Core Module 1B Self Assessment Form
Assess yourself and the progress that you have made by completing the following self-assessment form. Click in the appropriate box on each line.
You need to practise / reflect a lotif... / You should feel encouraged if... / You are becoming an expert if...Evaluate the different roles of ICT in schools / You are not at all sure what role ICT plays in schools / You are able to understand the roles of ICT in schools, but are not always clear of the most appropriate uses. / You are able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in various roles in the school
Understand the role of computer literacy / You teach learners which buttons to press and consider that is all that is important / You understand and practice ICT integration and you are aware when you occasionally slip into the old mode of focusing on the technology / You fully understand and implement ICT integration, where learners learn skills in meaningful contexts
Distinguish between teaching about ICT and teaching with ICT / You do not see the value of ICT as a learning resource / You use ICT as a learning resource, but do not always practise just-in-time skills development principles / You use ICT as a learning resource and use just-in-time resources for skills development
Create a unit plan outline that makes provision for ICT Integration / You have been unable to create a unit that integrates ICT / You have tried and partially succeeded in creating a unit that integrates ICT / You have successfully created and implemented a unit that integrates ICT
Recognise typical phases of technology adoption / You are bewildered by technology and/or cannot understand what your colleagues are going through as they learn to use ICT / You are aware of the typical technology adoption stages although you cannot always recognise the characteristic behaviours in your colleagues / You are able to recognise characteristics in yourself and colleagues that help you to analyse and understand the extent to which they are confident with technology
Analyse a school's ICT readiness status / You have no idea whether your school is ready for ICT / You have a good idea about ICT readiness in schools, but sometimes you are unable to apply aspects to a specific school / You are able to analyse a school's state of ICT readiness and identify areas that may require attention