Paul Rendell (Chairman), Steve Brown, Mel Harper, Sarah Lunt, Jan Williams, Rod Robertson, Roger Hallett, Rob Fear, Rachelle Green, Rosemary Lovegrove, Pat Carrivick
Dot Gaskell, Andrew Tomkins, Debbie Rix and John Voil
Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March were approved. It was agreed that these could now be put on Corscombe website (MH to arrange)
Matters not on the agenda:
i. PR reported that the change of trustee is in hand
ii. New hall. PR has had a meeting with the architect. Business plan is being progressed in conjunction with others in the village who have expertise in such matters.
iii. A letter of thanks is to be sent to Edna L in recognition of her efforts on behalf of the hall committee over the last 34 years. Note that she still wants to help at events such as Big Breakfast but needs to be asked if her help is required.
Agenda items:
1. Standing Committee - no action taken
2. Financial Report (already circulated) was presented by RF. It was noted that income of approx. £6k pa is required to maintain a break-even position. There was discussion regarding the provision of WiFi - this would be a useful addition for some hirers. Agreed that this could be considered and it should be on the agenda for the next meeting.
3. Ramp. RF is meeting James Fell this weekend and will agree a timetable for the works required. Better weather should enable this to be progressed.
4. Conditions of hire. RL has received no comments regarding the proposed amendments so they will be implemented. Details of charges to be included on Corscombe website.
5. Paper loading - next date is 13th May. Need to publicise this (Chimes/flyers) so that we can have sufficient volunteers to help. Make sure we have a couple of crates for picking up loose paper.
6. Cleaner. All working ok and RF arranging payment. Check on purchasing of materials.
7. Locking the hall. PR has researched this and suggested an electronic keypad with settings for two different codes - one for users and to be changed on a regular basis, one for two or three hall committee members. Regular hall users may be given codes in advance to avoid problems with access. Agreed to change the lock on the undercroft. Proposed by RH, seconded by SL.
8. Mowing. RH reported that the Parish Council grant application submitted had been turned down as a result of insufficient funds but that another application could be made for the new year. The idea of purchasing a ride on mower was discussed but it was agreed that this is not viable on the basis of security and cost issues. PR to ask his gardener regarding availability and cost to cut grass, not the slopes.
9. Big Breakfast. Figures show that this has been successful. Dates selected for future BBs are, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December, 6th January, 3rd February, 3rd March and 7th April.
It was suggested that wider advertising would be helpful with signs at the top of the hill and on the A37. Also that advertising should show the cost of meals and note the items comprised in a Corscombe Big Breakfast! Continental breakfast no longer offered as not required.
10. Fundraising.
Barbecue and sports - agreed date Saturday 19th August @ 4pm. Tickets to be sold in advance so that we know how many to cater for.
Quiz and pudding night - 30th September
Any volunteers to assist with cover for cycle event approx 11.30 to 1.30am on 30th April/1st May? Contact Rosemary or Mel.
Fireline quote approx £400 for replacing bulbs etc. was received by RF. Agreed that this is not acceptable. It was suggested that the Fire Service will often check and replace as necessary or we can obtain bulbs ourselves....
Date of next meeting - 17th May at 7.30pm in the village hall.