Core French Level 7

Field of Experience / Travel / Friends / Food & Restaurants / Consumerism / The Arts / Storytelling & Culture
Theme / Travel to a Francophone Country or Region / My Friends / My Own Restaurant / Consumer Evaluation of a Product / School Talent Search / Canadian Mysteries and Legends
Language Knowledge / - numbers to
10 000
- theme-related present tense regular –er and -ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense irregular –er and –ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs, singular and plural forms
- prepositions relating to provinces and selected countries
- common adverbs;
- verb devoir and pouvoir with infinitive verbs
- commands and intructions in the second person plural
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers
- French monetary representations / - theme-related present tense regular –er and -ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense irregular –er and –ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs, singular and plural forms
- prepositions relating to provinces and selected countries
- common adverbs
- verb devoir and pouvoir with infinitive verbs
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers / - numbers to
10 000
- theme-related present tense regular –er and -ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense irregular –er and –ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs, singular and plural forms
- prepositions relating to provinces and selected countries
- verb devoir and pouvoir with infinitive verbs
- commands and intructions in the second person plural
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers
- French monetary representations / - numbers to
10 000
- theme-related present tense regular –er and -ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense irregular –er and –ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs, singular and plural forms
- common adverbs
- verb devoir and pouvoir with infinitive verbs
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers
- French monetary representations / - theme-related present tense regular –er and -ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense irregular –er and –ir verbs, singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs, singular and plural forms
- prepositions relating to provinces and selected countries
- common adverbs
- verb devoir and pouvoir with infinitive verbs
- commands and intructions in the second person plural
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers / - numbers to
10 000
- theme-related present tense
regular –er and -ir verbs,
singular and plural forms
- theme-related present tense
irregular –er and –ir verbs,
singular and plural forms
- immediate future tense verbs,
singular and plural forms
- prepositions relating to provinces
and selected countries
- common adverbs;
- onomatopoeic expressions;
- verb devoir and pouvoir with
infinitive verbsin the second
person plural
- question transformations
- conjunctions
- comparative qualifiers
m. = masculine
f. = feminine / à dos de
(by camel)
acheter(to buy)
l’activité, f.(activity)
l’agence de voyages, f.(travel agency)
l’agent de voyages, m.
(travel agent)
l’agente de voyages, f.
l’Algérie, f.(Algeria)
l’Afrique, f.(Africa)
l’Amérique du nord,f. (North America)
en bateau-
laBelgique (Belgium)
le billet aller-
la capitale
nationale(national capital)
la carte de la ville(city map)
la carte postale(postcard)
le conseil(advice)
le continent(continent)
le courriel(email)
la date de départ(departure date)
découvrir(to discover)
le dépliant touristique(tourist brochure)
le détail culturel(cultural detail)
l’Europe, f. (Europe)
en felouque(by felucca boat)
en TGV(Train à Grand Vitesse – high-speed train)
explorer(to explore)
le fleuve (river)
la France (France)
la Guadeloupe(Guadeloupe)
la Guyane française(French Guiana)
le Haïti(Haiti)
l’immeuble, m.(building)
l’itinéraire, m.(itinerary)
faire de la lèche-vitrines, (window shopping)
la Louisiane(Louisiana)
le mets(dish)
l’océan Atlantique, m.(Atlantic Ocean)
le marché(market)
le Maroc(Marocco)
la Martinique(Martinique)
le moyen de transport(means of transportation)
négocier (to negociate)
partir(to leave)
le pays(country)
le pont (bridge)
le prix(price)
quitter(to leave)
regarder(to look)
St. Pierre et Miquelon
la République démocratique du Congo(Democratic Republic of Congo)
le safari
St. Martin
le Sénégal
le site Internet(internet site)
le site touristique
(tourist site)
la tour(tower)
traverser(to cross)
venir(to come)
visiter(to visit)
voyager(to travel) / accepter (to accept)
actif, active(active)
agressif, agressive(agressive)
aider(to help)
l’ami, m.(friend)
l’amie, f.
l’ami à distance(long distance friend)
l’ami de mon quartier
(neighbourhood friend)
l’amitié, f.(friendship)
amusant, (fun)
l’anniversaire, m.(birthday)
apprécier(to appreciate)
bavard, bavarde(talkative)
le/la camarade (friend)
comprendre(to understand)
le copain(male friend)
la copine(female friend)
le correspondant
la correspondante(penpal)
créatif, créative(creative)
de bonne humeur(in a good mood)
de mauvaise
humeur (in a
bad mood)
déterminé, déterminée(determined)
différent, différente(different)
écouter(to listen)
embêter(to annoy)
emprunter(to borrow)
pareil, pareille(same)
perdre(to lose)
prêter(to lend)
résoudre(to resolve)
respecter(to respect)
ridiculiser (to make fun of)
sérieux, sérieuse(serious)
sportif, sportive (athletic)
la sortie(exit)
sortir(to leave)
studieux, studieuse(studious)
sympathique(kind) / acheter(to buy)
l’addition, f.(bill, invoice)
élégant, élégante(elegant)
l’ambiance, m.(atmosphere, ambience)
publicitaire, f.(advertisement)
le/la chef de
choisir(to choose)
commander(to order)
le cout (cost)
le décor(decor)
décorer(to decorate)
le déjeuner(breakfast)
le dessert(dessert)
le dîner(dinner)
l’éclairage, m. (lighting)
l’élément, m.(element)
l’épicerie, f.(grocery store)
l’entrée, f.(main course)
l’entrepreneur, m.(entrepeneur)
l’entrepreneure, f.
garnir(to garnish)
l’ingrédient, m.(ingredient)
italien, italienne(Italian)
japonais, (Japanese) japonaise
la liste
d’épicerie(shopping list)
méditerranéenne (Meditteranean)
le menu
le menu du jour(daily menu)
multicolore (multicolour)
peinturer(to paint)
le prix(the price)
le profit(the profit)
la promotion(promotion)
la recette(recipe)
le repas(meal)
la spécialité(speciality)
le plan(plan)
le plan d’affaires
(business plan)
le plat principal(main course)
la publicité(advertising)
le restaurant(restaurant)
le serveur(waiter)
la serveuse(female waiter)
servir(to serve)
venir(to come) / attrayant, (attractive)
le baladeur
(MP3 device)
la bicyclette (bicycle)
la boisson
gazeuse (soft drink)
le brillant à lèvres(lip gloss)
la cartouche
(ink cartridge)
le consommateur(consumer)
la consommatrice
le critère(criteria)
les croustilles, f.(potato chips)
les écouteurs, m.(earphones)
l’évaluation, f. (evaluation)
la fonction(function)
la forme(shape)
les jeans(jeans)
les lunettes de soleil, f. (sunglasses)
le magasinage(shopping)
la marque(brand name)
l’ordinateur, abr. l’ordi, m.(computer)
la planche à
le prix(price)
le produit(product)
le produit
(food product)
le produit de
(leisure product)
le produit
la recommandation
le shampooing
la tablette de
(chocolate bar)
le téléphone
(cell phone)
le vélo
(bicycle) / l’annonceur,
(to applaud)
bien préparé, bien préparée
(well prepared)
la blague
la chanson
(to sing)
le conseil
le costume
(outfit, costume)
les dames, f.
divertissant, divertissante
danser (to dance)
l’estrade, m.(stage)
visuelle, f.
(visual expression)
la guitare
la gymnastique
le hip-hop(hip hop)
le jazz(jazz)
le juge(judge)
jouer(to play)
le meneur de claque
Mesdames, f. (ladies)
le microphone(microphone)
la musique country(country music)
la musique
(classical music)
mystérieux, mystérieuse
l’originalité, f.
le palmarès
(hit parade, winners’ list)
le piano(piano)
le pop(pop)
la présence sur scène(stage presence)
le rap(rap)
le rock(rock)
la saynète(skit)
le saut à la corde
le spectacle de
(magic show)
le spectateur
la spectatrice
(audience member)
un tour de magie
(magic trick)
traditionnel, traditionnelle
le violon
la voix
(voice) / avancer (to advance)
commencer(to begin)
crier(to shout)
disparaître(to disappear)
étonné, étonnée
(astonished, amazed)
l’effet sonore, m.
(sound effects)
effrayer(to scare)
étrange(to scare)
exister(to exist)
expliquer(to explain)
habiter(to live)
la légende(legend)
le loup garou(werewolf)
la noirceur(darkness)
(to lose consciousness)
la peur(fear)
plonger(to dive)
(to ressemble)
surpris, surprise
le témoin
tout à coup(suddenly)
trembler(to shake or tremble)
reculer(to back up)
Structures / On peut voyager à…
(One can travel to…)
Vous pouvez aller à ..
(You can go to…)
On doit faire….
(One has to do…)
Vous devez faire…
(You have to do…)
Je vais demander de l’aide à …
(I am going to ask for help to…)
Je vais demander de directions de…
(I am going to ask directions from…)
Je vais préparer mon voyage avec…
(I will prepare my trip with…) / Nous allons faire…
(We are going to…)
Les qualités de mon ami sont…
(My friend’s qualities are…)
Mon ami idéal est…
Mon amie idéale est…
(My ideal friend is…)
Il/Elle peut faire…
(He/she can do…)
Un bon ami ne ___pas…
(A good friend doesn’t…)
Il/Elle est…
(He/She is…)
Ils/Elles sont…
(They are…) / Les ingrédients dans ma recette sont…
(The ingredients in my recipe are…)
L’ambiance de mon restaurant est…
(The ambience in my restaurant is…)
Le décor de mon restaurant est…
(The decorating scheme in my restaurant is…)
Je vais acheter ces épiceries pour mon restaurant…
(I will buy these groceries for my restaurant…)
Les éléments de mon plan d’affaires sont…
(The elements in my business plan are…)
Le plan de mon restaurant a les éléments suivants:….
(The floorplan in my restaurant has the following elements….)
Je vais acheter…pour mon restaurant.
(I will buy …for my restuarant.) / (Ce, cet, cette, ces)____ est un bon achat.
(This…is a good buy.)
Ce ___est meilleur que ___.
(This…is better than…)
Ce ___ est pire que ___.
(This …is worse than…)
Ce ___ est moins ___ que ___. (This…is less…than…)
Ce ___ est plus ___ que ___.
(This…is more…than…) / Chante plus fort!(Sing more loudly.)
Regarde l’auditoire.
(Look at the audience.)
Pratique ta présentation!
(Practise your presentation!
Utilise des gestes!
(Use gestures.)
Apprends les mots par cœur.
(Learn these words by heart!)
Je vais faire…
(I am going to do…)
Il/Elle va faire…
(He/She is going to do..)
Je vais présenter…
(I am going to present…)
Il/Elle va présenter…
(He/She is going to present..)
Il/Elle va chanter…
(He/She is going to sing…)
Il/Elle va danser…
(He/She is going to dance…)
On (les, l’) applaudit!
(Let’s give them a hand!) / Qui sont les personnages dans l’histoire?
(Who are the story characters?)
Où se passe l’ histoire?
(Where does the story take place?)
Quand se passe l’histoire?
(When does the story take place?)
Qu’est-ce qui se passe dans
(What happens in the story?)
Il habite (à, au, en, aux)….
(He lives in…)
Review / Modes of transportation; directions; buildings / Sports, places, celebrations, characteristics, conversation expressions / Foods, recipes, rooms in a house, parts of a room, colours, furniture / Consumer items to put in a suitcase or carry on; food, sports equipment, clothing / Commands and instructions in 2nd person singular; musical instruments; accolades / Action verbs; travel destinations;
Culture / Ways of life in Francophone countries or regions, money in francophone countries (l’euro, le franc, le dirham, la gourde, le dong, le vatu) / Travel to visit friends in other countries / Foods and restaurants in francophone cities
/ Products, such as cheeses, fast food restaurants, clothing in francophone countries / À la Recherche de la Nouvelle Star:
Magician Marc Tardif
Juste Debout;
Céline Dion / Unexplained lake, land and sea creatures
from the different provinces, such as
Memphrémagog, Ogopogo.
First Nations and Métis legends,
Francophone legends such as la chasse
Activities / 1. Read posters, brochures, travel guides, internet sites on Francophone countries or regions. Look at a SEVEC travel guide for students.
2. Listen to music from Francophone countries.
3. View videos or take a virtual tour of a country.
4. Use Google Earth to find the country. Select a country and find out more about it: foods, interesting sites to visit, languages spoken, things to do. / 1.Examine the qualities of a good friend.
2. Write descriptions of famous friends and have others guess their identities.
3.Have conversations with friends using new French expressions.
4.Write emails to friends using acronyms.
5. Survey other students on likes and dislikes. / 1.Investigate restaurant types and menus.
2. Describe restaurants.
3. Discuss different kinds of restaurant styles and their menus.
4. Design own restaurant within a budget.
5. Select a restaurant name. 6.Make a floor plan for the restaurant with furniture placement.
7.Design the restaurant décor.
8.Select background music for the restaurant. 9.Make a sign for the restaurant. 10.Create a menu.
11.Create a recipe with secret ingredients.
12.Create a shopping list. 13.Create a menu with prices.
14.Create a restaurant opening advertisement for newspaper, billboard, radio or TV.
15.Create a help wanted ad. 16.Decide whether budget has been met or exceeded and whether profits were made. / 1.Create a list of consumer products and place them into categories.
2.Examine reasons for consumer decisions.
3.Create a list of criteria for purchasing decisions.
4.Conduct a taste test for colas and potato chips to find out class preferences.
5. Conduct a survey to get feedback from students on consumer purchases.
6.Model a product evaluation for students.
7.Show students how to storyboard for the creation of a video.
8. Students create own storyboard and shoot their own video on the evaluation of a product.
9. Class watches videos and evaluates. / 1.Watch videos of performances.
2. Select a performance and prepare it.
3. Make posters to advertise the event.
4. Create an evaluation form and rating scale.
5. Examine judge’s comments for performances.
6. Practise making judge’s comments on performances.
7. Describe own and others’ performances.
8. Evaluate others’ performances based on a rating scale. / 1.Discuss stories and legends with
which students are familiar.
2.Make lists of strange eye-witness accounts
across Canada
(lake creatures, UFO’s, crop circles,
3.Do shared reading of easy short legends
and mysteries.
4. Discuss onomatopoeic expressions in
French and how they can be used to
enhance a story.
5.Make a story map based on the texts using question words, qui, quoi, où,
quand, comment.
6.Show students how to copy from a text
to make an easy readers’ theatre script.
7.Practise and perform the readers’ theatre.
8. Read more short texts on unexplained
9.Have students work in groups by copying
from the text to make their own readers’ theatre.
10.Groups perform their readers’ theatre.
Resources / Oxford University Press: Communi-Quête 1: Le grand voyage
Nelson: Visits to Francophone countries, À la ronde 2, Les voyages, Réunion à Québec
Pearson: Ça Marche 1, Venez chez nous / Oxford University Press: Communi-Quête 1: Mosaïque
Nelson: À la ronde 1: Mes amis; Tout Ados 2, Adomonde
Pearson: Ça marche 1: Salut les amis / OxfordUniversity Press
Communi-Quête 1: Entrepreneurs en herbe
Pearson: Ça Marche 1: Bon appétit
Nelson: Visages 2 Au café / Oxford University Press: Communi-Quête 1: Consommation
Pearson: Ça Marche 1,
À toi le choix
Nelson: Attention magasineurs! / Nelson: Acti-Vie 3: Que le spectacle commence
Nelson: Tout Ados 1.: Vedettes du cirque / Oxford University Press:
Communi-Quête 1:
Phénomènes canadiens
Final Task / Students will prepare a travel fair display of a country for presentation to other students.
Technology option: Students will prepare a PowerPoint visit to another country for presentation to the class. Students will prepare a podcast travelog of their dream trip to a Francophone country. / Students will interview a friend in front of the class.
Technology Options: Students will produce and videotapean interview show where celebrity friends are interviewed. / Students will present their restaurant plan and menu to the class. The class will select one recipe from each presentation for a joint class restaurant menu. Option: Students operate a French café using a limited menu.
Technology options: Students will create their own restaurant website with menu, décor, and ads. / Students will make a presentation of their consumer findings by involving the whole class in a survey of items.
Technology options: Students will present their consumer findings on a blog or a wiki. / Students will present and judge performances in a talent competition.
Technology options: Students willperform and take videosof a talent competition. / Students willcreate and present a
reader’s theatre on a legend read
in class.
Technology options: Students will
create and present a reader’s theatre

Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)