Use this form to report content that you believe infringes your copyrights or trademarks. Fill out all fields and email the completed form (along with any supporting materials) to .

Please note that submitting a claim for copyright or trademark infringement is a serious matter involving legal process. You may wish to reach out to the individual poster before you submit a claim of infringement to us. You may be able to resolve your concern by bringing it to the attention of the individual poster.

You agree that we may provide your contact information and the content on this form to the individual or entity that posted the content you are reporting. The individual or entity may have a right to submit a counter-notice regarding the content in question.

Contact Information

Please provide your contact information.

Your full name:______

Your organisation or client (if applicable):______

Your job title (if applicable):______

Your address: ______

Your phone number:______

Your email (this may be a professional or business email address where you wish to be contacted about this request):______

Confirm your email:______

Your Copyright or Trademark Information

Name of the owner of your copyright or trademark:______

Your relationship to the copyright or trademark owner:______

Is the owner based in the United States? ______

Description or illustration of the copyright or trademark (use words and/or upload illustration to email); be specific: ______

Registration number (if applicable):______

The Content You Believe is Infringing

Identify the specific elements of the content you believe are infringing (e.g., a photo, an image, a word or phrase, etc.)______

Identify specifically (via URL) the location of the content that you believe is infringing (e.g., ): ______

Note: You must identify with specificity all the locations where you believe infringing content appears. Otherwise, we cannot readily determine which of the millions of postings on the Site contain content that you find objectionable and that you are requesting we remove at this time.

State why you believe the content is infringing______


By submitting this notice, you declare under penalty of perjury, each of the following:

●  all of the information contained in this notice is accurate;

●  you have a good faith belief that the use of the intellectual property , described, in the manner you have complained about, is not authorized by the rights owners, it agent or the law; and

●  you are the owner, or authorised to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive intellectual property that allegedly is infringed

[ ] I agree

[ ] I do not agree

Your Physical Electronic Signature (please type):______