Asland Division continues to flourish under the guidance ofour excellent leaders, assistants and helpers. Below are some of the highlights from this year.
4thParbold & Dalton Brownies - our unit holiday at Waddow with a Lion King theme was a great hit. We have also had drumming sessions, photography, den building at Mere Sands Wood and bell boating at Waterside Lodge.
2ndParbold Rainbows had a visit from Horus birds of prey. The girls were allowed to pet the birds and all had individual photos with one of thebirds. A good time was had by all.
2nd Appley Bridge Guides’activities included a camp at Mountain Rescue Smelt Mill, Origami Paper man, Centenary Ball for Senior Section, Fire Festivaland bell boating at Southport.
2nd Appley Bridge Browniesattended the Remembrance parade at the Cenotaph; that was really well supported by all the girls.We took part in the church Christmas Fair - Santa'slittle elves did a fab job. We held the Queen’s birthday celebrations, and held a badge presentation at Burscough church with great results. We had our unit holiday at Waddow with an Animal theme...beautiful weekend perfect in every way weather, theme and activities. We had an origami visitor - crafty fun and Christmas fun - bingo fundraiser and carol singing at Wrightington hospital.
1st Parbold and Dalton Rainbows. Early spring we had a visit from the “Bat Man” he brought along different species of bats and lots of fun information about their habitats, food etc. We also enjoyed our Bird theme making bird feeders.
We also had a visit from the “Reptile Man” who brought along lizards andsnakes, in which the Rainbows had no fear of holding!! He gave a really interesting talk and answered lots of questions from the Rainbows. The Rainbows planted lots of bedding plants to be put around the hut to welcome and brighten up the entrance and watched them grow each week. We enjoyed a nature walk to Mere Sands in Holmeswood where the children had a nature list to tick off when they spotted certain animals, insects, plants……
As a result of one our Rainbow chats at the beginning of term, we incorporated the following games/activities into our programme throughout the year: rhyming games; skipping; jump the river (not an actual river, with skipping ropes) and Mini Olympic Games.
2nd Wrightington Guides took part in a sponsored silence. (Over £200 raised for RNIB); geocaching in the dark, scarecrow festival; scuba diving and a visit to the hospital operating theatre.
1st Parbold Guides camped with 3rd Parbold and St Michaels on Wyre atBowley Scout camp in July. Went to a Mere Sands Wood bat walk; had a few evenings at Scarisbrick, cooking and wide games; wellie paddle; Rock and River climbing and kayaking; crazy sports with Brownies; BBQ at Tawd Vale fundraising for Queenscourt Hospice; and worked through the Five Senses Go for It.
The Division started the year off by attending the "Cinderella"Christmas Panto in St Helens; members from the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides sections attended the event. It was a lovely Division event with everyone enjoying themselves.
In March the Division held a Guideathon in North Park, Bootle. Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from 13 units across Bootle and Litherland took part in the sponsored event raising money for Alder Hey Children's Charity, Teens United against Cancer and Marie Curie. The charities were chosen by the girls. The challenges the girls had to do involved cycling, scooting, power walking, running and a range of physical activities. The older girls then took over the leisure pool to complete a distance swim. Also at the park we had a recruitment tent as part of the Division recruitment campaign. We also held an open evening as part of the campaign, which was a success. We had 8 people register their interest to be involved in guiding.
21st Bootle & Litherland Brownies (St James) had a visit from the Teddy Bear hospital. This is a public health initiative from the medical students at Liverpool University. The Brownies had a brilliant night bringing their teddy bears to the meeting. The girls worked around 4 stations, a handwashing station, a doctor/nurse station, organs of the body station and healthy eating station.
1st Bootle & Litherland Rainbows (Linacre Mission) took part in a disability awareness challenge after the success of the Paralympics. The girls blindfolded each other in turn and carried out different activities. They made sandwiches, led each other round the room and wrote their names while blindfolded. They also wrote their names using their mouth and feet. The Rainbows had great fun carrying out this challenge.
9th Bootle and Litherland Brownies (English Martyrs) held two coffee evenings and a cake sale during the year. The first was in March; £278 was raised on this evening with the money going to a local charity “Touched by an Angel”. This charity was set up by one of the Brownie parents after the death of their son aged 2 ½ and the money going to Alder Hey. Also they held a recruitment drive to encourage adult helpers. One person was recruited on the evening. The second fund raising event was in September for the Macmillan Cancer Support. A fabulous amount of £401 was raised this evening.
Both events were well supported by family members and the church community, and the Brownies enjoyed holding these events and are looking forward to our 3rdMacmillan coffee evening next year.
7th Bootle and Litherland Brownies (St Pauls). This year we went camping at Scarisbrick campsite, this was the first time the Brownies had been camping together and our theme was 'I'm a Guider get me out of here'. The girls all enjoyed it and would like to go again. We also had an evening at Shy Lowen Pony Sanctuary. The Brownies got to groom and have a ride on two of the ponies.
September saw Linda retiring from her role of Division Commissioner for the second time. She is still continuing to support the Division by developing the Senior Section and still holding the position as Camp Adviser for Guides. She will be missed by the Division.
Rainbows have done the seahorse challenge badge, tried yoga and tennis, found out about water safety from the RNLI, been to the beach, visited the Alice experience at St George’s Hall and seen real live snakes, spiders and an owl, when the animal man came on a visit. They painted to music and drew autumn pictures.
Brownies have done the Healthy Heart, Agility, Seasons, Hostess and the Claire House badge. They have played parachute games, made scarecrows, birdfeeders, crowns and birthday cards for the Queen. The 18thCrosby Brownies received a thank you letter from her Majesty. The 2nd and 15thCrosby Brownies celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday at the “Banners and Bubbles” County event, while the 6thCrosby Brownies held a garden party, playing games from every year of her life. Brownies went to the pantomime, the beach, the Alice experience, went to Chester zoo, saw a film and attended a Firework display. 8th Crosby Brownies put on a show at Easter time. 6thCrosby Brownies sent a cross each over to the Somme, to be placed on the graves of unknown soldiers, as part of the 100th Anniversary commemorations. Mary also sent a poppy wreath from Sefton County guiding. 3rd and 23rdCrosby Brownies held a sleepover at the Catalyst science museum and the 2ndCrosby Brownies enjoyed a holiday at Shirdley hill.
Guides have been kayaking, bellboating, sailing, swimming, skiing, sledging, walking, tried the trampolines at Spring City, zip wire, archery and go carts at Scarisbrick. Badges gained included Healthy Eating Go for it, World Thinking Day, Science Blast, Entertainer, Whatever the Weather, the Christmas challenge, Eggtastic, Agility, Senior Section Spectacular, Water Safety, holiday and camp. Guides enjoyed a pamper night, courtesy of Body Shop, made cakes, volcanoes, octopus cupcakes, crafts, bath bombs. Money was raised for charity, church and units. The 7th Crosby Guides and Senior Section put on an excellent performance of “Alice in Wonderland” and served a themed dinner to family, friends and invited guests. Units helped at church fayres. 16th Crosby accepted a challenge by the Vicar, to increase a donation of £25, to raise money for church and hall renovations, which start this summer. Over £300 was raised by holding a Hot Dog Dinner, quiz, raffle, bring and buy, while at the same time celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday.
8thCrosby Guides enjoyed a sleepover in the Barn, with a Paddington Bear themed weekend. 16th Crosby Guides stayed at Waterside Lodge and joined in with the Wesley Street Arts festival, making sandcastles on the street and watching Punch and Judy. 7thCrosby Guides had a winter camp at Scarisbrick and congratulations to Katie Linacre, who gained her Camp Licence. 7thCrosby Guides and Senior Section had a fantastic time in Switzerland and enjoyed the “Take a Chance” camp, being visited for the day on the Saturday by the 14thCrosby Guides. 7thCrosby Guides also enjoyed summer camp at Charnwood and the Chief Guide came to see them on their own camp site. Other outings included a trip to the cinema, to Liverpool Light Night and to Hobbycraft shop. Leah one of our Peer educators, put on a “Free being Me” evening for the 8thCrosby units, which they really enjoyed. 16thCrosby Guides presented 2 girls with Baden-Powell Challenge awards.
7thCrosby Senior Section unit meet on a regular basis and held a very successful quiz night; camped at Mersey Moot; two members went to the “I will survive” Senior Section Spectacular camp and some attended LiveItUp! 8thCrosby Senior Section met the coast guard at the beach to make the Senior Section badge in the sand. Both units have been doing the Senior Section Spectacular badge, special thanks to Eve, who was on the planning team down in London.
21 Young Leaders are working towards various stages of qualifications.
One of our Division’s highlights this year has to be the presentation of the Chief Commissioners Award to Susan Howden. This was truly deserved as it recognised the excellent service Susan has given to Girlguiding within the North West England Region.
Two of our leaders, Laura and Colette gained their Brownie Holiday Licences.
Four Guide units attended the County's “Take a Chance” camp and had a brilliant time.
Six Brownie units attended “Bubbles and Banners” with one Unit staying on to camp. This was another brilliant County event.
The Division held a fun singing night with a local professional musician, singer and actress, Catherine Last. A hundred girls attended the evening and learnt a fun version of "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift.
Our 2ndFormby Rainbows received a letter from the Queen thanking them for their splendid handmade birthday card.
Two Formby Rangers completed the Chief Guide’s Challenge.
12 Leaders received their service awards and we have been successful in recruiting three new adult leaders.
Our Rainbows have been very busy as usual, they have enjoyed a day at South Lakes Zoo with the opportunity to feed the penguins.
They also had a wonderful evening at Tesco Southport where they took part in their “Farm to Fork” project. The girls were able to touch and smell produce in the store.
The Rainbow unit sent a card to the Queen to wish her a happy birthday and they were delighted to receive a reply. Rainbows also enjoyed the “Sing-a-long Frozen” evening in Southport at the Floral Hall .
Brownies enjoyed the “Bubbles and Banners” event at Scarisbrick camp site. The Brownies also enjoyed maypole dancing at Lydiate Festival even on a very wet day the girls did well.
Oakhill Rainbow, Brownies and Guides also enjoyed a street party at the end of term party, all wearing crowns and enjoying a royal hamper picnic !!
Brownies have also had a visit to Chester Zoo to see the elephant they sponsored; enjoyed pumpkin picking at Church View Farm in the dark! and have also completed a variety of interest badges.
Our Guide unit have been busy with lots of activities, including pamper nights and a cinema sleep over in the Guide Centre. The girls have taken part in a visit to Scarisbrick camp site, Waterside Lodge, Jump Nation with trampolines of every shape and size.
A residential weekend at Waddow, enjoyed by the Guide units and enjoying lots of water sports and climbing and archery.
We are now looking forward to Carol Singing at Central Station with the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. We will also be having our annual Carol Service with our Scouts which is always a well attended and enjoyable evening.
The older Guides are working towards the Baden-Powell Awards, and also enjoying visiting the Ranger units.
I cannot believe how many Sleepovers, Brownie Holidays and Camps our members have been on with some leaders going on them all. There have been joint residentials within Districts and with other units in the Division. They have been so much fun that three Leaders arenow taking their own Residential Qualifications.
Our girls have been to Scarisbrick Campsite, Shirdley Hill, Sea Life Centre in Manchester, Civic Hall, Blackpool, Mersey Moot, Wristbands & Wellies and Lynx Scout & Guide Camp in Shropshire. Units have been to Remembrance Ceremonies, the Queens 90th Birthday lighting of the Beacon, Civic Services, Armed Forces Day in Coronation Park and the re-opening of the Civic Hall.
There have been visits to Jump Nation, Pets at Home, Narrow Boating, Body Shop, Liverpool Light Night, Wigan Pier. X Factor audition rounds, Catalyst and Hobbycraft.
Good news - We have a Rainbow unit which has reopened.
We have also hosted two Baden-Powell Adventure Weekends, a weekend on a narrowboat and one in Manchester. One of the highlights was our Division Thinking Day Service in a very dark equestrian field on a hill in Aughton overlooking the lights in Ormskirk. Over 200 people attended each holding a homemade lantern.
We are very proud of two of our members who have gained their Queen’s Guide Award; Claire and Rachel.
Southport Blundell have done a variety of activities as a Division, District or in units. Two of our leaders achieved their Queen’s Guide Award and we are delighted that Portia has continued with various roles within guiding - Brownie Leader, committee member for Shirdley Hill and has recently taken on the role as Ainsdale Green District Commissioner.
In October our Division organized a Baden-Powell weekend for girls across the County. We even had the County Commissioner be our chef for the weekend. In December 2015 we had a Division Carol Service and made a charitable donation of £120 to the Southport Rotary Club for their Christmas appeal to help people of all ages over the festive period.
Girls from across the sections enjoyed going to various pantomimes, but especially the All Souls one at the Atkinson, Southport. Thanks to Chris we get a whole evening just for guiding members.
In January we held a Division Swimming Gala for Brownies and Guides, won by 15th Southport Brownies and 17th Southport Guides. Units or Districts held their own Thinking Day activities or services in February and various activities took the units to the end of the spring term and into the summer term, making good use of both Scarisbrick and Shirdley Hill.
Units have also had sleepovers and pack holidays at Shirdley Hill. Guides and Brownies enjoyed County days and camps for the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations.
We had a successful AGM in July made a bit more fun and social with a quiz, cheese and wine.
Harriet went to Uganda on an international trip in August. She did an amazing job fund raising to go, she gave a talk to the girls on the Baden-Powell weekend in October letting them know what exciting opportunities can come after Guides. She enjoyed her time in Uganda.
In October we held our annual Division Challenge night for each section and November saw another successful annual outdoor cooking competition for Guides won by 14th Southport (St James's) Guides. The theme this year was world cuisine, cooking a menu from a country of their choice!
Ainsdale Trefoil Guild continue to be active and are a great help to units at weekly meetings and events.
We have seen big changes in leadership across sections, but most unit numbers remain healthy. We would like to boost our Senior Section but we do have a good number of Young Leaders throughout the sections.