Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements for a Documentary

Your thesis statement. . .

  1. States the main idea of your essay

In other words, it should answer the question, "Was this argument a persuasive argument?"

  1. Drives your whole essay

All paragraphs’ topic sentences should be traceable back to your thesis

  1. Explains how or why the film was / was not persuasive

Do not just write that the argument is effective or not, but write about why or how it is effective or is not very effective.

In his movie, Patrick Martins is persuasive because he goes into great detail about the process turkeys go through and makes the reader identify with them throughout.

  1. Uses college level language

No "dear diary" language, such as "I think" or "I believe"

Avoids announcing your intent, "In this essay, I am going to explain…"

  1. Is your opinion about the argument

Your thesis should not be a summaryof the film’s argument, such as "No Impact Man explores how one man can limit the negative effects he has on the environment.”

6. Should be 1 sentence

7. Should contain only your words--no direct quotations

8. Should be a statement, not a question

Directions: In small groups, read the following thesis statements for a rhetorical analysis of a documentary. Evaluate the thesis statement as “workable” or “needs work.”

  1. Colin Beavan’s No Imapct Man is very good.
  2. Although few people will go to the extremes Beavan does to save the planet, his film does offer people clear reasons to change their behavior and an inspiring story in the tale of his family’s transformation.
  3. I didn’t really like The Cove because it was difficult to watch dolphins being slaughtered.
  4. Lord Save Us From Our Followers argues that Christians need to be more aware of and loving towards non-Christians.
  5. Expelled is not persuasive because it relies on biased scientists for most of its evidence and does not move the audience emotionally.
  6. Expelled effectively illustrates how those scientists who believe in intelligent design have been unfairly discriminated against in the scientific community and makes the audience feel angry on their behalf.
  7. Pressure Cooker expertly weaves ethos, pathos, and logos to convince its audience that they should support technical programs in high schools.
  1. Colin Beavan’s No Imapct Man is very good.

This thesis is vague and too “dear diary” in its language. Your audience doesn’t care if you liked the film or not. They want to know how or why the film was/was not persuasive.

  1. Although few people will go to the extremes Beavan does to save the planet, his film does offer people clear reasons to change their behavior and an inspiring story in the tale of his family’s transformation.

This thesis does work. It meets all of the above criteria.

  1. I didn’t really like The Cove because it was difficult to watch dolphins being slaughtered.

Again, this thesis is vague and too “dear diary” in its language. Your audience doesn’t care if you liked the film or not. They want to know how or why the film was/was not persuasive.

  1. Lord Save Us From Our Followers argues that Christians need to be more aware of and loving towards non-Christians.

This thesis tells the audience what the film’s argument is, but not whether the film is persuasive or how/why its persuasive, so it definitely needs work.

  1. Expelled is not persuasive because it relies on biased scientists for most of its evidence and does not move the audience emotionally.

Sure. This works.

  1. Expelled effectively illustrates how those scientists who believe in intelligent design have been unfairly discriminated against in the scientific community and makes the audience feel angry on their behalf.

Sure. This works.

  1. Pressure Cooker expertly weaves ethos, pathos, and logos to convince its audience that they should support technical programs in high schools.

Again, this works. A little mechanical, so it’s not outstanding, but it does the job.