
Educational objectives / Describe the historical development, cultural and anthropological concepts of health, illness and care.
Describe the fundamentals of the discipline of nursing.
Describe the basic principles of caring.
Analyze the human response in the experience of health and disease.
Describe strategies, methods and instruments of the support process.
Define the concepts of autonomy and professional responsibility.
Describe the regulation of professional practice and training.
Describe the development of the National Health Service in Italy.
Contextualize the social and organizational structures of the students’ future careers
Arguing on the social determinants of health
Develop the ability to read the phenomena of the society and position as health professionals in a social perspective, taking into account the various determinants
Describe the basic elements of general psychology
Describe the basic elements of the intrapsychic functioning
Describe the basic elements of professional competence in the field of assistance relationships
Describe types of relationship in crisis/weakness situations
Contents / The development of concepts of health, illness, treatment and care in relation to varying historical, cultural and anthropological factors.
Models, theories, paradigms and values ​​of the nursing discipline.
Ethics of care.
The technical, relational and educational dimension in nursing: skills, abilities and competence.
The model of caring: the centrality of the patient and the context of his/her life.
The understanding of the perspective of the patient: biographical approach.
The empowerment of the patient: adaptation, resilience, self-determination, self-care and support networks.
The body in the experience of illness: contact, distance and listening.
Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning.
Methods and instruments of nursing care: the care process, guidelines, procedures, protocols, medical records and documentation of care provided.
Legal orientation in the exercise of nursing profession (DM 739/94, L.42/99, L.251/2000, L. 43/2000, Code of Ethics).
The Health System before the 1978 reform. Guiding principles and essential elements of the regulations L. 833/78, D. Lgs. 502/92 and 517/93, D.Lgs.229/99. Functional arrangement of the S.S.N. The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan.
Sociology as a general discipline and as sociology of health: definitions and key words, the main theoretical approaches in addressing health issues.
Organizational, technological and professional practice of healthcare in the light of:
- Roles
- Groups
- Organizations
- Networks
Elements of the language and logic of social research.
The cultures and representations of health and disease.
The social determinants of health in a complex context.
The brain and mind: from perception to consciousness, learning and memory, language and communication, intelligence and thought.
Psychic instances: defense mechanisms, transference and countertransference, motivation and emotion.
Group processing on the experiences of relationship: interactions between the various professionals and the concept of field.
Mourning; aphasic patient, relationship with family members, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, bad news.
Text: / Motta P.C. Introduzione alle scienze Infermieristiche. Carocci Faber, Roma 2007.
Saiani L. Brugnolli A. Trattato di Cure Infermieristiche. Idelseen Gnocchi, Roma 2011.
D.Carricaburu, M. Ménoret, Sociologia della salute, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.
D. S. Jr. Hachen, La sociologia in azione, Carocci, 2003.
M. Bucchi, F. Neresini, La sociologia della salute, Carocci, 2001
F. Beccaria, M.G. .Morchio, La salute possibile. Manuale di sociologia per infermieri e altri professionisti della salute, Carocci, 2004.
Imbasciati A., Margotta M., Psicologia Clinica. Manuale per la formazione degli operatori della Salute. Piccin Editore, Padova, 2009.
Fulcheri M., Le attuali frontiere della Psicologia Clinica. Centro Scientifico Editore, Torino, 2005.Motta P.C. Introduzione alle scienze Infermieristiche. Carocci Faber, Roma 2007.
Saiani L. Brugnolli A. Trattato di Cure Infermieristiche. Idelseen Gnocchi, Roma 2011.
Giarelli G.& Venneri E. (2009), Sociologia della slaute e della medicina. Manuale per le professioni mediche, sanitarie e sociali, Franco Angeli, Milano
F. Beccaria, M.G. .Morchio, La salute possibile. Manuale di sociologia per infermieri e altri professionisti della salute, Carocci, 2004.
C. Mengozzi “Psicologia per l’operatore sanitario”
Carocci Faber, 2005 (1° e 2° semestre)
Moja E.,Vegni E. “ La visita medica centrata sul paziente”
R.Cortina 2000 (1° semestre)
G. Marasso, M. Tomamichel «La sofferenza psichica in oncologia»
Carocci Faber 2005 (2° semestre)
Prerequisiti (conoscenze di base che lo studente deve possedere per accedere al corso, nel caso non siano previste indicare “NESSUNA”) / NESSUNA