List of Entities Having Significant Impact (Direct or Indirect) on the Decisions Taken by the Governing Bodies of the Bank

Corporate name of the Bank: Expobank Limited Liability Company (Expobank LLC)

Registration number: 2998

Mail address of the Bank: 29 Kalanchevskaya Street, bldg 2, Moscow 107078

Shareholders (participants) of the Bank / Individuals having significant impact (through third parties) on the decisions taken by the governing bodies of the Bank / Relationships between shareholders (participants) of the Bank and individuals having significant impact (through third parties) on the decisions taken by the governing bodies of the Bank
Item / Full and abbreviated corporate name of a legal entity/ Full name of an individual / Shares (stake) in the Bank held by the shareholder (participant) (voting interest in the total number of voting shares of the Bank)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1.  / Mr. Igor Kim
(Nationality - Russia, place of residence - the settlement of Krasnoobsk, the Novosibirsk region) / 68.3050%
2.  / Mr. German Tsoy
(Nationality - Russia, place of residence - Moscow) / 17.6300%
3.  / Mr. Yury Koropachinsky
(Nationality - Russia, place of residence – the city of Krasnoyarsk) / 1.13594%
4.  / Mr. Oleg Kirillov
(Nationality - Russia, place of residence – the city of Krasnoyarsk) / 1.13594%
5.  / MORELAM HOLDINGS LIMITED / 1.8248% / Mr. Alexandr Haiduk
Nationality: Russia
Place of residence: the city of Novosibirsk / Alliance Сapital L.P. is the sole shareholder of MORELAM HOLDINGS LIMITED.
Alliance Capital G.P. Limited is the General Partner in Alliance Сapital L.P.
Mr. Alexandr Haiduk holds 100% shares in Alliance Capital G.P. Limited.
6.  / Road-building company AUTOBAHN Open Joint-Stock Company (DSK Autobahn OJSC) / 8.7619% / Mr. Alexey Andreev
Nationality: Russia
Place of residence: the town of Megion, the Tyumen region, the Khanty-Mansi autonomous area, Russia / Mr. Alexey Andreev has a 49% voting interest in the total number of DSK Autobahn OJSC voting shares and is also General Director of DSK Autobahn OJSC.
SOYUZDORSTROY Limited Liability Company (Soyuzdorstroy LLC) has a 51% voting interest in the total number of DSK Autobahn OJSC. Alexey Andreev is the sole shareholder of Soyuzdorstroy LLC.
7.  / Minority shareholders / 1.2065 %

CEO Kirill Nifontov

Accountable employee Elena Osipkina (495) 228-11-11 (ext.3391)


Relationships between the Bank

and Entities Having Significant Impact (Direct or Indirect)

on the Decisions Taken by the Governing Bodies of the Bank.