Co-ordination System (EPaCCS) Patient/Client Referral Form
Patient Surname: / Patient First Name:
NHS Number: / Date of birth:
Core Information Requiredon Referral
Yes / No / CommentsIs the patient already on the end of life register?
Do you have verbal consent from the patient to add them or update them to the register? /
- If no capacity to consent
- consider best interest decision
If Person does not have Mental capacity when was a Best Interest decision made and by whom?
Date of Best Interest Decision: By Whom:
If the patient has declined consent have you informed them their demographic information will be captured, and the fact they have declined recorded so that they do not keep getting asked if they would like to be added to the register?
What is the patients’ diagnosis? (if unknown write reasons)
Where is the patients’ preferred place of death?
1st choice: 2nd choice:
Does the patient have a “preferred priorities of care document”? / If yes, please state where copies are kept:
Has someone been appointed lasting power of attorney for personal welfare?
With/Without authority to make life sustaining decisions / If yes state name and contact details:
Date of Best Interest Decision
By Whom
Does the patient have an advanced decision to refuse treatment (ADRT)? / If yes, please state where copies are kept:
Does the patient have a Treatment Escalation Plan (TEP)?* / If yes, please state where copies are kept:
Does the patient have ‘Just in case’ (JIC) medication in the house?
Is the patient and their main carer aware of the diagnosis?
What is the patient’s resuscitation status? / Please state:
Patient Status on admission to the registerRed □ Amber □ Green □
Red: Patient’s condition rapidly changing/deteriorating
There is a social crisis (carer breakdown)
Patient is in the dying phase
Amber: Patient’s need changing/condition deteriorating
Social situation has potential to breakdown
Discharged from alternative care within 2 weeks
Green: Patient will need palliative care but stable now
The patient has a stable social situation
Referred From:
Signature: / Date:Print Full Name: / Band and Designation:
Care Setting/Service Name (e.g. care home name/ Community nurse locality) / Care setting/Service Address/Tel no:
Version 1 21.06.17 Devon Drs EPaCCS Referral Documents
Fax: 01392823564 email: Tel: 01392 823157