prizes. Almost all the women won games, yet, more importantly, every lady won at least one of our fabulous prizes to take home that evening.

Yes, I do joke around a ton and do like being the clown of the group, but I sincerely enjoyed bringing smiles to all the ladies with my hilarious jokes and spunky personality. I hope all the ladies had as much fun as I did during Bingo. Even if it was just for an hour or so, I hope Bingo made their days and Golden Boy Cory will never be forgotten on the 4th floor. I truthfully want to volunteer for Bingo night again sometime in my life. I would like to thank my assistances Annie, Jen, and Kellyann for being great assistances during my Bingo show. I thank all the ladies for giving me a shot as a Bingo host and laughing at all my jokes. From start to finish, I enjoyed my experiences at 8 p.m. bingo night and I will definitely never forget those experiences ever.

P.S. Luckily I kept my shirt on for all the ladies. I didn’t want any of them to pass out on the floor looking at my godly sculpted body. I was also hoping to start up a dance party but I ran out of time unfortunately.