Copyright Designs and Patents Act

Use the site to find out the answers to the following questions. Try to answer the questions in your own words.

1. The Copyright Designs and Patents Act was introduced in ______to protect the investment of time, ______and ______of people who create ______pieces of work.

2. Provide examples of original work which would be covered under this Act


3. Give three examples that people might do to break this Act

i) Copying a DVD or music CD and giving it to someone else or selling it to others



4. What are the effects on the software and music industry when people break copyright law and make copies of things they shouldn’t?


Type of license / Description of license / Example of who might use this type of license
Software can be used on one PC for as long as you like. But it is only allowed to be used on one PC at a time
This allows a certain number of users e.g. 15 to use the software at any one time. When they log off the machine, another 15 can use it. However, if they allow the software to be used by 16 people at the same time then they are breaking the terms of the licence.
Allows everyone in the organisation to use the software at the same time. It can be loaded onto every machine and people can use it whenever they want. Sometimes the license allows the software to be loaded onto laptops or home computers

6. In the box below the scenario, write your opinion about it – is it right or wrong, what might happen next?

1 / John pays to join a web site where he can get essays and course work. He downloads some course work and passes it off as his own.
2 / A small business is trying to save money and has bought a set of cheap copies of the main Office software at a computer fair. They have installed them on all the company machines.

7. Go to the web page

In the space below, write what you think are the three main points that the article is making.

8. Go to the web page

In the space below, write what you think are the three main points that the article is making.


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