Annual Business Meeting Agenda Logan, Utah
November 18, 2014
I. Call to Order Shirl Portillos
President Shirl Portillos, 4:45pm
II. Quorum Report Richard Clark
Quorum, with 35 schools present
For quorum, 23 schools were needed
For bylaw voting, 33 schools were needed
III. Appointment of Parliamentarian Shirl Portillos
President Shirl Portillos appoints Greg Ziebel to Parliamentarian
IV. Review and Approval of Minutes of 2013 Annual Meeting Maggie Roque
Call to vote on passing the 2013 annual business minutes with the edit of “Jeremy Pomolka” to “Jeremy Homolka”
All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions
V. Officer Reports: Paper & Electronic Copies Are Available, Maggie Roque
as well as on Guidebook
A. President Shirl Portillos
Report stands as submitted
B. President Elect Barb Remsburg
Report stands as submitted
C. Past President Julie Franklin
Report stands as submitted
D. Secretary Maggie Roque
Report stands as submitted
E. Treasurer Richard Clark
Report stands as submitted
F. Treasurer-Elect Brenton Klingemann
Report stands as submitted
G. Member at Large (Senior Level) Jeff Rosenberry
Report stands as submitted
H. Member at Large (Entry Level) Nicole Stella
Report stands as submitted
I. AIMHO Rep to the ACUHO-I Foundation Board Andrew Campbell
Gift card raffle with Dr. Von Stange
Thank you to all who donated to the Foundation
VI. IACURH Report Nathan Tack, IACURH Director
Christian Sandoval, Jackie Butler also in attendance as IACURH representatives
Review of IACURH regional makeup, school affiliates, and values
Only regional conference in NACURH to meet all of their programming requirements
Looking for institutions to host IACURH 2015/No Frills 2016 – the process happens at No Frills
VII. Report from NWACUHO Erik Elordi
In year 3 of their master plan update, including following changes:
-electing executive members at the conference instead of before for the first time
-live-broadcasting portions of the conference for the first time (business meeting, keynote speakers, 3-4 sessions)
Excited to have this partnership with AIMHO, Annual Conference will be in Salem this year and are excited to have Barb Remsburg with them
NWACUHO Board of Directors voted to continue their affiliation with AIMHO
Action Item: AIMHO Leadership will review paperwork
VIII. Committee Reports
A. AIMHO 365 P.C. Call
Report stands as submitted
B. AIMHO College Laura Giles
Report stands as submitted
C. Awards & Recognition Victor Salazar
Report stands as submitted
D. Diversity & Social Justice Jenn Hiatt
Report stands as submitted
E. Host Committee Whit Milligan
210 registrants for our conference, 30 more than anticipated
Sold all 40 spaces for Corporate Partners, had to turn 3 away
$60,000 in Corporate Partner donations, which is vastly more than the registration fees paid for
F. Marketing Jeremy Homolka
Report stands as submitted
G. Program Committee Mike Billar
Report stands as submitted
H. RAppin 2014 Conference Report Megan Chibanga
Report stands as submitted
I. Research & Information Pat Newman
Report stands as submitted
J. SHO Institute Mari Strombom
2014 SHO institute was very successful, 17 participants, 7 faculty/committee members
K. Web Master Dan Kellish
Report stands as submitted
IX. Old Business
A. Leaders Manual Shirl Portillos
Cindy Anderson took on the incredibly huge task – thank you Cindy
Now uploaded onto AIMHO’s Google Drive– it is a working document and we hope to update it every year so that it is accessible every year
B. RAppin Host Manual Shirl Portillos
Julie Franklin worked with Paula Bland and Cory Shapiro and were able to wrap up that huge task – Thank You!
Available on the website, as well as AIMHO’s Google Drive
X. New Business
A. Call for Volunteer Process Barb Remsburg
Updates: / Process changed – currently within our bylaws solicitation and call for committee volunteers lies in responsibility of the Past PresidentCurrently working outside of the bylaws for this year and the next as we work to potentially transition it to the President Elect role, as they would be the rising president
B. Change in By-laws
1. SPR Selection Process Timeline Revision Jeff Rosenberry
With the call for volunteers process, it changes some things in our bylaws which we would like to request and would go into effect now, as they impact the current state of the Association
Updates: / Have SPRs apply for the position during the annual conference and serve for a 2 year term, selected by the Executive Board at the annual conferenceUniversity of Northern Colorado moves to vote, University of Arizona seconds
Call to vote – motion does not pass
In favor - 34
In opposition – 1
Shirl - Before we leave we need to vote for SPRs for this conference
University of Utah – point of information, when will the applications be due?
Shirl – by tomorrow morning (11/18) at 12:00pm noon
Questions: / Cindy Anderson – strongly feels that there is a technology failure, but we have no feedback to know if they are not.
Shirl – we are getting all feedback, we have 34 in favor, 1 in opposition
Jeff Bondy – procedurally is there any other way to vote, because I still believe there is a technology vote error
Todd Justesen – could we do a test where everyone pushes A to see if it will work?
Outcome – clickers are all working, we will move forward
2. Member at Large, Senior Level Jeff Rosenberry
Updates: / Have AIMHO 365 be the liaison responsibility of Member at Large, Senior LevelNorthern Arizona University moves to accept change to bylaw as submitted, University of Montana seconds
Call to vote – motion does not pass (all 35 votes are needed in order for it to be passed)
In favor - 34
In opposition – 1
University of New Mexico moves to recall the vote on the motion, Casper College seconds
Second vote – motion does not pass
In favor – 34
In opposition – 1
University of Northern Colorado puts a motion on the floor for a third vote (after AIMHO 365 was voted in as a standing committee), University of Montana seconds
Northern Arizona University would like to make a friendly amendment to the motion, that if we go to a 34-1 vote again (for the third time), that voting goes out to the entire paid membership institutions for more accurate representation
SUU seconds the motion to friendly amend (needs to pass by simple majority)
Vote – amendment passes
In favor - 33
In opposition – 2
We move forward with the amendment.
Move to a vote on the proposal
Vote – motion passes
In favor - 35
In opposition - 0
3. AIMHO 365 Standing Committee Addition Jeff Rosenberry
Updates: / Need to incorporate AIMHO 365 as a standing committee before moving it to Senior Member at Large as a liaison. Presenting moving AIMHO 365 to the Bylaws as a standing committee, if it is not added, there may be no reason for it to continueUniversity of Wyoming calls for a motion for questions, University of New Mexico seconds
Shaydean Saye – could we get an overview of what AIMHO 365 does?
P.C. – AIMHO 365’s role is to continue to try to get things going through listserv, twitter, etc., webinars and assist with SHO Forum
Ruth – we have a lot of small institutions in our regions – those webinars during the academic year offer the best professional development opportunity they will have –we need them on the table
University of Northern Colorado calls for a vote, Colorado School of Mines seconds
Vote – motion passes
In favor - 35
In opposition - 0
4. Research and Information Name Change Pat Newman
Updates: / Would like to change the name of the Research & Information Committee, one of the questions came down to if we do research or assessment—more often than not we are actually assessing. Would like to change the name of the committee to Assessment & Information instead of Research & Information – this would change the name of the committee, as well as the statement under the Past President to “Assessment & Information”Casper College moves to change the name of Research & Information to Assessment & Information, University of New Mexico seconds
Vote – motion passes
In favor - 35
In opposition - 0
C. Strategic Plan Shirl Portillos
Updates: / Successes with the strategic plan – Pat Newman did an amazing job creating Gap Analysis which we used during our summer meetings-Now have a new logo for AIMHO
-AIMHO 365 came about as well
Continued challenges
-Continuing to work on new software programs for our website
-Membership directory – heard it loud and clear and want to do a better job of tracking our members
-Creating mentorship outside of the AIMHO Annual Conference – how do we bring our new and seasoned professionals together throughout the year
D. Adoption 2015-2016 Budget Richard Clark
Updates: / See Budget for more detailed information4 primary changes we are requesting approval for in this year’s budget – first context and information
1. Had a proposal for the 60th celebration of AIMHO, host is asking for an additional $8,217.00 – want to be sure previous presidents and sages (some of whom are retired) can attend, as well as for marketing and additional materials for the conference. $8217.00 is worst case scenario and top end, so if not all money is used, it will be returned to the Association
2. – looking to make our website more efficient and consolidate it to be more efficient and sustainable. Allows us to be a site for our membership, our listserv, our materials, as well as for all of our registrations (annual conference, RAppin, state drive-ins) and it is a direct link for QuickBooks, Wells Fargo, and payment provider
-currently moving transactions requires a three step, cumbersome process is used by other regions and feedback is it’s working very well for them
-Affinipay – cost associated with it
-We are essentially asking for a swap – what we currently pay is similar to what we would pay with with the exception of the one-time startup cost
-Have already spent the money for this year’s fiscal year, so want to wait to do this installation until May, hoping the vendor will hold the fee waive of the startup cost until then, rather than the end of 2014.
All of these would become part of our annual operating budget (
As an Association, financially we are extremely healthy
Please keep in mind – we are already paying these, but we’re swapping it out, so the conversation is about the host sites paying into this, rather than it coming straight out of those funds
Proposed changes –, Affinipay would replace PayPal, one time set up fee that we are hoping to get waived
Change to committees, 60th Anniversary and Research & Information
Grand total is $66,826.98, with $8217.00 as a one-time request and $2495 potentially falling off as well or being a one-time request
Means we need a carry forward of $19.448.98
University of New Mexico moves to vote, Casper seconds
Vote – motion passes
In favor – 34
In opposition - 1
Questions: / UNC moves to accept the budget as submitted, Arizona seconds
UNC asks for clarification on the line about SurveyMonkey
Rich -we have split out our costs, rather than anticipate such a large drop
Fort Lewis College – Since the Guidebook is so tied to the conference, what is the philosophy in putting it in the Association budget rather than conferences absorbing it into the conference costs, since those who don’t attend don’t benefit from it?
Julie Franklin – one of our concerns is that a conference may choose not to use it, which greatly impacts our Program Committee, so we decided that entering into a contract as an Association would allow us to create stability for the committees – it would be built into the conferences, but not reflected as such
Barb – to clarify too, this allows us to move to a more paperless opportunity, which allows us to be more sustainable and is realized through those documents in guidebook
Rich – to clarify too, these are things we are hoping to charge back to the host to cover Brent and I are trying our best to keep this as accurate as possible, but it will vary slightly based on registration
University of New Mexico – would Guidebook allow us to use this at RAppin as well or is it a single-use contract?
Barb – it’s a single-use contract, so we could use it for our annual conference. We are continuing to explore with ACUHO-I the opportunity of a shared contract, but it’s in early stages and not an option at this point
Utah State University (Richard), as a point of information, we would not be able to have paid for it this year as a conference if it hadn’t been covered and built into the budget. It’s a very real possibility that conferences would not be able to do it
Fort Lewis (Julie Love) – do you anticipate membership dues being impacted by these large requests?
Shirl – no, they would not. Knowing we just increased those, we are not interested in doing that again
Julie – that’s close to $175 per school that’s added, so without taking things away from the budget, I’m not sure how we can do that
Rich – we currently have 52 member institutions, but one of the things we talked about as an exec board is that over the past several years, we have had an excess of amounts raised for our conferences beyond $13,000. So if we raise it to $15,000 that would assist in covering costs for things like, affinipay, etc.
NAU (Cindy Anderson) – I think the figure was $94,375.00 as an actual figure that is in your budget amount for this past year? Isn’t that an Actual?
Rich – it’s an in actual
Cindy – so should it be in column G not column H?
Rich – yes
Cindy – can you tell me the actual distribution across the accounts?
Rich – I can give you estimations right now, as it is constantly changing right now. $30,000 is in our Association account as well as $3000 in RAppin and $3000 in the Annual Conference account – the difference would be in our checking – approximately $58,000
Cindy – you had the annual fee at about $7,000 but the proposed part, the amount is at $4495
Rich – the $4495 is just for yourmembership, but you add in Affinipay to that. There’s a discrepancy of about $200-$300
Cindy – what is our current actual balances in our accounts? And if we go to a total online direct link to QuickBooks and Wells Fargo, what would you propose as protections to the Treasurer to make sure that everything is going copasetic-ally?
Rich – we have to look into protection a lot more, but we would have to go into it regularly (monthly) to reconcile those numbers. We would have to work that out with our software application
Cindy – I don’t need the balances to move forward with the vote, it’s a point of curiosity, but further context assisted in understanding
Rich – our current balance is at $198,468.31
$93,966.33 in Business checking
$96,208.32 is in small business checking
$8,293.66 in RAppin
E. AIMHO Advancement Julie Franklin